Author's Note: We're now at the end of this story. I'd like to thank everyone that has reviewed this. Your kind words mean a lot. I was pleasantly surprised by the success of this story and I have you reviewers to thank for that. I wish you a Happy Halloween and a Merry Christmas feeling in your hearts because of this!

*S. Snowflake.

From the Eyes of a Ghost Dog

Chapter Ten: My Approval

The town was more excited about our return than we could imagine. They had believed that Jack had gone into the next life when he was shot down from the sky, and so they rejoiced in knowing that their Pumpkin King was back. Jack seemed to be glowing in the feeling of being back in his hometown. These people were his people, after all. They were his family. He was proud to declare to them, "It's great to be home!"

We would have simply cheered at that, but then the mysterious sound of Christmas bells came from overhead, and we all saw the shadow of Mr. Claws on the moon, led by his reindeer team.

"Happy Halloween!" cried the Christmas visitor.

"Merry Christmas!" Jack replied, waving back to the jolly old elf.

Then, something amazing happened. Little white snowflakes began falling from the sky! It tickled my nose with its cold but soft touch and I chuckled at it. The snow was like nothing anyone had ever seen in Halloween Town. Soon, every ghoul and ghost around (no matter how foul or ghastly in appearance) was playing in the snow and asking himself or herself, "What's this? What's this?"

Jack avoided Lock, Shock, and Barrel's snowballs as they raged into childish battle. He observed the fun of many of his other subjects, feeling proud and accomplished. At last, everyone was seeing what he had seen in Christmas all along, and it made him most happy indeed. I remember going to his side and watching the fun too before we heard a sound.

"Careful my precious Jewel," came the Doctor's voice. He was pushed in his wheelchair by a strange creature that looked just like him but with a more feminine body. It only took us a moment to realize that he had made a wife for himself.

Jack was about to congratulate the Doctor when he stopped and looked around. I guess that seeing the Doctor reminded him of Sally, as he instantly wanted to know where she had gone. We spotted her heading out through the town gate, all alone. Jack watched her curiously until she was out of his sight. He put a hand to his chest, where his undead heart was, then looked to me. The town may have just been acquainted to Christmas, but Jack realized that he had just been acquainted to Sally.

Somehow, I felt that I had to give Jack my approval before he went off to court the rag doll girl.

I nodded at him and licked his hand. Go for it!

And then Jack walked into the graveyard, completing what the cat might say was my matchmaking mission. I tried to stay away, but I could not resist following him at a distance. I watched Jack and Sally standing atop that ancient spiral hill where our story began, holding hands just before they kissed.

I dare say that I was so happy that I felt as if I could fly to the moon… so I gave it a try. The holidays were all right again. Halloween Town seemed a brighter place than ever before. I was important to my master and he was happy now. All was well with the world; like a shining star in a dark night.

So ends my story of how Jack Skellington found, nearly destroyed, and then helped save Christmas. I hope that it has helped you achieve more clarity on some things that might have happened than that other version you heard. Of course, there was more to our afterlives than what happened that night, but there is not enough time to tell of all of it. I can say that the holidays grew more peaceful with each other after that, and most of us celebrate both our world's traditions as well as the others'. There were some darker times that came after that year involving the return of Oogie Boogie, and my master proved himself a hero therein as well if not more than he had before.

Jack and Sally remained together, as they were always meant to be. Sally became our Pumpkin Queen as well as my mastress not too many years after that Christmas Eve. Other than having that cat move in with her, it has been quite nice having her around. Jack and Sally have talked about having an heir to the Pumpkin King throne, but are still more or less toying with the idea. I personally would not mind a pup around the place, but I'll give them their time to decide on what they want.

And now it is time for this tired dog to get some rest. To you, I wish the best of times and happy holidays. Oh, and do not forget to ask your dog for a story every now and then. He or she might have a great perspective on something too, and all it will take is a simple asking to hear the story they have to tell.

The End.