It started at the party after sectionals. After one too many Natty Lights, they had started playing spin-the-bottle, and then it escalated from there. Spin-the-bottle became "Seven Minutes in Heaven," which became seven minutes in the hot tub, which then became seven minutes skinny-dipping in the hot tub.

In Ohio. In the winter. It was more fun to watch than it was to play.

When it was Brittany's turn to spin the bottle, it landed directly on Finn. He blushed when he saw both Quinn and Rachel glaring at the other girl, but Brittany was oblivious to their hostility. Instead she hopped happily to her feet and was already half-undressed as she exited to the back porch, where the hot tub awaited.

"Uh..." Finn hesitated.

"Seven minutes," Santana insisted. "We'll time you as soon as you get in."

"Don't be a pussy," Puck insisted.

Kurt only grinned in anticipation. He hadn't been this excited since the first time he hit the showers with the football team.

Thus encouraged, Finn rose to his feet and began stripping down to his birthday suit. With his hands covering his package, he delicately climbed into the hot tub. Brittany merely smiled and cocked her head like a spaniel as he awkwardly settled in beside her.

"Don't just sit there, kiss him!" Santana called out from inside. Hysterical laughter resounded from the window, where the rest of the gleeks were watching and catcalling.

"Okay," Brittany said. She leaned over and kissed Finn gently on the cheek, running her hand softly along his shoulder. Finn blushed and turned to face her, and her lips fell into his just briefly.

"Five more minutes!" Santana, the timekeeper, called out again.

Brittany scooted closer to Finn, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Is this more comfortable?" she asked. Her breasts bobbed just at the surface of the water, almost close enough to brush against his naked chest.

Finn couldn't help it; he was getting hopelessly turned out. "Maybe... could we just?" he asked, putting his hands where he guessed Brittany's waist to be. He miscalculated, however, and tickled her by accident. She jumped and lost her footing briefly (the inside of the hot tub was slippery, after all), and she clutched Finn's chest and pulled herself closer to keep from falling beneath the water.

"Oh. Oh. Oh my God," Finn uttered. She'd reajusted herself directly over his...

"Finn?" Brittany asked, her eyebrows going up in surprise. "Is that something in your pocket?"

He tried to swallow the lump in his throat. "I don't have pockets," he answered. "I'm not wearing pants."

"So, is that your..."

"Yeah, sorry," Finn said, struggling to contain himself. "Is it... is it all the way in?"

"I think so." Brittany frowned. She locked eyes with Finn's, and they shared the most uncomfortable gaze ever. "I should move"

"Give me a sec," Finn warned her. "I have to think of the mail, or else."

"Or else what?" Brittany asked, cocking her head to the side in confusion.

"I have to concentrate..." Finn tried to explain, but Brittany was already readjusting her stance. "Brittany, don't move... Brittany, don't... Brittany!" He clutched her much harder for a second, doubling over like he'd been punched in the gut.


"Are you okay, Finn?" Brittany asked, scooting back to the far corner of the hot tub.

"I... yeah," Finn said, his expression a mixture of relief and ecstasy.

"But, like, that didn't count, right?" Brittany asked.

"I don't think so," Finn replied.

"Time's up, you guys!" Santana called from inside the house. The pair hurried out of the tub and back into their clothes, both trying to put the awkwardness of the incident out of their minds.

Epilogue: Nine months later Finn and Brittany had a baby girl who they named Drizzle who grew up to be a member of Mensa and a prominent physicist and they all lived happily ever after.