
Disclaimer: I don't own Criminal Minds. Wouldn't want to because I couldn't do half as good as the creator. LOL.

Notes: It's just a drabble... Closer to a ficlet. I also wanted to post something so people wouldn't think I died. ^.^

Oh! This is also my first foray into this fandom. Wish me luck!

Prentiss and Morgan watched the '54 Ford Wagon trundle into FBI Headquarters parking lot.

The two agents gave each other a look. "You know," Prentiss said before taking a sip of coffee. "I've heard of some strange cars owned by other agents, but I've never heard of or seen that one here before."

Morgan snickered. "Once you see the owner, you won't be surprised."

Prentiss and Morgan, who wanted to see her reaction, didn't need to wait long to see the driver. Reid walked up, coffee and bag in hand. Prentiss raised an eyebrow. Morgan started to chuckle at the them. "What?" Reid asked. He watched Prentiss as she gave him a once-over with her eyes, misunderstanding what she was thinking. "I hope you're not going to lecture me about what Garcia says is a lack of fashion sense. She already did that yesterday. Or my socks! It's bad luck for me to match my socks."

Her other eyebrow rose. Morgan started to laugh to himself.

"No. It's not that." She grinned. "I heard that you didn't drive. Wondered if I had been misinformed."

"Umm, no. I can drive."

"Yeah, at 40!" Morgan shot at him. "I remember Hotch trying to get you to go 60 that one time around the Loop and you two argued the whole drive."

Reid grimaced and started to walk towards the building. "You know, the fatality rate for drivers raises exponentially the faster you drive. 40 is optimal speed for safety and movement."

"It's reasons like that Hotch has forbidden you to drive while we're on a case."

"But wait," Prentiss started. "I've never seen you drive to work before."

Reid grimaced again. "I was running late. Usually I take the subway or ask Morgan to come get me, since he lives close to me."

Morgan snorted. "Yeah. Only because you refuse to drive on the freeway!" He opened the door as they reached the building, motioning for his friends to step in before him.

Reid started speaking again before the door closed behind them. "Well statistically speaking..."


Author's Note: Don't even ask me what I was thinking when I wrote this. I have no idea. LOL.