That's Hot
Chapter 1: Yumichika!?
"Taichou, what do you think about this one?" Ikkaku yelled across the store to Zaraki; startling many other customers in the progress.
Thumbs down from the captain.
It seemed nothing he picked out would look decent. Maybe he was just ugly? Maybe clothes just didn't suit him and he should go naked! That sounded a lot nicer than having to spend money on new clothes just to attend some stupid formal meeting in the real world. He didn't even know what it was for.
Defeated, he made his way over to the rack of shirts that Kenpachi was browsing through. Surprisingly he wasn't being all pissy about having to come out shopping…he really didn't seem like the kind of person who enjoyed bothering himself with the annoyance of clothing shopping. Although, all of these clothes almost didn't fit Kenpachi…
He watched as his captain threw on a jet black dress shirt, tugged it to get the temporary wrinkles out and then turned to admire himself in the mirror. After a moments consideration the garment was discarded into a messy pile that had obviously been created by Kenpachi that some poor employee would have to stay late to clean.
It seemed although his captain wasn't moping, he wasn't having much luck either. Ikkaku began to roam the store, pretending to look for a shirt but letting other thoughts take over his mind, like what he would eat when they were done all of this, or when he was gonna have time to shower. His mind stopped its racing pointless thoughts as he noticed he had roamed into the woman's clothing section and was now staring at quite a sexy black shadow of a woman in one of the change rooms that were shielded by only a thin curtain.
He stared, knowing he shouldn't be but he couldn't take his eyes off. Something about the figure being clear enough for him to see the supple contours of the body but hidden so much that he couldn't make out any details made him unable to pull his eyes away. The body was twisting, arms shifting back and forth. They must be modeling for themselves in front of the change room mirror.
Ikkaku smiled as unmentionable thoughts raced through his head as he admired the curves of the person behind the screen.
His smile grew to a grin. He was about to try and collect himself to leave but…
He didn't have time to move or even make himself look busy before a hand was around the curtain pulling it open in one swift movement.
A blink of surprise; flutter of long eyelashes.
"Ikkaku?" What are you doing here?"
"Yes?" Yumichika waved his hand in front of Ikkaku who seemed to be frozen in place, his eyes bugging out of his head but staring at nothing in particular.
"Yeah that's me, what's wrong with you?" Yumichika asked, annoyed as he smacked his partner upside the head.
"B-but! You and the-" -Ikkaku made a curvy line with his hands.- "And…the womens! And w-what!?"
"What is what I would like to ask? Seriously what happened to you? …Ikkaku?"
Yumichika's words were hardly reaching the other surprised man as a million thoughts once again filled his mind. Except this time they weren't as simple minded as what he was gonna eat for dinner. They were more along the lines of why did his partner look like a woman from behind a curtain? Why was he trying on women's clothing? And if he wasn't why was he in the women's change rooms? And does this mean he was thinking…those things…about….no…no…he didn't know who it was. No, that isn't right. THAT ISN'T RIGHT!
Ikkaku placed his hands on Yumichika's shoulders, and the smack to the face he received confirmed that he wasn't dreaming and that it was indeed Yumichika and not a hot chick that was standing in front of him now tapping his foot impatiently.
"Ikkaku, how can I continue shopping if you're in my way?!" Yumichika huffed and he shoved his partner as he walked back into the maze of displays and shelves of clothing.
The image of Yumichika's body flashed back through his mind over and over as he stood there. He still wasn't ready to move. And why was he so traumatized? Because Yumichika's body had turned him on? Because those thoughts he had were not of hot girl but instead of his partner? His MALE partner!?
Breathe Ikkaku, you're overthinking this. It was a mistake.
"Ikkaku" Kenpachis voice resounding in the silence of his thoughts made Ikkaku almost jump out of the clothes he was wearing.
"Fuck! Taichou! Don't scare me like that! Can't you see I was kinda deep in thought!" ikkaku exclaimed exasperatedly.
"Actually I noticed…What exactly is on your mind when you're starin' into an empty woman's change room? And how's this shirt? I think I'll get this one."
"I-it's good. And really it was nothing I just…deep in thought yeah. Just spacin' out." Ikakku stumbled over his words.
"Is that right…" Kenpachi smirked.
"Yeah, you know, nothing important is ever going on in my mind sir" he chuckled awkwardly and brought his hand up to rub the smooth baldness of his head.
"Oh, right, so you were just spacin out? Not thinking of Yumichika?"
"Yeah just spacing…what!?"
"Did I stutter? Don't think I don't know that Yumi over there only shops for women's clothing -little freak- but I did happen to see him walk out from behind a curtain you were staring at"
Ikakku's face was turning red.
"So what was it? You thought he was a chick and now you're all worried because you thought you caught some woman naked that turned out to be Yumichika? Or maybe you already knew it was him and are now having heart failure because you never wanted him to catch you starin?"
"T-taichou! The first thing was definitely more along what happened! I don't stare at Yumichika!"
"Mmhmm" Kenpachi turned to leave Ikkaku standing there re-thinking his way of life and wanting to kill whatever bastard sent him to this terrible place. He still didn't even have an outfit.
I thought this up when I was riding in the car today. Yes, I often think of shit like this LOL
please review and love :D next chapter will be up very soon!