A tall, orange-haired manm, Ichigo Kurosaki, walked confidently through the monstrous crowd that formed outside the basement entrance of a very popular restaurant. Of course, everyone who mattered knew that the restaurant only existed as a cover for the underground operation, but it still did well in its own right.

Several people recognized him but even those who didn't were drawn to him. His tall, muscular form was encased in a black, Armani suit that clung to him like a second skin and his face, though partially concealed by sunglasses, was striking. The way he walked, the way he moved, was the epitome of cool and smooth as he weaved through the boisterous crowd. His confident swagger screamed two things: blatant sensuality and barely leashed violence.

The young man scowled and tried not to remember the first time he was forced to come here. The scowl on his face deepened as he recognized the guard at the door that screened who could and could not enter. Yammy. It was the same bastard who brought him here all those years ago. As he walked past the guard to enter the seedy establishment, he was snapped out of his thoughts by a man with several ridiculously gaudy, golden chains draped about his neck. He was a very unlucky man, as Ichigo was in really, really bad mood.

"Hey, ya fucker!" the man shouted, obviously drunk. "What makes ya think that ya can go in without waitin'? Huh?"

The previously raucous environment went silent as Ichigo slowly turned around to face him. Some of the people who recognized him backed hastily away, including the woman that the drunk idiot was groping. The orange-haired man grinned, took off his dark Ray-Bans, and hooked them negligently on his shirt. Those that did not know him were shocked by the bi-colored eyes that were revealed: one was a dark, amber color and the other was bright gold with black flecks.

Ichigo tried to be reasonable and save this miserable fucker from himself, "Look mister, I came here because I had to. My boss made me do it, okay? It's my job and those who come here for business have priority, do you understand?" Yammy laughed at Ichigo's calmly spoken words.

"Doncha mister me, you motherfu…" Before the man could finish, he had a gun aimed at his forehead.

"Now mister, please let go of that lady. We wouldn't want her beautiful dress to get stained, now would we?" He asked with a playful smirk. Yes, it had been a really long, stressful day for Ichigo to get this pissed, this fast. The crowd, many of them knowing what he was like when he was tired, stepped back several more feet.

The unfortunate man whimpered pitifully as he stared at the gleaming black barrel that was now pressing into his forehead, but he did as he was told. As soon as the man let go of the woman, he started to beg.

Ichigo simply pulled the trigger.

Before the man's body could hit the ground, Ichigo had his gun reholstered his gun and without a word turned back and started to walk to the door again. A couple of women were crying but Ichigo heard the whispers, ''That's him!" and he felt their stares as he walked by. He simply didn't give a fuck.

"You made a mess again!" Yammy said cheerfully. "Welcome home, Zangetsu," He added, opening the door.

"This was never my home to begin with, you dick." Ichigo didn't even spare the big man a glance as he walked through the door.

The next room, or rather hall, was huge. Maybe not Versailles-like huge, but big. It was filled with people sitting at small, round tables, that were situated around cage-like ring. On the left side of the room, he was there, sitting in his throne, with two of his people by his side. He recognized one of them, Stark, but second one was new. He walked in their direction and sat at a nearby table that had a good view of the ring.

Ichigo rubbed his eyes. Everything here was white and it hurt his fucking eyes. He didn't have to wait long for him to come. After few minutes, Aizen was at his table.

"How have you been, Ichigo? I haven't heard from you in so long, I started to worry." He said with kind smile, that didn't reach his eyes.

"You knew exactly where and how I was, Aizen-san," He sighed, cursing his black suit for being so hot. "And you probably know why I'm here now."

"Oh, call me Sosuke, Ichigo. You and I are close enough for first names, don't you think?"

Ichigo gritted his teeth as he tried to stay calm, "I'm here on Boss's orders."

"I know. Urahara is short on good men, isn't he? The last time he took one of mine it worked out so well for him, so why not try it again?" Aizen asked with a sneer.

"He ordered me to find a young one. To train."

"Ah." He nodded at the waiter and ordered two drinks. "So you wish to see the fights?"

"Yes, I hoped to find someone here. You've always had a...good eye."

"Of course. I have bought you, didn't I?"

Ichigo remained silent, knowing that arguing with this guy was pointless. Sipping slowly from his glass, he watched Aizen's subordinates throwing different kids on the ring. He listened carefully to the man as he talked about their different abilities, characters, and qualities. To Ichigo, he sounded like a salesman talking about his merchandise. It was disgusting.

After two hours, he truly wanted to leave. Urahara would chase him out of the house if he didn't do what he asked, but screw that. He could sleep at Renji's for tonight.

"Aizen-san, I think that…" he went silent as he saw new kid fighting for his life. He wasn't the first to attack which what killed a lot of others. Instead, he dodged quite skillfully before mounting a vicious attack. Ichigo watched as he quickly killed his opponent, without much effort. He was good.

"That one," He said simply. Aizen nodded at Stark, stood up and motioned Ichigo to follow him. The orange-haired man threw one last glance at the kid, who was fighting off Aizen's men, and followed Aizen to a small guest room. He sat in one of the armchairs while Aizen sat in the other one. After a while, Stark came into the room, pulling the struggling, bound, and gagged teenager behind him. He made him kneel between the two seated men.

"Oh, hi Zan," He said yawning. He backed behind his Boss. "How have you been?"

"Better," He said simply, staring at the teen before him. He had blue hair. Blue. And that look on his face…

"He looks a lot like you when you were here, doesn't he?" said Aizen. The teen's head snapped in Ichigo's direction.

"And what the fuck are you lookin' at kid?" He growled at him, but he apparently didn't care. Blue eyes dared him to do his worst. Ichigo smirked.

'His name is Grimmjow Jaegerjaques. He just turned seventeen." Said Aizen, smiling.

"What do you want for him, Aizen?" asked Ichigo.

"We didn't really get the chance to know each other since he was here only for a weak." Aizen appeared to contemplate the matter, "I suppose if you spent one night with me, I would consider the deal complete...and you must call me Sosuke."

Ichigo saw the teen's eyes widen at the statement before he lowered his gaze to the floor. He stared at the boy intently and sighed. Sometimes the jaded man wished he didn't have such a soft spot for kids. Ichigo had been broken several times, so one more wouldn't kill him, but this kid…he didn't now what waited for him. He had piqued Aizen's interest and Ichigo knew what a bad thing that could be. He rose from his armchair and held one of his hands out.

"Deal, Sosuke, but I need some time."

They shook hands, and Aizen and Stark exited the room, leaving Ichigo with his new purchase. Grimm stared, dumbstruck, at Ichigo. The tall man removed his gag and cut his bonds.

"You're an idiot, to…" he didn't finish, because Ichigo backhanded him hard in the face.

"Shut the fuck up, ya little punk. I'm Ichigo Kurosaki, better known as Zangetsu, from Seireitei. What I have in store for you is pretty similar to what Aizen has, minus a few things that your tight ass might not be familiar with." He said to the infuriated boy as he blocked a few punches and kicks.

Grimm stopped throwing random punches at Ichigo, "Seireitei? You gotta be kidding, man! Wait, you said you're straw…" Ichigo slapped him once again.

"I'm your superior. Show some respect."

AN: Hey you! This is the betaed, better version of chapter one! Thanks to lovemydogs82 for it!