Disclaimer: Although I would very much want Ukitake Juushirou or Byakkun to be real and mine, but sadly they are not and they belong to Kubo Tite who also owns BLEACH and all the other gorgeous characters. Only the OCs Kuroki Yuu and Tsubasa are mine.

Hello guys! Thanks for visiting my story! This is my second BLEACH, and also second fanfiction I've ever written. The first one was an Aizen x OC, titled "Petals Rain" (Do check it out too!). I enjoyed writing it so much, but since it is ending very soon I feel that I should start another. I wanted to work on an Ukitake Juushirou fanfic, but it went on to Byakuya instead. I don't know, it might be a balance between those two too. But right now I think it is more Byakuya-ish. :D

So, hope you will enjoy!

(All thoughts of the characters are in 'this is thinking' this single inverted comma and italic format. New words in Japanese are explained at the ending of the chapter. Emphasizes are bolded and in italics.)

Chapter 1: Gift from the sky.

"Hello-? Yoo-hoo!" Kuroki Yuu shouted across the empty streets of Karakura. "Anybody home?!"

She was wearing a long white tunic, with black leather jacket, black leggings and high-cut leather boots. Her hair was rather short. "Bob hair!" was what she ordered the hair-dresser to give her when she visited a salon in the world of Human previously, where Bob hair is the trend right now. But her fringe was very long though, almost covering the left side of her face fully. She isn't exceptionally good-looking, probably just the average lady you won't even pay attention to when you're walking down the streets.

Tsubasa, a male who is probably a few years younger than Yuu, was following closely behind her. He was dressed neatly in a suit and has stylish black hair. The type Japanese male follow as a trend right now: long fringe, slightly rebonded and overly layered, thanks to his mistress. She had dragged him into a salon the other time, saying she would like her "boyfriend" to look like this particular main character from a popular Butler comic series, making Tsubasa very, very embarrassed. He was even more devastated though, when Yuu asked the hair-dresser to chop her long hair off and got a bob hair cut.

"Ojou-sama," Tsubasa said in a gentle and respectful tone, "please don't shout. It's not nice for a lady to shout."

"It's Yuu! We're in the Human World, so call me Yuu-uu-uu-!" Hands now on her waist, Yuu stares at Tsubasa with a pout. "Seriously, where is everybody? I came all the way here and now I can't do my shopping?! This place is completely empty and feels so fake! You sure we're at the right place?"

"Of course we're at the right place. I suggest we head back, Ojo-…Yuu-sama. You could always do your shopping another time when you get back here for your research. And please pardon my rude comments but…" Tsubasa twisted his stiff neck, face showing a tinge of aggrievedness. "I feel rather uncomfortable being in a Gigai. And this western clothing is making it hard for me to breathe. The… T-shirt? I remember that is what it is called. Is much more comfortable."

"Suit, Tsuba. They call it a suit. And they look cool on you! Wait till you get to wear a bra, Tsuba. That's what you call…" Yuu shrugged. "Uncomfortable."

"B-bra?" Tsubasa tilted his head.

"Oh nevermind!" Yuu rolled her eyes.

The two of them continued to loiter around the empty streets of Karakura, hoping to find a local resident, when suddenly a Reiatsu that seems to be descending from the sky caught their attention.

"What could that be, Yuu-sama? It's not a Hollow."

"Not Hollow. Not bird. Not plane. Definitely not Superman… I think I know that type of Reiatsu but… Hm…"

Yuu stared at the sky, hands at her brows acting as a visor, waiting for that approaching object to come into sight. When a tiny, white figure appears, Yuu frowned and signaled for Tsubasa to go retrieve it.

Tsubasa dashed forward with Shunpo and jumped into the air, catching the white figure into his arms. "A Shinigami! Yuu-sama! Badly injured! But still breathing!" He reported to his young mistress out loud.

"I knew it! I think he's a captain from the Gotei 13, Tsuba!" Yuu Shunpo towards where Tsubasa had landed and started examining the person in Tsubasa's arms. That stranger's breathing was shallow. He was still holding onto his twin sword, and his uniform was full of blood stains and some of the blood had also stained his long, white hair.

"Gotei 13? You mean those people who perform Soul Burials?" Tsubasa questions his young mistress, who is now trying to part that stranger's top.

"Yes, remember Hikifune Kirio? She was a captain before she was promoted to be in the Zero Division… Most of the Royal Guards were once a capt-acks!" Yuu frowned when she found out how badly the stranger had been injured on his chest. "This is baaad. Lay him down here Tsuba. And get me out of my Gigai."

Tsubasa obeyed his mistress and gently put the stranger onto the floor. He kneeled by the side and pulled out a red glove from his pocket. A glove with a rune carved as a skull on the front. Putting it on and then bowing slightly to show his apology for his action that is to follow, Tsubasa reached for his mistress' head and pulled Yuu out of her Gigai. After making sure his mistress is alright, he continued with his questioning. "So were you a captain too? Yuu-sama?"

"Nah!" Yuu is now out of her artificial body and pushing it aside. "Not that hardworking! I got to my position through a shortcut. Heh-heh. And I'm not a Guard, remember?"

Yuu gathered some energy on her palms. When they started to glow, she places them near the stranger's chest, hoping the wound would at least close.

"Yes but, shortcut? The King allowed that?" Tsubasa asks Yuu as he holds the stranger's top apart, watching his mistress heal the stranger with skillful hands.

"Of course. I'm talented like that." Yuu grins at Tsubasa before she started mumbling to herself. "Hm… this guy sure is a looker… I should just bring him back home naa… I'll gladly help him brush his hair everyday and-"

"Excuse me Yuu-sama? Did you say something?"

"Tsuba, my dear." Yuu look at Tsubasa with concern written all over her face, like she was very troubled.

"Yes Yuu-sama?" Tsubasa smiles warmly at Yuu, ready to fulfill any of her request.

"Can we…" Yuu puts on her puppy dog eyes. "Take him home and keep him as pet please please pretty please? He's injured and weak and-"

Choking at the ridiculous question his mistress fired at him out of the blue, Tsubasa took in a deep breath before he started chiding. "Yuu-sama! A lady doesn't just bring any stranger, especially men, home!"

"But he's so cute! Look at him! He is so-" Yuu raised an eyebrow when she hears the stranger stirs. "Oh. He's awake."

The stranger gave a few coughs before he slowly opens his eyes.

"Hi, cute! You were so white and falling so slowly I thought it started snowing!" Yuu is now hovering over the stranger. "You feeling good? Fine? Need anything? Tea? Coffee? Me?"

"Yuu-sama!" Tsubasa pushed Yuu back down. "Please behave."

"Kyou…raku. Help… him." The stranger managed to say between his shallow breaths. "Where is he...? Who are you…?"

"Yo!" Yuu is now smiling brightly at the stranger. "Kuroki Yuu here! And this is my personal…" Yuu thought for a moment, "partner in crime, Tsubasa."

"Ojou-sama!" Tsubasa changed back to use the honorifics he prefers to address his mistress with. "Don't say partner in crime! A servant is a servant! I serve you Ojou-sama!"

"Or butler! Yes! Thank you for reminding me Tsuba!" Yuu ruffles Tsubasa's hair. "They are kind of popular on TV series right now naa... And animation… I should introduce you as my butler the next time someone asks..."

"Not again…" Tsubasa rolled his eyes, whispering to himself.

"My name is Ukitake Juushirou… Thank you… for healing me. I don't know who you are or what… are you but… I need to get back and help my friend." Ukitake tries to stand up, but end up failing miserably.

"Hey take it easy!" Yuu said as she pushes Ukitake back down. "Now tell me what is happening. Why is the town empty and-" Yuu looks up to the sky when she feels more and more Reiatsu.

Ukitake clenches his fist. "We have transported the citizens here to Soul Society. We are Shinigami, fighting a battle with a traitor right now who is planning to overthrow both Soul Society and the King. He wants to collect all the souls here to help him build the King's Key…"

"Traitor? Against Soul Society? Overthrowing the King? Is he that bored?" Yuu can't believe such a daring person actually exists. "What does he think the Royal Guards are for?"

"You mean… you know the King? You even know the existence of the Royal Guards!" Ukitake was shock at this woman's knowledge.

"Ojou-sama! We have to report thi-" Tsubasa didn't manage to finish his sentence when Yuu covered his mouth.

Ukitake look at the two strangers who helped him, puzzled. "Are you guys… Shinigami? You feel like one." He looks to Yuu. "But… Yet a little different…"

"Erm, you see…" Yuu was trying to come out with a reasonable yet simple explanation. "Maybe I should explain myself later." She stood up, looking to the sky again. "Tsuba, we should get the baby bird back to the nest where he fell from right?"

"He's not… a bird."

"Don't correct me! Now you agree or not?!"

"Y-Yes! Ojou-sama."

"Then let's do it! Carry him! And up we go!"

"Your Gigai Ojou-sama?"

"Argh just leave it there! No one is here anyway!"

Tsubasa moved Ukitake so that he could carry him piggyback style, much to Ukitake's surprise. 'This kid here is strong…!' He thought. And while he was still wondering just who these people are, they were Shunpo-ing up to the battlefield at a very high speed.

When they arrive at the battlefield, where Yuu believes was where Ukitake got himself wounded, Yuu glanced around for familiar faces among those wearing a Shinigami uniform, if any.

"Hm……" She paused when she saw Yamamoto Genryuusai Shigekuni. "Argh not him!"

"Thank God Kyouraku! Seems like you won!" Ukitake was so glad to see his best friend again, and all the three Espadas gone.

"Ojou-sama? What are you planning to do?"

Yuu cleared her throat. "Excuse me gentlemen! And ladies!" She called out to the battlefield.

No answer.

"Hello? Anyone hear me? Yoo-hoo?" She spoke louder this time, gaining some attention, weird stares, wide eyes, and the likes. "I found this handsome guy down there, if no one claims him, I'm going to bring him back home!"

"What?!" Both Ukitake and Tsubasa exclaimed in unison.

Yuu smiled cheekily at them. "Heh-heh! So…"

"Watch out!" someone shouted from the crowds when a child-like Arrancar dashed forward towards Yuu and company. But they were all left speechless when Yuu had her hand around that Arrancar's neck, lifting him up, strangling him.

"Aww! Aren't you a cute Hollow?" She smiled at the struggling Arrancar in her hands. "You even have a tiara! And freckles!"

The young Arrancar was squeaking and spouting incoherent words at Yuu.

"You trying to say something?" Yuu tighten her grab at that Arrancar's neck and smirked. "Boy?"

"Ojou-sama." Tsubasa, who was still carrying Ukitake, smiles lovingly at his mistress who is strangling the child's neck with one hand. "I didn't know you like children that much…"

Failing to hurt Yuu with his struggles, punches and kicks, the Arrancar begins to charge a Cero at his mouth, ready to fire it at Yuu right in the face. Noticing this, Yuu charges a large ball of Reiatsu at her hands and sends him down to where the buildings are.

"Whew. That kid sure needs to acquire some anger management skills." Yuu dust her hands. "He will grow up to be a bad-loser."

"Kuroki-Taishi." Yamamoto-Soutaichou appears near Yuu. "We are in the midst of war. If there isn't any urgent matter you have for us at the moment, I would advise you to leave as soon as possible."

"Eh! Relax! I've already heard what is happening from Handsome-Taichou here. So there's a traitor here? He's got guts! I want to meet him!"

"Looking for me?" Aizen Sousuke chuckled while sheathing his sword, which he had just used to slash Tia Harribel across her abdomen and shoulder. "I'm Aizen Sousuke. Please to meet you."

Yuu gasps when she saw Aizen and grabbed onto Tsubasa's sleeve with one hand. Tsubasa frowned and turn to look at his mistress, wondering what has happened.

"You know him?" Ukitake asks Yuu.

"Aizen-taichou." Ichimaru Gin grins at his leader. "Ya know this woman?"

"No Gin. We have not met before."

"Gin!" Yuu gasps again when she noticed the silver-haired man, who she now know names Gin, as she grabs onto Tsubasa' sleeve with both hands.

"Are you alright, Ojou-sama?" Tsubasa asks his mistress, concerned if there was something wrong.

"My…! My…!" Yuu started slapping Tsubasa's arms with one hand while the other pointed at where Aizen and Gin are standing. "MY TYPE!"

Tsubasa nearly threw Ukitake to the ground when he heard what his mistress just said, while the others who are surrounding them, including Aizen and Gin, raised their brows.

"Gosh, I'm getting dizzy Tsuba." Yuu said excitedly while fanning herself with her hands.

"Ojou-sama…" Tsubasa sigh and puts Ukitake down when Kyouraku approaches them to help Ukitake. "Please behave. We're in the public right now, and you are the Ambassador for the Royal Family!"

"Oh? I see we have an important guest here." Aizen slowly approaches Yuu with his smile. "Ambassador for the Royal Family? I didn't know that sort of thing exists."

"Tsuba…" Yuu smacks her forehead and sighed. "Next time are you going to tell the whole world I-… Okay never mind… Anyway!" She looks to Aizen. "We're not things."

"Pardon me, for my choice of words and ignorance, Taishi-san."

"Since you're my type… Forgiven!" Yuu grins at Aizen. "But are you sure you want to challenge the Royal Family and overthrow the King? That's kind of silly you know. If you're bored and have nothing better to do, we could always go on a date, just you and me we ca-"

"Kuroki-Taishi." Yamamoto-Soutaichou cuts in. "I believe you know this person here is a threat to Soul Society and the King. But by how your conversation is going it seems like you are trying to be on friendly terms with him, and I won't allow that to go unreported to the King."

"Opps, sorry! Couldn't help it, making friends is part of my job after all. So… you guys continue with your battle while I…" Yuu shrugged and looked around at both the wounded and standing Shinigami holding onto their Zanpakutou. "Take a walk?"

"Heh…? Ya not helping them ta destroy enemies?" Gin tilted his head, grin still on his face. "What if we win and kill yer boss."

"If a member serving the Royal Family goes butting into every problem the Gotei 13 faces and helps them with it, what do you think the Gotei 13 is for?" Yuu crossed her arms and raised her eyebrow. "Shinigami are paid to do their jobs. I'm paid to do my job."

"I'm sorry Taishi-san, pardon my subordinates too. Since you will make a rather source of information for me…" Aizen signaled for both Gin and Tousen to come forward, "I'll have to… invite you to Las Noches and have some tea."

"Tsuba!" Yuu looks over her shoulder at Tsubasa, whispering rather loudly. Her thumb was pointing to herself, and there was slight hesitation on her face. "You think I should go?"

"No Ojou-sama." Tsubasa smiles at her mistress while wagging his index finger from side to side. "If you want tea I can make them for you. I bet they only have green tea, but we have Earl Grey at home. Your favorite."

"True. Then I'm sorry Gin and partner." She appears suddenly beside Gin and Tousen, giving them each a kick on their chest, forcing them to slide backwards. She vanished and reappeared beside Aizen within a blink of an eye, feet now raised in front of Aizen's face. "Want one?"

"No thank you, Taishi-san." Aizen pulls Kyouka Suigetsu out of his sheath and tries to slash Yuu, but she disappeared.

"Then too bad!" Yuu gave a punch on Aizen's face. He did not falter, but his lips started bleeding. "Since I don't have my Zanpakutou today, you will have to eat my punch instead if you don't want my kick."

"Really? Thank you. For a lady, you do have strong arms. But that was not very nice, Taishi-san."

"You're welcome." Yuu smiles and dodges Aizen's sword again. "Tsuba, please keep the other two challengers occupied while I attend to this one."

"Very well, Ojou-sama."

The rest of the Shinigami and Vizards watched as the two strangers fought the three traitors on par. Some of them who are still capable of fighting join in the fight when they realized the strangers are on their side.

The traitors are able to withstand the attacks they are receiving, but probably not for long. Gin and Tousen did manage to injure Tsubasa in his right leg and gave him some scratches here and there since he was unarmed and alone, but the other Shinigami came up to help and things weren't looking good for the traitors' side. Especially when their leader is occupied.

"Aizen-taichou!" Gin laughs bitterly while blocking several attacks from different people. "Sorry ta say but ya think we should retreat fer da day?"

"Tousen" was Aizen's reply. In which Tousen reacts by jumping up high and opening up a Garganta, allowing the other two and himself to travel back to Hueco Mundo before the Shinigami catches up.

"Eh! He cheated!" Yuu, who had suffered some minor injuries, shouted to where the three traitors disappeared. "Mou…"

"Ojou-sama…" Tsubasa walks to Yuu, limping. "Are you alright…?"

"Yes." Yuu turns to Tsubasa and was shock at how tattered he look. "Oh my, you look like crap."

Tsubasa just smiled weakly at his mistress, "Don't say 'crap', Ojou-sama". Yuu ruffles his hair and allows him to use her as support. "Thank you for your hardwork, Tsuba." She whispered. She then looks to Yamamoto-Soutaichou. "Will you be following up with an attack now instead, Soutaichou?"

"No Kuroki-Taishi. As you can see we have suffered casualties and will need to strengthen our defenses and manpower before we could attack."

"I see. If that's the case… I hate to say this but, is it possible for me to visit Seireitei so that we could rest and heal before we head back to the Royal Kingdom?"

"But Ojou-sama… I'm fine… We have to head back…" Tsubasa protested, which earned him a death glare from Yuu.

"Sure Kuroki-Taishi. I think we have a lot to discuss as well."

"We sure do."

End of Chapter.

Ojou-sama is a respectful term when someone is addressing a young lady, often used when a servant is addressing the young mistress of the house. For example, the daughter of the master or even "princess-like" figures.

Taishi means Ambassador. The highest rank among a country or organization's Diplomat, who is in-charge of helping to achieve or maintain friendly relations with other countries or organizations.

Hope everything is… okay up till now! XD Is my story too confusing? I think a male OC is kind of rare here. Is it? But anyway, hope you had enjoyed! Do rate and review! So I'll know where to improve on.