An Emmett / Jacob / Seth Story one-shot (yes that means lemon)
Emmett and Jacob are a couple. Have been for a good year. Jacob imprinted on Emmett and Emmett being Bi happily accepted his love. He divorced Rosalie because he found out she was cheating on him with some guy.
How does Seth fit in? Seth imprinted on Jacob a long time ago but is too afraid to tell Jacob mostly because Jacob is so happy with Emmett. Also I would like to note now that I Breakingdawn333 co-wrote this story with calhale. I wrote the plot parts and She wrote the Amazing, delicious, scrumptious, fantastic, (insert big word that means amazing), lemon parts.
Seth's POV
Tired. So tired of seeing my imprint with someone else. So tired of everything. I was in the Cullen's kitchen eating a salad. Esme was happily humming some tune I had never heard before. She was testing out some recipes she had read about on the internet and I had volunteered to test them for her. She was smiling happily as she cooked the food she would never be able to try herself. It was a bit depressing in my opinion but she has never shown any sign of being saddened by the fact.
"So how is it Seth?" she said curiously. The reason she was testing out all of these cooking recipes was because, as an act of good faith towards the pack, the Cullen's invited the whole pack over to the house for a sort of get together dinner type thing. Emily actually loved the idea and was going to come over and give some input on the cooking in an hour. Though Paul and Jared refused to come over. Why did I volunteer to be a food guinea pig? Because Jacob also volunteered and was going to come over actually in a few minutes and give me a break. I have been eating for a good two hours now.
"This salad is really good." I commented taking another bite. Surprisingly I was actually starting to feel full. "Alright good. That's all for now Seth! Now you just go relax and I'll have Jacob help with the rest of the food." I just nodded and silently watched her start cooking what looked like some kind of pasta. "You alright?" she said obviously noticing my sadness. "Ya im fine it's just…well you know the usual." Esme found out I imprinted on Jacob a long time ago. Only two people knew I imprinted on Jacob.
Esme and Edward
Edward found out first. I was over at the house and was trying to watch TV while Emmett and Jacob were well obnoxiously making out on the couch next to me. Edward could read the jealously in my head and pretty much heard everything. Esme found out when I was talking to Edward about it and she happen to overhear.
"Ya…you know you should tell him right?" she said giving me a serious look. I sighed she has been telling me I needed to tell Jake and that being my Alpha he will understand. But I just haven't been able too do it. He is so happy with Emmett I just always lose the nerve when I try to tell him. I was about to respond to what she said when suddenly I heard the front door open and the wonderful smell of Jacob filled the room. "Hi Esme!" Jacob said happily.
I suddenly felt extremely happy seeing Jacob. Then suddenly Emmett walked in and wrapped his arms around Jacob's back and kissed his head making him giggle. That happy feeling turned to jealously and sadness. I saw Esme giving me a sad look. "Yo Seth!? You alright?" a voice suddenly said breaking me from my thoughts. "Huh?" I said confused. "I said are you alright? You were sorta dazed out there for a minute." Jake said curiously. "Um yah I'm fine." I said quickly walking out of the room. "He alright?" I heard Emmett murmur to Esme. "He's fine, now. Jake try this pasta..." I was glad Esme found out. She has been helpful with all this ever since.
I walked into the living room to find Edward watching something on the large HD flat screen. I sat down on the couch at the end of his feet and curled into the fetal position. Suddenly a pillow was under my head and a cover over my body. Edward was giving me a sad look. "You alright?" I sighed feeling the tears want to burst but I couldn't let them. "Ya I'll be alright." "Just try to get a little sleep." He said giving me another sad look. It was actually nice having the house so empty. The other Cullen's were out hunting at the moment besides Edward, Emmett, and Esme.
I closed my eyes and almost immediately fell asleep.
I woke up (judging by the sun) around 7 or 8 PM. The TV was still on and Emmett and Jake were sitting on the couch across from me. Edward was also still by my feet. They were watching what looked like a baseball game. I never knew Edward was interested in baseball. "I'm not but there is nothing better on." Edward said not taking his eyes off the game. Jake and Emmett gave him a "What the fuck" look but then I sat up and looks of understanding crossed there face.
"Geez Seth you've been sleeping for hours." Jake said loudly. "I was tired, am I not allowed to be tired?" I said grumpily. He laughed and I couldn't help but think how much I loved that laugh. Emmett hugged Jake closer making Jake's smile widen and the bitter jealously start to pool in my stomach once again. I felt like crying but I noticed the warning glance from Edward and I immediately got up and practically ran into the bathroom. I buried my face in the little hand towel and tried to muffle my crying. I felt like throwing up but resisted the urge to do so.
Suddenly there was a light tap on the door. "Hey you alright?" Emmett's voice suddenly said. I wiped up my tears quickly. "Yah im fine!" I tried to say cheerily but my voice cracked. "Hey are you crying?" Emmett said sounding surprised. "N…No!" I said angrily. "Seth…" Jacob started to say. "He said he was fine just leave him be." Edward said seriously. "No I'm his Alpha and he's crying. There's something wrong and I want to know what it is. I want to help damn it!" he growled angrily.
"DAMN IT!" I thought angrily. I slammed the door open and looked Jacob straight in the face. "I IMPRINTED ON YOU!!!" it was completely silent. Edward, Emmett, and especially Jacob's eyes were all wide with shock. Esme and Emily both walked in from the kitchen obviously in shock.
"W…what?!" Jacob said finally breaking the silence. Tears started streaking down my face "I imprinted on you Jacob Black!" I started sobbing and ran past them and up the stairs. "S…Seth!" Jacob yelled but I ignored him. I ran into Edward's room and closed the door. I sat on the large black bed and sobbed. Finally after god knows how long I stopped crying and just sniffled for a few minutes. I was shivering though it wasn't because I was cold. It was because I was afraid. I was sure Jacob would tell everybody in the pack and I was just afraid at what would happen. I mean they accepted Jacob for being gay but me? Seth Clearwater? To imprint on my own pack brother?! Just the thought made me want to start crying again.
"Seth." It was Esme and I could smell Edward and Emily with her. "You can come in" I thought, not wanting to talk. The door opened and the three of them piled in. "Hey Seth." Emily said sadly. "What do you hate me now?" I said not looking up at her. "Seth Clearwater how dare you think me so shallow." She said angrily. I looked up at her in surprise. "Seth you could be a damn lesbian transvestite for all I care, Hell you could be two midgets in a Seth costume for all I care and I wouldn't think any different of you." She said wrapping an arm around my shoulders.
I started to cry again and Esme pressed my head against her while Emily rubbed my back. Suddenly there were two taps against the door. We looked up and Jacob and Emmett were standing by the door awkwardly. "Can we talk to Seth privately for a minute." he said quickly. They all looked at me for confirmation and I nodded my head "Ya sure."
The three of them walked out and Emmett and Jacob sat on ether side of me. "Seth…why didn't you tell me sooner?" Jacob said sadly. It took me a minute to reply. "Because I was afraid you would be angry with me…you seemed so happy with Emmett…I…I just…I…." Tears started streaking down my face again and I quickly tried to hide them. Suddenly Jacobs hand shot up and rubbed the tears off with his thumb.
Before I even knew what was happening Jacob's lips were pressed against mine. I think my heart literally stopped beating. Then he was off of me and smiling. Suddenly a white hand was pressed against my chest and forcing me flat on my back. It was Emmett. Suddenly Emmett's lips were pressed against mine…and I'm not gonna lie, he was a good kisser. Then Emmett was off of me and also smiling smugly. "Ha, he's so adorable when he's blushing." Emmett said.
Jacob just started laughing and I could feel my blush get even deeper, though it was lightly dampened by confusion. "To answer that little question in your head, me and Emmett talked about it and I refuse to deny you your love Seth so I accept your imprint with open arms." He said with a sweet smile. "And call me a selfish bastard but…I have my self a fine wolf but…I've always wanted a puppy." Emmett said slyly.
"Puppy?" I said confused. They both started laughing and I couldn't help but giggle along with them. Emmett got a sudden devilish grin on his face. "Hey why don't we…teach the puppy a few tricks?" Emmett said towards Jacob. Understanding crossed Jake's face and he chuckled "Why that sounds like a wonderful idea."
I was at a complete lose as to what they were talking about but suddenly Emmett was picking me up bridal style and Jacob was opening up the crazy window-door thing that was in Edward's room. Suddenly Emmett jumped out landing roughly yet gracefully on the ground, Jacob right behind him.
Jacob jumped on Emmett's back, giggling as he did so, and suddenly Emmett was off faster than a speeding train. After a couple minutes we arrived at Emmett and Jacob's cabin which used to be Emmett and Rosalie's cabin. He opened the door and carried me into the bed room; Jacob closed the front door then followed us into the bedroom.
Everything was moving so quickly by the time I realized what was going on Emmett had me laid out on the bed, my form falling into the thick down comforter, as he slowly started removing my pants. My shirt had apparently been lost somewhere on the way upstairs.
My jeans were off before I knew it, leaving my bottom half bare on account that I only wore underwear when I went to church. Seeing this, Emmett leered down at me like a predatory animal. "Commando? Can't say I blame you. I like to ramp around in the buff too." His eyes were clouded over with lust and as the sun shined in through the open window, even his dazzling skin seemed to shine with raw need. And despite the fact that I was completely in love with Jacob, a shiver of want trickled across my skin as I gazed at his body. His chest was bare and his tight dark wash jeans hugged his legs perfectly; the growing bulge in front, perfectly contoured by the restrictive denim.
Stifling a moan, I let my brain shut down, just as it was screaming you love Jacob!!!!!! ,and let my body take over, which was screaming Emmett is so hott!!!!!!!. Getting up onto my knees, I wrapped my arms around Emmett's neck and hesitantly brushed my lips against his. The kiss quickly grew as Emmett grabbed my hips; rubbing his clothed groin against my own to express his need.
He nipped at my lower lip, begging for entry into my mouth, but a whisper next to my ear made me stop before I gave it to him. "Well, well, well, look at this. It appears the puppy loves his master too." Startled I pulled away from the kiss. Jacob continued to speak breathy whispers against my ear as his hands began to wander my body. "But I think our puppy needs to learn who the top dog is first" Taking my chin into his hand, Jacob pressed his lips to mine with fiery want. His lips and teeth teased my lips until they yielded entry and let him in. As his persistent tongue explored my mouth in dominating vigor, Jacob laid me back down on to the bed. Parting only after the lack of air became apparent, Jacob slowly pulled his lips away from mine, taking my bottom lip with him for a moment before he let it out from between his teeth.
Emmett had lost his jeans and now the two of them were on the bed, standing on their knees above me, looking down at my flushed needy body. Their gaze explored my form much as Jacob's tongue had explored my mouth; with fierce domination and lust they stared down at me, like two male wolves looking down at nice bloody hunk of meat.
Knowingly they looked each other in the eye and smirked; some silent conversation happening between them. Briefly they once again became enraptured with each other and leaned in to share a heated but tamed kiss. It was a reassurance to each other that nothing between them had changed or would due to my adoption.
But then their attention was once again fully upon me and I could feel a fierce blush scorch my cheeks. Chuckling at my reaction, Emmett laid down next to me with Jacob laying down on the opposite side. Purposely their hands began to once again wander across my flesh and the sensation of them surrounding me left me feeling slightly Closter phobic in the best possible way.
Emmett leaned in to begin kissing down my neck, biting here and there to draw despite mewls of pleasure form my lips. Mean while, Jacob began to once again whisper against my ear in heated breaths, "Have you ever had sex, my pet?" I closed my eyes and shook my head form side to side slowly. Emmett, who had apparently been listening in, gave a playful bite to my nipple at my response.
"That makes us very happy Seth. To know that you're first time will be ours." As he spoke, Jacob's hands had wandered down my torso to my arching cock and his fingers began to run up the underside of my member, teasing the sensitive vein that lay there and smearing the pre-cum across the head. Meanwhile, Jacob had pulled my earlobe into his teeth and he tugged lightly, sucking and nibbling on it like a candy.
As Jacob continue to snack on my flesh, Emmett made his way back up to lip via a trail of cool nipping kisses that left a flurry of love bites across my skin. Lustfully he kissed me, his tongue forcing it's self into my mouth as his hand joined Jacob's on my dick. I was a heated mess, my cock painfully hard and spilling pre-cum. "Have you ever touched yourself Seth?" Emmett asked, his husky deep voice in contrast to Jacob's cool tambour. I nodded, "Y…Yes!" I gasped. Jacob's mouth had left my neck and had taken three of Emmett's fingers into it's hot depths.
"What do you think about while you touch yourself?" Emmett asked before placing a soft kiss right behind my ear, the faint hint of his sharp canines scrapping across my skin. "Jacob…"I whimpered. "Jacob… and I making love."
Emmett chuckled and pulled his saliva covered digits from Jacob's lips. "How sweet. Isn't that sweet Jake?" Emmett asked coyly. "It's very sweet, master." Jacob replied before taking my hand into his and kissing the palm. Jacob then began to give my fingers the same treatment he had given to Emmett's.
"Seth, have you ever touched yourself here?" Emmett asked me again, this time one of his slicked up fingers pressing against my tight entrance. I closed my eyes and gasped as he pushed it into me. It wasn't painful, just tight. "Nnnn… No. Oh God." I stuttered. Slowly Emmett began to bump his finger in and out of me.
"Seth," he continued when I managed to open my eyes long enough to look at him, "I need you to do something for me. Okay?" I nodded, gasping softly as he entered another wet finger into me, the pair slowly scissoring me open. "I need you to do what I'm doing to you , to Jacob. Can you do that for me? Better yet, can you do that for Jacob, because I know for sure he can't wait to have you inside him."
The request took a few moments for me to process. But when it did I nodded my head, "Yes, oh God yes." I mumbled as I pulled my fingers from Jacob's mouth. Jacob quickly got onto his hands and knees, his knees spread wide so that his perfect tight asshole was displayed for me with wanton.
Swallowing in the hopes that it would clear my head, I hesitantly rubbed the pad of my pointer finger around the tight ring of muscles, the action dragging wanton moans from Jacob's throat. Spurred on by the noises Jacob was making, I pushed into Jacob. The heat and the pressure was intense and my cock jumped with excitement at the thought of being inside this heat.
Jacob moaned and arched his back in pleasure as I began to finger fuck him. Soon I added another finger, just as Emmett had done to me and was doing again as he pushed his third finger into my hole. Another wave of quick pain washed over me, but it was just as quickly followed by the most wonderful feeling in the world when Emmett's fingers brushed up against something inside me. It was like spinning around for along time while looking at your feet and then stopping quickly to look up. It was a beautiful dizzy feeling that ate up at my nerve endings and made clouds of ecstasy float through my brain.
The feeling, in turn , made me want to give it to Jacob and I pushed my third digit into Jacob's sweet little ass in search of that magical little button Emmett had managed to find in me. I knew when I had found it because Jacob screamed Emmett's name softly and although I was slightly hurt that it wasn't my name, the sheer pleasure that was filling me now as Emmett's hand continued to hit that delicate patch of nerves seemed to make it hurt less and then totally float out of my mind.
But, sadly, upon hearing his name, Emmett slowly retracted his digits form my heated core and left me feeling slightly empty. I whimpered at the loneliness of not being filled and it caught my lovers' attention. With an growled moan, Jacob pulled himself off of my hand and turned around to face me.
Leaning close to me, Jacob murmured against my lips, "You're such a good puppy. I can't wait to feel you cum inside me." the words went instantly to my dick and instantly I again became aware of how painfully hard it was and I whimpered in desperation for release.
Aware of my condition, Emmett had reached into the bedside table and grabbed a bottle of lube. On his knees once more, Emmett and Jacob exchanged looks again and Jacob grinned from ear to ear. Pulling me up onto my knees from my lust drunk state, Emmett held me, my back against him so that I could watch as Jacob crawled in front of me on his hands and knees.
"Look at him, he's begging for you to fill him." Emmett hissed against my throat and I let out a moan just at the sound and the feeling of Emmett lubing up my dick. Then, Emmett guided me between Jacob's spread back legs and gently positioned the head of my cock at Jacob's puckered entrance.
With the urge his hips, I thrust into Jacob, burying myself into his hot tight center as Jacob practically howled out in pleasure. "That's it my pet. Now stay there, let him grow accustom to your girth, savor the heat." Emmett groaned. His own erection was pressed flush against my ass and as drunk on sex as I was I teasingly wiggled my ass against Emmett's cock, gaining a wild growl from the bear like boy and Emmett's hands tightening on my hips.
"So eager, my puppy is. Are you ready for me pet?" Emmett whispered, his voice was harsh with lust and it cut into me like sparks of lightening making me nod in anticipation. Groaning, Emmett guided the head of his cock to my virginal pucker and with a shirt inhale pushed his member into me. The pain was unbearable for only a fraction of a second before it faded and turned into the extreme pleasure of being filled. Grunting, Emmett continued to thrust forward, driving is mammoth cock into my willing body.
When it was fully in I closed my eyes and tried to get my head on straight. The intense heat and pleasure of being buried balls deep in Jacob was only paralleled by the bind blowing sensation of Emmett's cool body filling me. But it wasn't enough. I was still too far away from the edge of oblivion and with a small whimper of Emmett's name I spurred Emmett on to continue.
Emmett started a slow and deep pace. With each of his deep hard thrust I was driven in and out of Jacob's heat. It felt amazing and soon the whole room was filled with passionate moans and whimpers and groans, no one really knowing who was uttering them.
"Oh Jesus!" Jacob cried as I slammed into his prostate and his body gripped tight around me for a moment. It was heavenly and only made better by the fact that Emmett soon found my own with a few more thrusts of his strong hips and had me moaning his name in pleasure and need.
Using some unknown strength, Jacob used one hand to hold himself up and brought the other ot his weeping cock. He stroked it, grabbing it in his large hands and driving himself toward completion as I rammed into him over and over again.
Emmett slammed into me faster and faster as he continued to fuck. He bit down on my shoulder as his pace became erratic and uncontrolled. All the while a bright scolding hot golden coil was tightening in the pit of my stomach and it was driving me closer and closer toward what I could only imagine heaven feeling like.
My hips were thrusting at an impossibly fast pace, slamming into Jacob with intense purpose and making him scream my name. At the same time Emmett was moving just as fast and every erratic thrust was crashing into my prostate like a jack hammer. My body was spasming around Emmett's cock, my tight heat pulsing around him and begging for him to cum. It was enough of an invitation and soon he was spilling his cool seed into me. It was wonderful and strange at the same time and an powerful craving to feel it over and over again struck me. And Emmett continued to fill me, my body longing for it.
By this time the sheer sensation of his own hand and of my cock ramming into him was too much and with a chocked off scream of my name, Jacob came, his orgasm dripping in a heavy flow onto the white comforter below him. His body tightened and pulsed around me with fiery pressure. It milked me for my release. The experience was bringing me closer and closer to oblivion and soon it was too much for my mind and body to handle. The tight burning coil of pleasure snapped and sent great fireworks of ecstasy throughout every molecule of my being. With a roar of pure adrenaline and satisfaction I let my orgasm hit me full force. My hot spunk pumped into Jacob and filled him until it started to dribble out around my cock and down his silky thighs. The sheer magnitude of it was so great I felt completely drained and I practically collapsed onto Jacob; driving my cock further into his quivering body and bringing a trembling moan from his mouth.
With a groan Emmett pulled out of me and collapsed onto the bed. It took all my left over strength to do so, but I made myself get back up and remove my cum covered cock from Jacob, only to fall next to Emmett with my body half way draped across his. Jacob just fell where he was. We laid there for what seemed an eternity, waiting for our hearts to stop racing and our breathing to slow. Even Emmett seemed out of breath.
We all stayed like that for a few minutes, all of us just trying to catch our breaths. Finally Emmett started moving. He grabbed me and gently laid me back on the comforter. Then Jacob was on the other side of me and kissed my limp hand. "That was lovely." Emmett said kissing my lips gently. I smiled. Funny how just a good hour ago I felt nothing but bitter jealously for this man, but now that jealously had turned to pure love.
I tried to sit up so I could kiss him but I wasn't even able to move my head. Jacob chuckled "I think our little puppy is tired." I yawned sleepily and smiled, my eye lids half closed. Emmett smile. "Go to sleep love. We will be right here with you always." He said kissing my forehead. Jacob smiled "Love you Seth." He kissed my lips and it was so loving and tender that I started to cry. "Geez Em I think our puppy is just an emotional wreck." Jacob chuckled. "Oh shh." I huffed.
He smiled and hugged me against him. "You know for being only 16 your pretty damn huge down there." He chuckled. Emmett sighed "Well there you go ruining a perfect hallmark moment." Jacob and Emmett both started laughing and I tiredly giggled along with them. My eyes suddenly became too heavy and I was asleep dreaming of my two true loves.
Jacob's POV
"Hey I think he's out." I said looking down at Seth. Emmett looked and started laughing quietly "He's adorable when he sleeps." I smiled. Everything had gone much better than I had hoped. "It's weird." I said. Emmett gave me a curious look. I was absentmindedly stroking Seth's hair as I talked "A good hour ago really only one thing really mattered to me. But now there are two things important to me. The new thing that's important to me is making sure Seth is Safe, Happy, and loved." "And the other thing?" Emmett said curiously though we both knew what I was going to say.
I smiled "You." He grinned and scooted his body closer to mine until he was pressed tightly against Seth's bare back. He leant in and kissed me with the same familiar love that I loved so much. My eyes started to droop and he laughed "Get some sleep Jake. We have a long day tomorrow, with the whole pack dinner thing and what not." I smiled and started to close my eyes.
"Hey Em a thought just came to me." I said right after yawning loudly. "Oh?" he said kissing me again. "When you were teasing Seth and asked him if he ever touched his "spot" before and he said no, I was just curious…do you think he knows what a dildo is?" I said seriously. An evil grin formed on my face as many possibility's formed in my head. He started laughing and was patting my head "Once again, ruin the sweet hallmark moment…also I kind of doubt he knows what a dildo is……what you have something in mind already for our little puppy?" I smiled and kissed him with all I had and I wanted that kiss to last forever.
"Goodnight my little sick minded doggy." He chuckled. "You bet your perfect ass im sick minded…" I mumbled with a smile as I finally fell asleep.
Emmett's POV
I smiled to myself as I watched them sleep. They were both so beautiful and perfect. It was weird how love had just suddenly blossomed for Seth. I loved him almost as much as I loved my Jacob. I jumped out of bed and quickly got a few covers. I grabbed them and covered up all of our body's. Then, when I was done I pressed my body completely against Seth who was still being held by Jacob. This position was perfect because Seth could be held by Jacob and my face could be right in front of Jacob's while we sandwiched Seth.
I smiled and started thinking about the wonderful things that had happened that day and the fact that I had eternity to spend with them. I closed my eyes and smiled thinking of our eternal bliss, almost happy that it was impossible for me to sleep because watching them sleep was a treat all its own.
Well there you go! We hope yall enjoyed it! Before i ask you to review i would like to clarify two things. One, This twilight world has nothing to do with Calhale's twilight world. And two, this is a one-shot, don't expect there too be anymore chapters after this one. the only way we would even consider making another chapter is if yall gave us like 30 or 40 reviews. but knowing my luck with reviews i doubt thats going to happen. lol =) well anyway please review and we hope you guys enjoyed!
Calhale and BD333 out! ^_^