Sailor Chibimoon looked at the stars. He protected her and Sailormoon. Helios, where are you, she thought. Where are your healing powers? Please heal my daddy.

I will not make the same mistakes that you did,

I will not let myself cause my heart so much misery,

I will not break,

The way you did, you fell so hard,

I've learned the hard way,

To never let it get that far

Ever since Helios left, she felt lonely. But when she was with Darien she wasn't. Sailor Chibimoon then felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, Rini."

"Hey, mom," came Chibimoon's semiconscious answer.

"He'll make it through he always does," said Sailormoon, cheerfully.

"Darien taught me a lot of things. Like always stay on the sidewalk. Always play inside so I don't get hurt. He also told me to not trust just everybody."

Because of you,

I never strayed too far from the sidewalk,

Because of you,

I learned to play inside so I don't get hurt,

Because of you,

I find it hard to trust not only me,

But everyone around me,

Because of you,

I am afraid

"I'm afraid of losing him," said Sailormoon.

"I know, Mom. Me too," said Chibimoon. Then She buried her face into Sailormoon's chest and cried.

"I always lose my focus and my way every time he sacrifices himself for me," said Sailormoon. "I always fake a smile and a laugh."

"I have faith in you Mom," said Chibimoon. Her crying seemed to stop.

"I have faith in you too Rini. At least we have each other. You always help me even in the darkest of times. You just reach up and turn on the light without hesitation."

I lose my way,

And it's not too long before you point it out:

I cannot cry,

Because I know that's weakness in your eyes,

I'm forced to fake,

A smile, a laugh,

Every day of my life,

My heart can't possibly break when it wasn't even whole to start with

Their crying went on. There they were in the park watching the ambulance go to the hospital.

Because of you,

I never stray too far from the sidewalk,

Because of you,

I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt,

Because of you,

I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me,

Because of you,

I am afraid

"I watched him die. I heard him cry for me. I was young when I first met him. I can't stand it," Sailormoon confessed.

"Me neither, Mom. Me neither."

I watched you die,

I heard you cry every night in your sleep.

I was so young,

You should have known better than to lean on me

You never thought of anyone else,

You just saw your pain,

And now I cry in the middle of the night for the same damn thing

"We learned a lot from him didn't we, Rini?"


Because of you,

I never stray too far from the sidewalk,

Because of you,

I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt

Because of you,

I try my hardest just to forget everything,

Because of you,

I don't know how to let anyone else in,

Because of you,

I'm ashamed of my life,

"He'll come through mom. He always does. Right?"

"Right, Rini. Let's go home. It's cold out here." Then they de-transformed and left for home.

Because it's empty.

Because of you,

I am afraid.

Because of you, Darien, I am afraid, thought Serena as she and Rini went into the house.

I am with you, Serena and Rini, always…Darien's voice said inside both their heads.