"It's just not fair."

Zexion looked up from his computer screen, pocky stick halfway to his mouth, and raised an eyebrow at the man spread across his bed.

Demyx's glare was significantly nullified by the pout on his lips. "You do nothing but sit at that computer and eat junk food all day. Yet you don't gain a pound!"

Taking the bite of pocky, he looked around at the numerous piles of candy and sweets that had over taken his desk. "It isn't all I do," He said quietly, returning his attention to the computer. "I go to my classes. . ." thoughtful pause, "I sleep."

Demyx rolled his eyes "I have to work out, run, AND swim just to keep a simple cheeseburger off. You don't even have to try."

Zexion glanced over at the slender body occupying his bed and withheld comment on the lack of modification needed. "I need to perform multiple 'all-nighters' and I dislike coffee."

"Blasphemy," Demyx muttered. "You're leaving out that you're probably addicted to the sugar high by now."

". . . Possibly."

Demyx sighed. "Bet you don't let your fancy-pants science friends see you downing Jelly Beans and Gummy Bears, washing them down with Mountain Dew and finishing it all off with Fun Dip, do you?"

"No," Zexion said with the slightest of smiles. "That is most defiantly a side of me reserved only for you, Demyx."