Rose of My Heart

Hello hello! This is the final epilogue I'm building up for my Rose of My Heart. So I'm going to talk my last crap in this ficcie…Sure, I'm really glad to see this fic hit over 100 reviews! ARIGATOU GOZAIMASU!!!! (Bows in front of everybody). And I'm really glad to see everybody enjoying this ficcie and thanks a load for your very enthusiastic reviews. I LOVE THEM!!! After this epilogue final part, the next E/T fic will be out soon, call Dance Among the Stars. So do stay tune!


Epilogue Part 3

26 year old Tomoyo Hiiragizawa Daidouji giggled as she wiped the hankie over her 2 year old daughter, Emoyo Hiiragizawa's mouth. Tomoyo held her daughter into her hands, "That's enough breakfast for you, Emoyo!"

"Mummy!" A whine was heard.

Tomoyo looked down into the dark azure eyes of four year old Eroto Hiiragizawa and laughed, "Eroto! What did you do to your hair?" Tomoyo held Eroto in her the other arm, "Tell me, honey!" Eroto pointed towards Emoyo, "Little sis threw the rice pudding onto me!"

Tomoyo giggled, "She's just little, sweety. You've got to teach her, you know." Eroto smiled sweetly, "Ok Okaasan! I'll make you happy! Can I play with Emoyo now?" Tomoyo beamed as she placed Emoyo down onto the ground, "Go ahead." Eroto grinned as he took Emoyo's hand, "Come Emoyo! Let's play ball!"

Tomoyo smiled blissfully as she cleared away the plates on the dinning table when she felt warm hands wrapped around her, "Honey!" Tomoyo giggled as she turned around, placing a light kiss on Eriol Hiiragizawa's cheek, "Hello Eriol! I thought you were at work?"

Eriol grinned, "I thought I'd give you a surprise, hon. I came home to tell you the good news!" Tomoyo smiled, "Which is?" "I've been named a partner at the firm!" Eriol announced as Tomoyo beamed, hugging him, "That's great, Eriol! I knew you'd make it one day!"

Eriol smiled, "Definitely. How's my two lil' sweety doing?" Tomoyo giggled, "Eroto's teaching Emoyo how to play ball." Eriol chuckled, nuzzling his nose against hers, "That's wonderful, hon!"


Eriol released himself and smiled down at his two children who jumped into his arms. Eriol laughed, "Look what we got here! You two are getting bigger each day!" Eroto and Emoyo exchanged looks and started giggling endlessly. Tomoyo giggled, "What are you holding, Eroto?"

"Daddy's letter!" Eroto proudly handed a envelope to Eriol who smiled, "You're getting better at reading each day, sweety!" Eroto truimphantly nodded, "Yep!"

Tomoyo stood beside Eriol, "Who sent it?" Eriol took out the letter, "It's from Sakura and Li!" Tomoyo beamed, "Really? Can I see it?" Eriol handed the letter over as Tomoyo scanned the words:

( Hello Eriol-san and Tomoyo!
It's been a while since we communicate! I and Syao Ran are doing great over at Hong Kong! And the good news is…I'm having my first child! Syao Ran went practically mad yelling with joy when I told him the news! What about you, Tomoyo? I heard your two toddlers are giving you much trouble. Anou, Eriol! You better help out! I'll try to write more often, ok? Syao Ran wants me to send his regards over, too.

Ja ne! Sakura Li Kinomoto )

Tomoyo beamed, "It's so sweet!" Eriol chuckled, "Definitely." Eriol looked down at where Eroto was tugging on his trousers, "Daddy!" Eriol bent down and picked up Eroto as Tomoyo held up Emoyo. "What is it, Eroto?" "I wanna go to the park! Remember when you told me you will bring us to the park? I wanna go there!" Eroto exclaimed excitedly as Emoyo giggled.

Eriol smiled, "If that's what my family wants, then we'll go!" Emoyo giggled again, "Papa, best!" Tomoyo squealed delightly, "Eriol! She knows how to speak!" Eroto proudly folded his arms, "I taught her that!" Eriol laughed as he patted Eroto on the head, "Good job, Eroto." Eroto beamed.


Tomoyo smiled up to the skies as she laid peacefully on Eriol's shoulder, lying down on the lawn of the huge park. Eroto and Emoyo snored lightly in their sleeps as they cuddled next to their parents' side.


Tomoyo looked up to Eriol's dark azure eyes and smiled, "Nani?" Eriol smiled back, playing with a lock of his wife's hair, "Don't you think we're lucky?" Tomoyo giggled, "Definitely." Eriol beamed, staring out the clouds, "We've got a beautiful family here…I've got two great kids and a beautiful wife…" Eriol sighed blissfully, "Everything's so perfect…What more could I want?"

Tomoyo smiled, nuzzling her nose against his cheek, "I don't know. What do you want?" Eriol laughed as he pulled Tomoyo into his arms, "Maybe another child!" Tomoyo pretended to groan, "Not another one! These two are already keeping me on my feet for 24 hours a day!"

Eriol laughed, "Another one shan't make much difference!" Tomoyo smiled lovingly into her husband's eyes, "Oh yes it does!" Eriol smiled, laying back down on the lawn, pulling Tomoyo next to him, "Oh yes it does…Of course it does…It makes me happier by loads!"

Tomoyo giggled as Eriol lowered his head down towards her and placed a sweet kiss on her lips.

Eroto snored lightly as he tossed on the lawn, unconsciously kicking Emoyo. Emoyo frowned in her sleep, "MUMMY!!!"

Eriol sat up as he faced Emoyo, still snoring away. He laughed as he affectionately wrapped an arm around his wife, "Seems like those two are going to keep us on our feet for years to come, ne, sweetheart?"

Eriol faced Tomoyo in the eyes as she beamed, "Yep!" Eriol laughed as he pulled Tomoyo into his arms and faced the skies…

"Seems like this story is coming to an end…" Eriol whispered as Tomoyo pulled away, "Not really, Eriol!" Eriol nuzzled his nose against his wife and chuckled, "Not if you give me another child!"

"Eriol!" Tomoyo whined as Eriol laughed, lowering his face towards Tomoyo, placing his mouth on his wife in a sweet, everlasting kiss.

Up and beyond, two swallows soared in the sky, as though lifting the curtains up from the clouds, promising a wonderful future for the family…

That's it!!!!! I'm final Epilogue! OOOOOOOOOOOOOH! It makes me wanna cry myself! How can the story just end here!? But if I don't, then what do I write? So I better end here quickly! Anyway, c u again in my next E/T ficcie, Dance Among the Stars!!!

Ja ne!

Not forever, duh!
