A/N- Yes, another Kekkaishi fanfic! Actually, this is the first one I ever wrote for the fandom, but drabbles and oneshots are so much easier to post, and this fic is neither of those, so...yeah. It's long. But I figured the world needs more Yoshimori x Sen pairings out there, and I'm here to oblige! -fangirl squeal- Oh, and this is yaoi, by the way, so if you're not a fan, don't force yourself to read it. Anyway...
If you're planning on skipping my note...READ THIS! THIS FANFIC IS GOING TO BE AN M-PREG! If you don't like this genre, don't read this. That's what the back/return button is for. If you're game, go ahead! And for anyone who's concerned, let me assure you that this isn't going to be one of those mpregs that leaves a million plotholes and doesn't answer any questions and makes the reader think that the characters are on crack. Or that the author is on crack. -cringe- No, I'm not on crack. I swear. I tried my best to make these characters in-character, and I did put some thought into the theory of this mpreg. Again, if you don't like it, don't read it.
-Whew- Sorry for that really long note! Kudos to anyone who actually read the whole thing and is still here! I love you all! Enjoy the story! -OA
By ObsessedAuthoress
Disclaimer: I do not own Kekkaishi, unfortunately. If I did, well... -evil grin- Let's just say there'd be more happy Kekkaishi-fangirls in the world.
Chapter One
"Oi, Yoshimori."
The dark-haired teen paused, turning back toward the school gate. "Kagemiya," he said in surprise. "What are you doing here?"
The small blonde shrugged, sticking his hands in the pockets of a long, red coat. "The Chief's here to do some research on Karasumori, so he's meeting with your ojiisan and that ghost dog that follows you around everywhere. He said I should come out here and help you since the Yukimura woman is sick tonight."
Yoshimori snorted. "That jerk. He could have at least told me what was going on, instead of showing up and disappearing with Shige-jii." The young kekkaishi rolled his neck irritably. "I guess that means Madarao isn't going to be coming tonight."
"Idiot. What do you think I'm here for?" Kagemiya demanded, tilting his head to one side with an unpleasant smile. "I can find ayakashi just as well as some undead dog."
The taller teen grinned. "Great. Let's go, then."
A bug. Of course it had to be a bug. A bug the size of a four-story building, to be exact. Yoshimori swore under his breath as he leapt out of reach of the sharp pincers, praying that Kagemiya had managed to do the same before having a panic attack. Yoshimori had never seen anyone with such a strong aversion to insects before; it was a debilitating phobia in the half-ayakashi.
Well, there was Tokine, but she only hated cockroaches. For Kagemiya it was anything with antennae and more than four legs.
Damn it.
Yoshimori released a string of curses as he sprinted back to the blonde's frozen side; so much for escaping before the panic hit. Kagemiya was crouched on the ground, staring up at the giant of a bug, almond-shaped eyes wide and unfocused. And that razor-claw was slashing down-
Mustn't let anyone get hurt. Have to keep everyone safe…
He barely registered the small teen's shocked expression as Yoshimori suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking him from the swing of the bug's pincer, standing still with outstretched arms as the ayakashi's blade pierced him.
Blood spurted into the air.
"Hoi! Jouso! Ketsu!" The ayakashi insect shrieked, furious over being trapped within the confines of Yoshimori's kekkai. "Metsu!" With a burst of light and sound, the ayakashi exploded into a pile of dust. "Tenketsu!" The staff in the kekkaishi's hand created a whirlwind, sucking the glittering particles into another dimension.
Karasumori was silent again.
Yoshimori turned to face the half-ayakashi behind him. "Are you alright?" His side was burning where the bug had slashed at him, but the middle-schooler was more concerned with his blonde companion at the moment. "Kagemiya?" The teenager started, looking up at him. His face turned white; with a muffled groan, the blonde twisted away and retched into the grass, slender frame shuddering. Yoshimori sighed and bent down next to the other boy, holding golden bangs back as Kagemiya lost the contents of his stomach. "Hey, it's okay now…" Yoshimori mumbled, trying to think of something comforting to say. "Don't worry, they won't all be bugs." Kagemiya threw him a dirty look over one shoulder, wiping his mouth on the back of his wrist. Okay, maybe that wasn't so comforting after all… Yoshimori watched as the blonde's brown eyes widened again. "What is it?"
"Y-you're- you're bleeding!" the teen gasped out, pointing a shaking finger at the jagged tear in Yoshimori's robe. The other boy looked down, remembering the wound he's received from the ayakashi.
"Oh yeah…"
"Oh yeah?! What do you mean, 'oh yeah'? You got hurt! You got-" Kagemiya froze suddenly, mouth pressed into a thin line.
"You jerk," the blonde muttered. "You shouldn't have bothered protecting me. If I can't stand up to a stupid bug, there isn't much point in rescuing me, is there?"
Yoshimori scowled. "Shut up. That's just stupid," he growled. "You really think I'd stand back and watch you get torn to shreds just because saving you would be too much trouble?"
"I- I wasn't going to get torn to shreds!" Kagemiya shot back, melancholy vanishing for the moment. "I could have handled it myself!"
"Sure, that's why you were sitting in the grass, staring at that ayakashi as if you'd never seen one before!"
"Bastard-" The blonde cut off as Yoshimori hunched over abruptly, catching his breath. "Yoshimori? What's wrong?"
The dark-haired teen winced. "Ah…" His vision blurred.
Kagemiya leaned closer, wearing an anxious expression. "Yoshimori! Hey, are you listening to me?" He swore as the taller boy swayed, falling forward; the blonde caught him, trying to hold him up. "Damn it…" Bracing the other teen with one arm, Kagemiya reached for the wound in Yoshimori's side, ignoring the groan his touch elicited. It was deeper than he'd thought, still bleeding; the worrisome part was the purple festering around the edges. "Poison," the blonde breathed.
Yoshimori grimaced, pulling himself up with a hand on Kagemiya's shoulder. "Stupid bug," he managed, sucking in a breath.
"Don't move around," the half-ayakashi ordered. "You'll just spread the poison into your bloodstream." They sat there for a brief moment, Yoshimori trying to stay conscious, and Kagemiya trying to figure out what to do.
"It'll be fine," the former whispered, wavering. "I heal fast…"
"I don't care how fast you heal!" Kagemiya said angrily. "You can't heal poison like this!" Mouth thin with determination, he extended a long slender claw from one fingernail and cut away the material around the wound. "I'll have to suck it out," he muttered. Yoshimori stared at him, breathing hard.
"Just shut up and hold still!" the blonde snapped. "You wanna die? It's not like you can suck the poison out yourself; you can't reach it." A faint blush touched his skin. "Hold still," he repeated. Steadying Yoshimori with one arm around his shoulders, Kagemiya bent over the dark-haired boy's abdomen and placed his mouth against the wound.
Yoshimori tensed, looking down at the top of the blonde's head. He could feel the other teen's lips on his skin, the flicker of something warm and wet over the wound- his tongue?- and the faint sound of sucking.
Damn, it hurt. Whatever it was, probably the poison, raced like fire through him, pinpointed to that one spot where Kagemiya was working. His back arched involuntarily, a hiss escaping through his teeth.
"I told you not to move!" the blonde snarled, breaking the seal his mouth had formed around Yoshimori's skin; he spat to the side, grimacing at the bitter aftertaste. The small teen hesitated, glancing at the wounded boy's face. "It's better to hurt for a little while than die, idiot," Kagemiya muttered, before his head dipped down and he began to suck out the poison again.
Everything started to fade; Yoshimori barely felt himself falling backwards against the ground. He lay there and stared up at the dark sky and the fringe of trees over his head, the school over Karasumori a faint outline in the background. He wondered why it was harder to feel the pain now- the touch of his lips- why Kagemiya's curses were starting to sound farther away…
"Yoshimori? Yoshimori!"
And then black swallowed everything.
It was quiet when Yoshimori opened his eyes. The sky was still the same overhead, just as dark as before. The trees were still there, and the school. Karasumori remained peaceful.
He couldn't have been asleep for that long…
The dark-haired teen pushed himself with a grimace, hand going to the wound at his side. It was already healing, but one of such severity would take more time than normal. There was something about the wound that bothered him though, tickling the edge of his memory-
The poison. Kagemiya. Sucking…
Cursing the heat that rushed to his face, Yoshimori stumbled to his feet and looked around. He was alone. Where did…that guy go?
The world tipped sideways dizzily; he staggered, leaning against the nearest tree for support. It was the blood loss, he supposed, though he couldn't remember having many problems like this in the past. What had happened to him to let such a simple ayakashi hurt him like this?
But…I was protecting…
Three steps into the trees and Yoshimori caught sight of the small blonde, sitting on the ground with both knees drawn up to his chest. Tears glinted on the boy's face. The quiet of Karasumori was disturbed by the sound of broken sobs.
For a moment Yoshimori was so surprised to see the Urakai member crying that he couldn't move. Then, without even thinking about it, his legs carried him forward toward the half-ayakashi, footsteps rustling softly in the grass. The wound in his side stabbed a shaft of pain into him, making him lightheaded and halting his progress.
Kagemiya glanced up, tear-streaked face registering disbelief. In a second he was on his feet. "You idiot! What are you doing walking around?" he demanded, stomping over to the dark-haired teen. "You were hurt! You can't just jump up like it was nothing!" Another tear slipped down his cheek, and the blonde started, as if he'd forgotten that he was in the process of weeping. A blush rushed across his face. "I-" Yoshimori stumbled forward a step, falling. The other boy swore, catching the taller one in his arms. "You're going to reopen your wound, you stupid-"
He never got a chance to say whatever should have come after that because in that instant Yoshimori lifted his head and planted his mouth over the blonde's lips.
Kagemiya jerked back after a moment, shock widening his brown eyes. "Wh-what the hell was that?" His voice was shaking, half an octave higher than normal. "Why'd you just kiss me?!"
Yoshimori blinked; everything was still a little fuzzy. All he really knew was that Kagemiya's mouth tasted like…a strange mixture of blood and strawberries. Um… "…You were just sitting there, crying," he mumbled, aware that he probably looked like a lobster by now. "I…just didn't think. Sorry." He glanced up, grimacing when he saw that the blonde was literally shaking. Probably with rage. "And thanks for what you did before," he added hastily, before his companion could explode. "Sucking out the poison… I would have been in a bit of trouble without you there."
"A bit of trouble?" Kagemiya shrieked, gripping him by the shoulders and glaring into Yoshimori's wide dark eyes. Definitely rage…and something else…? Fear? "You would have died if I hadn't been here! That poison was no joke; I wouldn't have been able to suck it out if I weren't half-ayakashi, and it stung like a bitch anyway- But what's your problem? How can you just laugh that off? Don't you understand?" Yoshimori stared at him, dazed, as the blonde dropped to his knees. "You…you wouldn't have gotten hurt if I hadn't been here," the teen whispered; suddenly he was crying again, softly.
The dark-haired boy ended up on the ground next to the blonde, too tired to stay standing anyway. "Kagemiya," he said quietly. The young Urakai member glanced up reluctantly, humiliated to be crying in front of this person- rival, friend…?- and unable to stop. "Don't blame yourself," Yoshimori said sternly, resting a hand on the other boy's shoulder. "I…I don't think things through before I act; I'm sure someone smart like Aniki or Tokine would have been able to save you without getting all beat up, but I…" He gave a small laugh, wondering if he would ever learn skills like that. "I just didn't want anything to happen to you."
Before he knew what was happening, the blonde's arms were around his neck and they were falling back into the grass.
"You bastard," Kagemiya whispered. "Why are you…like this…?" The half-ayakashi's fingers were trembling as they tugged Yoshimori's robe off his shoulders. "…How can you just…throw yourself…into danger…?" The dark-haired teen made no response, only encircled the blonde's waist gently and then rolled over, reversing their positions.
Soft, tentative kisses, absorbing half-dried tears. Tracing down the pale column of throat to the smooth skin stretched over the collarbone… Kagemiya's arms tightened around Yoshimori's neck, pressing the latter close to his chest. Heartbeat, pulsing quickly.
"Don't you ever think…that you might hurt someone more by saving them than by letting them get hurt?"
Yoshimori shook his head slightly, unruly dark locks rubbing against the blonde's exposed skin. "No," he whispered back. "I'm not going to let anyone important to me get hurt."
"But…" Kagemiya inhaled sharply as Yoshimori's lips found the hollow place below his throat. "…What if you…someday…how do you think we would feel…?" He felt the other teen's mouth curve up in a smile, still pressed against his skin.
"I don't plan on dying anytime soon."
Karasumori stood silent that night, the only observer of the two boys' tryst. The only one would never give up the secret.
Yoshimori later thought how strange it was that no more ayakashi ever showed up after the incident with the bug.
Kagemiya was gone by the time Yoshimori woke up.
The rising sun was the only thing there to greet him.
A/N- Well, what did you think? -grin- I hope it was good; drop me a review, they make my life better! Really, they do, I swear. Thanks! -OA