Disclaimer; Justice League and Yugioh belong to their respective creators, I'm just borrowing them.

JL takes place before JLUnlimited. The Yugioh characters are borrowed from Vathara's universe. Takes place after Roll the Bones.

This plunny came from a comment one of my friends made about Lex Luthor having nothing on Seto Kaiba. (In all honesty I'd have to agree. Kaiba would eat Luthor for breakfast.)


"We need your help." Superman said with his usual bluntness. Seto Kaiba scowled.

"I don't do heroics." Kaiba sneered. He was more than a little irritated that the Man of Steel had barged into his office both without an appointment and without calling first. Kaiba was running a business after all. (Usually only Mouto had the audacity to so disrupt a work day.) "If you want someone to save the world, find Mouto." Yugi certainly had enough practice.

"You can't intend to just ignore the situation!" Superman started with angry disbelief. "The hostages.." He cut off abruptly at Batman's curt hand motion.

"If you are quite finished wasting my time…" Kaiba began but was interrupted as the office door burst open and a dark blur streaked past.

"Nii-sama! Security said two men got past and…" Mokuba Kaiba skidded to a halt and did a double take. The twelve year old VP's eyes widened as he took in the two costumed vigilantes.

"Actually Mr. Kaiba, we need your help to locate Mr. Mouto, it seems his… abilities make it impossible for us to pinpoint his location." Batman stated calmly.

"You're here for Yugi?" Mokuba blurted. Batman acknowledged the younger Kaiba with a slight nod.

"Look him up in the phonebook." Kaiba said icily.

"But Nii-sama, Yugi's on vacation, remember!"

"Their problem has absolutely nothing to do with Kaiba Corp. If they want to locate Mouto they can do it themselves. Aparently I have security guards to fire."

"The Blue Ace Factory is a newly acquired Kaiba Corp property." Batman hissed. "And after the turmoil involving five members of your board, I seriously doubt your company could handle any more bad PR." They glared at each other for what felt like an eternity before Kaiba scowled.

"Mokuba," Kaiba directed, his eyes still focused on the lenses of Batman's mask. "Does Mouto have his duel disk with him." It was more a statement than a question, like Kaiba was sure of the answer.

"Of course Nii-sama, he carries it everywhere now." Mokuba rushed over to his brother's desk and pulled out a small laptop, the same laptop he'd hauled around durning battle city as the Game Commissioner. His small fingers flew over the keyboard.

"The GPS should be able to pick up his duel disk's signal. Especially sence we made those new modifications."

It took Less than a minute for the system to locate Yugi Mouto. And in the next two Batman and Superman were on their way with the coordinates.

"I don't trust him." Clark muttered angrily. "No one on the up and up could be so cold. He didn't even bat an eye at the mention of hostages."

"We can trust him." Bruce looked at his friend with a smirk. "He gave in a little too easily. He was waiting for us to give him an excuse to help." Clark stared at him in disbelief.

"I think you hit your head harder than I thought when you tried to get in that factory."

Bruce laughed and Clark was surprised at how relieved the sound was. They'd all been feeling a bit worn over the past few weeks. The League had been spread much too thin. And then there'd been the factory, which none of the League, even with all their powers, had been able to get into.

Batman had tried blowing a hole in the shadowy dome over the factory, but the blast had rebounded and even with Superman's quick save they'd both been a little worse for wear. Now Bruce was laughing as if a weight had lifted from his shoulders.

"I know Kaiba's type. He'll do anything he can to help, so long as he can disguise it as a selfish action."

The hard lines around Clark's eyes and mouth eased.

"An ally then." The alien said quietly.

Bruce just grinned.