Yay! Second Story! ^^

First chapter to my new story entitled; Light Gone to Dusk. Set in the current Zanpakutō Unknown Tales Filler Arc. Rukia goes to Murmasa in an attempt to revive her broken zanpakutō. But at what cost?

This came to me when I was laying in my bed trying to sleep at 12am in the morning, when suddenly 'The Fate' from Bleach Diamond Dust Rebellion OST popped into my head. (You could probably listen to it while reading, since this is pretty short...) I immediately thought of Muramasa and came up with this, playing in my head. Knowing I would NEVER get any sleep unless I did something to satisfy my brain and it's stupid nighttime creative bursts, I started up my pc, and wrote this! Enjoy!~

.:~.Light Gone To Dusk.~:.
.:~.Chapter I.~:.
.:~.Offer of the Puppet Master.~:.

Rukia stood beside a window in the 4th Division. The sun rose up signaling day had broke, the light coming in the window and gleaming off the ivory blade in her hand, broken in two. She looked longingly at it, as if simply do that would bring her sword to life once again.

It was quiet as time slowly crept forward, Ichigo and the other captains had gone off to rescue the sou-taicho from Muramasa's hide away. She wished she could have gone and helped, but her injuries had not been healed yet, and without a zanpakutō, she couldn't be of much help to them anyway...

"Do you want to get her back so badly?" a stoic voice came from behind, snapping her from her thoughts, she quickly turned to see a pair of green eyes staring back at her, donned in a white coat with purple trim.

"You're..." she said shocked, followed by anger, she furrowed her brow.

"Muramasa!" she spat out to him. The zanpakutō stood there, taking no effect from her words.

"Hello, Kuchiki Rukia." he said calmly. She stepped back in surprise.

"How do you know my name?" she asked the sword.

"I've heard it many times from the shinigami-daiko...and your zanpakutō..."

Angered, she rushed forward with the broken blade, only to be stopped by his hand. She grimaced at his face, jumping back to get out of range.

"Patience, Kuchiki Rukia, I have not come here to fight..." the sword spoke out bringing his hand down.

"Then why have you come? Shouldn't you be stopping the others from reaching the sou-taicho?" she asked, looking warily at him. He smiled.

"I have no need to bring my self to them yet, you never answered my question..."

"Do you want to get her back or not?" he asked once again, Rukia was taken back a bit.

"'Get her back?' What are you saying? Why would you want to help me?" she asked.

His face remained stoic, he turned away from her.

"If you do wish to bring her back, come to my hideaway tonight with your sword...." he spoke.

"...and come alone."

He disappeared.


That's chapter 1! Muramasa's so devilish! Almost as good as Aizen... but only almost! Tell me what you thought! I plan on maybe continuing this, I'll watch the next Bleach episode on Wednesday when it's subbed and get some idea from that for the next chapter... Should I do this as a IchiRuki fic? Cause I'm not sure if this should be a pairing one or not... Hmmm....

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