This is my first fanfic, I hope you guys like it and give me advice on how to make it better.

This story takes place before part two so I'll try to make it as cannon as possible.

What would have happened if the Akatsuki had attacked before the time skip? What if Naruto reached 4 tails sooner? And what if his friends witnessed the entire thing?

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto that belongs to Masashi Kishimoto, Shonen Jump, TV Tokyo and all other copyrights, please support the official release.


Shit! Shit! Shit! I gotta get out of here!

The young woman ran through what at one time someone could have called a forest. What was left of it was a collection of burnt tree stumps and a pile up of smashed wood on the ground. The most disturbing thing however wasn't the decimated trees or the obvious signs of fire it was what was at the centre of this that made it truly disturbing.

Corpses, thousands upon thousands of corpses littered the path that she followed showing the signs of battle, from broken weapons to the after-effects of powerful jutsu their wasn't anyone that could be saved.

However the girl wasn't truly paying attention to this, she had been in the battle for hours and knew that none of these people could be saved, she just knew that if she didn't get out of the area soon she to would be dead.

"You can't escape me, your just wasting your time", said a powerful voice from around her, a voice which almost sounded feminine but had the powerful masculine sound of a man. The voice also sounded like it was echoing on itself as it sounded like two voices were talking at once.

"SHUT UP!" the girl yelled at the top of her lungs. She then sent chakra to her right fist and slammed it to the ground and yelled:

'Ōkashō! (Cherry Blossom Impact)'

The surrounding landscape exploded with pieces of the ground flying everywhere looking like a large amount of scattered flower petals littering the landscape.

The girl looked up to see if she had caught her attacker but couldn't see anything.

Shit I'm going to have to be careful to catch him she thought as she got up. But as she was about to move again she felt a large sting in her abdomen. She looked down and saw a blade of some kind made out of wind that had pierced her and looked up at her attackers blue eyes before she passed out and heard her final words.

"Sorry Sakura Chan"

Authors note: What did you think? I hope you guys like it, this is only the prologue the rest gets cooler as the story progresses. By the way I'm trying to use the English dubs as much as I can while still keeping respect to the Japanese dubs as well. What this means is that I might pronounce someone's name in an English dub way such as 'Sakura Huruno' but I'll put in honorifics such as 'Sakura Chan'. Also I am going to try and use Hidden Leaf Village as mush as I can but I will use Konaha as well. Finally when it comes to jutsu I will write the full name for the jutsu in Japanese then English, but afterwards I'll use the English translations. The meanings of jutsu and what they do will be placed at the end of each chapter as well as what their rank is.

Ōkashō! (Cherry Blossom Impact):

Classification: Taijutsu

Rank: C-rank

Class: Offensive

Range: Short range

Sakura gathers an immense amount of chakra into her fists and then releases it on contact with an object, usually the ground, and is pulverized into minute pieces by the excess shock, which are then scattered like flower petals, giving rise to the name "Cherry Blossom Impact".