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Rorschach's Di/\ary... Journal

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January 17, 1974

Found a journal. Picked it up. Empty. Wrote this in it. "Found a journal. Picked it up. Empty. Wrote this in it.'Found a journal. Picked it up. Empty. Wrote this--'"........ Anyway. Looked around, Saw

crime everywhere. Swore to bring justice. But first, bought a donut. Love donuts. Got some coffee to go with it. Put a lot of sugar in it. Put some in my pocket. Tried to drink it. Something

wouldn't let it happen. Remembered that my face wouldn't let me drink the coffee. Pulled it off. Cried. Drank the coffee. Put face back on. Was happy. Manager, Carol Hogan, 55, 184 lbs,

approached me. Said, "You're freaking my customers out. Please leave." Left... But first, broke his fingers. Heh heh. Night sky was dark. Heard a scream. Ears were hurting. Ran to a nearby

alley. Found a 12 year old girl. Dead. Dumped in a trashcan. Alone. No prayers for her soul whispered in her ear. No family around a hospital bed. Just there. Gone. Amber hair took a gray hue.

Death. It wafts around us everyday like the... smell of... bacon, in, the, morning-- Never mind. Went to bed.