Sorry For The Wait
:( (This is a sad pig) I don't know how many of you are still waiting for my very last chapter of It All Began With A Note. Well, let me tell you, it will be coming. It is currenlty on vacation though, on account of *dun dun duuuuun* THE DARN SWINE FLU! That's right, I stayed home from school yesturday with a temp. of 101.6 and it only increased, blech. My mom had my dad take me to the physician today, and yes I have Swiney Todd (lol-a little joke my sis and I made up). I won't go into details-all I'll say is it isn't pretty, lol. It's not horrible, but it's annoying. PLUS-with Swine Flu-if my stomach still feel this cruddy (throw up stinks)-WHAT WILL I DO ABOUT THANKSGIVING DINNER?! I better get well fast so that I can not only send over chapter 5 to all of my readers but also can eat some good food Thanksgiving night.
Peace out all, have an awesome Thanksgiving! :== (This is a happy turkey)