Chapter One - The Mission


Ron Weasley awoke to the sound off his own name, he lay with his face buried into his pillow, and completely stretched out upon his Hogwarts bed. His eyes were met by sunlight through the nearest window, this told Ron it was before midday. Far to early to get up.

"Ron!, up now!" the voice shouted again, and he turned over only for his eyes to meet those off the figure stood at the side off his bed. Ron smiled at the girl, her brown busy hair dropping over her face hiding one off her brown eyes; she looked a little angry, and Ron knew that this meant any ideas off a peaceful relaxing morning had just flew straight out the window.

"Hey" Ron smiled, and he instantly knew it was a tactical mistake, as she appeared to get angrier, her breathing becoming heavy as she prepared for the onslaught he knew was coming.

"Hello Ronald" she said, her voice wishing to wound "here was me thinking that when you asked help on your potions essay you were serious, and I also thought that when you said you wanted to meet up at ten to work on it together you meant that as well, and I thought it would have been nice for you to actually bother to show up!, so tell me Ronald, what do you think" she spat in one breath. If Ron ever looked back on this moment I'll realise that the answer" I think you think to much" was one off the worse things I could have said.

"Screw you Ron Weasley" she spat before turning around and storming from the room, leaving Ron to throw himself down onto his pillow, and deciding to go after Hermione before they started the whole "argument cycle" again.

Ron entered the great hall, his eyes scanning the Gryffindor table for the bushy hair of his friend, his eyes also scanned the Slytherin table; not too look for his friend but to look at their miserable faces, its been two weeks since Professor Snape had been discovered to be a Death Eater; he had been killed in a battle with members off the Order Of The Phoenix. Ron however knew who exactly it had been, Remus Lupin had took great pleasure in his death, after all he was a marauder. Spotting Hermione at her normal table, he spotted she was sat with Harry and Ginny, she appeared to be in a bad mood and Ron couldn't help but smile; he always had a effect on her, it was only fair. If she knew the affect she had on him, well it didn't matter, because he would never tell her or any other living soul for that matter.

"I'm sorry" he blurted out as soon as he reached them and apparently me apologising was a very rare event because Ginny's jaw fell open releasing the toast she had between her teeth, Harry spat pumpkin juice all over Dean Thomas before chocking half to death, and Hermione's eyebrows shot up so fast they might have taken orbit.

"Can we talk over here a minute?" I asked, signalling the great hall and immediately Hermione grabbed her bag and followed as we walked out the great hall, I could feel Harry and Ginny's eyes on our retreating bodies.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry, asking for your help and then not showing up, that's just messed up" he said without thinking the moment we left the great hall and by the look she gave me, it was official; she thought I had finally lost my mind.

"Thanks" she managed to say after some stuttering "you know, if your not busy, I could still help you, if you wanted me to?" she said, really fast and he couldn't help but notice that she was beginning to blush, and suddenly he found himself with a difficult decision to make, on one side he had being alone with Hermione, and on the other he hadn't eaten yet, and he could smell the alluring scent off breakfast from where he stood.

Ten minutes later and Ron and Hermione were both sat in a dark corner of the library which she had picked out for peace and quiet. Hermione was currently explaining some sort off Potion solution that he didn't particularly care for, his attention was drawn towards her face, he had always thought she was good looking, ever since he met her on the train in first year; now they were in sixth year, he thought she was the most beautiful girl he had ever met, and his was completely in love with her, of course if anyone asks, she is his annoyingly obsessive bookworm best friend.

"Ron, you paying attention?" her voice rang out, and Ron couldn't help but kick himself, caught staring, think fast, think of anything.

"Mr Weasley" a voice came from nowhere and both Ron and Hermione spun to look only to find Professor McGonagall stood in front off them "Professor Dumbledore would like to see you"

Ron stared in complete shock, what had he done?, he hadn't done anything, had something happened. The amount off questions that pounced into his head at that moment almost gave him a headache, he turned to look at Hermione who was looking both a little worried and quite curious. Getting his feet he found his legs felt like stone, he hadn't even done anything, why was he so nervous?.

The walk to Dumbledore office was surprisingly short for a long walk, and before he knew it the statue was moving and he found himself facing the door, he knocked once and the door creaked open and he walked inside the office.

"Ah, Mr Weasley, it's a delight to see you" Albus Dumbledore spoke as he stood up from behind his desk to greet Ron, who nervously sat into the seat indicated for him.

"Now, Ronald, I'm sure you're wondering why I have brought you here today, the truth is the reason is very serious and prove a huge burden on you, and for that I am truly sorry" he began and Ron suddenly felt even more nervous.

"I am going to tell you, first the truth about Severus Snape, Severus who was killed battling for the death eaters two weeks ago, was in fact a spy for the order of the phionix, and a very useful spy at that" he spoke and Ron stared shocked at what he was being told, and before he knew it, he was voicing the question that was floating around in his mind "why are you telling me this?" and he couldn't help but notice Dumbledore was looking more serious than he had ever seen him.

"I am telling you this Mr Weasley, because in order to be victorious in this war, I and the Order of the Phoenix need a spy in Voldemort's ranks, someone who is discrete, someone who is unexpected, and that someone Mr Weasley, I feel has to be you" he said and Ron felt his jaw drop, there were so many flaws in this plan it didn't seem remotely possible, Ron however felt he had to voice them

"Firstly, why me?, secondly I am best friend off Harry Potter so not the best choice, I'm a Gryffindor which also rules me out, and lastly are you completely mental" he finished, taking in heavy breaths he was trying to understand the situation, how could Dumbledore ask him of all people?. Dumbledore however smiled

"Firstly, it has to be you because I believe that you process a trait which is vital to this mission, that trait is something which you will learn in time when you are ready, as for your friendship with Mr Potter and Miss Granger for that matter, I'm afraid it will have to come to a end, they must not know of your mission, and you must publicly cut all bonds of friendship with them, and as for you being a Gryffindor that is no problem, your old pet Scabbers is living proof" he finshed and Ron looked completely shocked, cut all ties off friendship with Harry?, he couldn't do that, it was impossible, and as for Hermione, that would kill him. Dumbledore however seemed to sense this hesitation and took a seat next to Ron, and looked him dead in the eye

"Ronald, I am asking you to give up everything you care about for the greater good, for the wizarding world in whole, Harry cannot do what he needs to do without inside information, this is the only way" he spoke gravly and the gravity of the situation hit Ron like a brick, this was it, his chance to prove himself, to be useless, but at what price?, he turned to the old man, and trying to fight back tears he gave him a single stiff nod and spoke in a voice unlike his own

"I'll do it"