Chapter 8
Sesshomaru pulled Inuyasha into his arms and let soothing energy flow over his mate.
"Let us leave we need to get him back to the castle." The guard nodded and they took off toward the castle.
Once they reached the castle Sesshomaru told the guard to put Jaken into the dungeons to await his punishment. So the guard did as he was commanded. Sesshomaru walked to their joined room and lay his mate down. He too climbed into the bed and lay next to his mate. He pulled Inuyasha too his chest and feel asleep.
Sesshomaru was the first to wake as the sun's light started to feel the room. His eyes opened to silver hair. Sesshomaru smiled as the boy's cute ears twitched in his sleep. Sesshomaru kissed and nipped his mate's ears knowing they were very sensitive to Inusasha. He smirked when the boy moaned lightly opening his eyes.
"I love it when you do that." Inuyasha said looking at his mate. Sesshomaru smiled before kissing his mate and Inuyasha moaned again. The young boy was the first to pull away when air became an issue.
"Sesshomaru…What happened and how did you find me?" Sesshomaru eyes hardened.
"Jaken had you kidnapped. He thought that you were not worthy of me and therefore should not be my mate. So he decided to have my own guards take and hide you so that I could not find you. He knew that when you turn human and you did have demon energy to feed off of then you and the pups would die which he was hoping for. He did not however think of what I might do." Inuyasha held onto his mate tightly before asking.
"Were…is…he now?"
"He is in the dungeons for now. I wanted to wait for you to feel better so that you could see his punishment."
"Sesshomaru I want to get this over with. I just don't feel comfortable about leaving him alive. He should pay now for endangering my pups." Sesshomaru was shocked by the tone his brother was using. It was so much like his own. Inuyasha instincts to protect his pups were in full gear. Sesshomaru nodded before rising and picking up his mate. Inuyasha was about to protest but thought better of it and let his mate do what he wanted for now. Sesshomaru sat Inuyasha in a chair to his right before he sat. He summoned his guard to bring Jaken to him. The guard came back with the chained imp and threw him to the ground.
"Jaken you were once a loyal subject to me but you have dishonored me by kidnapping my mate and endangering our pups. You will suffer greatly for what you have done. Then I will rid this world of you." Sesshomaru rose and kissed his mate before walking over to the green little demon. Sesshomaru extended his poisonous claws and slowly dragged them across Jaken face. Jaken cried out in pain. The poison slowly entered the demon and spread through put the little body. The he unsheathed Bakusaiga and motioned for his other guard members to hold the demon down. First Sesshomaru cut off each of his finger and toe and letting them bleed. Then he made little cuts along the arms and legs bring out more blood. This continued for a while later until Sesshomaru was bored. Then he cut off both hands causing Jaken to cry out some more. Inuyasha watched on as Jaken was slowly cut into pieces and he was slowly starting to get sick. Inuyasha whimpered lightly so that only Sesshomaru would hear. Sesshomaru looked at his mate and saw the fatigue in his futures. Even though he would love to draw this out even more he had to think about both his mate and pups. He knew stress was not good for pregnant people especially hanyou's.
"Jaken you are no longer welcome in this world so if you have anything to say you should say it now."
"My Lord you could have done so much better even Rin would have been a better…." Sesshomaru cut the demon's head off and watched it role away from the now limp body. Sesshomaru looked at Inyuasha and was next to him in an instant. Sesshomaru again picked up the boy and this time Inuyasha didn't even think about protesting. He was glad to be in his mate protective hold on him. Sesshomaru carried Inuyasha back to their room and once again they feel asleep together.
Screams could be heard throughout the whole castle and Sesshomaru paced up and down the hall. In the healer's room lay Inuyasha who was trying to push out his little one. The first pup had come easily and to Inuyasha's joy it was a boy. The little one had ears like his father and his crescent moon on the forehead. He had silver hair like the both of them and golden eyes. The second child was proving to be a problem. The second one happened to be the wrong way so the healer had to try and move the baby in the right position which caused Inuyasha a lot of pain. Then finally they got it with a loud cry the second child was out and when the healer showed it to him he was shocked. There in the healer's arms was a baby girl she had black hair just like him in his human form. She had fluffy ears like his only black, and her eyes were gold with violet around them. She also had markings just like Sesshomaru. She was so beautiful and he held her closely to him when the healer gave her to him. She also handed him his son before letting Sesshomaru enter. Sesshomaru entered the room and was greeted by his mate.
"Come and see them Sesshomaru their beautiful." Inuyasha handed him their son first.
"He is our first born." Inuyasha stated. "What shall we name him?"
"His name shall be Ichiro." Inuyasha smiled at the name. Sesshomaru placed their son back into his mate's arms and reach for his second child.
"What will we name her my love?" Inuyasha asked.
"That is up to you Inuyasha." Sesshomaru said looking at Inuyasha. Inuyasha thought for a long time before answering.
"I think we should name her Tsukiko since she and her brother are born of the full moon." Sesshomaru smiled.
"I think that fits her perfectly since she is as beautiful as the moon." Sesshomaru said sitting on the bed with his mate. They watched their pups sleep before Sesshomaru decided that Inuyasha needed his sleep. He placed the sleeping pups in their baskets in their room before picking Inuyasha and taking me to their bed. Inuyasha feel asleep quickly; exhausted from birthing his children. Sesshomaru also feel asleep shortly after holding his mate close.
SERENITY: Thank you to all my reader who have read and reviewed this story. Thank you for your support and I'm glad you like this story.