Disclaimer: Not mine!
Dean woke up, head pounding, as he lifted his head from his soft pillow. Through distorted vision, Dean opened his eyes and recognised his most recent motel room. There was no sound,. Just peace and quiet, despite having a headache that would destroy the earth faster than Lucifer, and he had no memory of the previous night. No one seemed to be around. Until-
"Morning, Sunshine!" came the only too familiar voice of Sam's, purposely being loud and awkward. Dean replied unintelligibly, mainly with a grumpy groan in reply. "How are you feeling?" Sam asked, sitting on his bed with a big grin on his face.
"Shut up, Sam," Dean said, into his pillow, making a move to turn over and sit up.
"Dude, you were wasted last night," Sam said. "What were you drinking?"
Dean leant against the wall, looking formlessly at Sam. He shook his head, unknowingly. "I don't know!"
"Well, you decided to go streaking so you had a lot." Sam said. Dean widened his eyes.
"Well, you didn't quite make it," Sam said. "You fell over in the street trying to take off your pants."
Dean sighed with relief. That must have been the most he drank for a long time, he couldn't remember a thing. "What else happened?"
"Well, after trying to get you to cooperate and failing, I went back in the club to ask a guy for help and by the time we got out there, you were gone." Sam said.
"Where'd I go?" Dean asked.
"I don't know," Sam said, standing up. "But I found you back here, crashed out."
"Wow," Dean said, chuckling at his own actions. "Crazy!"
"Yeah," Sam said, as he moved across the room. "Sometimes, it was embarrassing but mostly it was hilarious."
"Really?" Dean asked.
"Yeah," Sam laughed. "Everyone was just laughing with me, you were the hit of the club!"
"Ha!" Dean smiled. He made a move to get up, but groaned in a stinging pain and not from his head. "Gah, my stomach hurts."
"I'm not surprised, you drank your bodyweight," Sam said.
"No, I mean, my tummy, my skin," Dean said. Sam frowned, confused only to receive the same look back. Dean stood up and lifted his shirt. He saw a white patch covering squarely in the centre of his stomach. Did he hurt himself? Dean looked up at Sam. "You patch me up?"
"I didn't even know you hurt yourself," Sam said. Dean looked back down at his stomach.
He slowly peeled off the white patch and found he wasn't hurt. Not at all. As soon as Dean uncovered his stomach, Sam guffawed with disbelief. Dean couldn't believe his eyes either, his eyes widened at what he saw, shiny, with a baby pink gem.
A belly bar.
"You got your belly pierced?!" Sam blurted out. Dean looked up at Sam, too shocked and confused to be embarrassed right now.
"I've got a belly bar?!" Dean yelled.
"Bobby's going to bring you down for that one," Sam grinned as he moved closer to Dean to get a closer look. He examined the piercing with a teasing smile. "I can't believe this."
"You can't believe this?!" Dean asked. "I've got a belly-button piercing. What the hell!"
"What's next? A nose stud?" Sam mocked, Dean giving an unappreciative glare in reply.
"I'm taking this thing out!" Dean said, making a grab for it, but Sam stopped him.
"Woah, woah, you can't do that," Sam said.
"What?" Dean asked.
"If you do that, you'll infect it. And bad," Sam said. "You can't take that out for about six weeks!"
"What? How would you know that?"
"Jess used to have one," Sam said. "It closed up though."
"So I have to keep this for another six weeks?!" Dean yelled, distressed, much to Sam's amusement.
"Sorry," he said, smiling.
Dean was stumped for words to stay, panicked eyes and short breaths. He sighed in defeat and turned out. "Son of a bitch!"
Reviews are love. Belly piercings for Dean is LOLS!