Chapter 5- The Finale

I boarded a train. I didn't have a ticket, so I was planning on hiding in the bathroom when the ticket guy came in. Suddenly I was on edge as a familiar scent came closer. Logan sat down next to me.

"You runnin' again?"

"You're the one this freak is after. I don't have any reason to stay." He frowned.

"What about that Dove chick?" I shrugged helplessly. "You were right. She's an adult. Can't stay with her forever."

"What about me?" I slouched in my seat, the view out the train window suddenly fascinating. I forced a smirk. "I'm pretty sure you're an adult too. Unless there's something you wanted to tell me…?"

He rolled his eyes. "I'm just trying to look after ya. There ain't many people that understand people like us, but I think this professor guy's one of them."

"He is. I just don't see how I can stay with Jerk head one and the Missus hanging around. I'd be crazy to stay."

He sighed. "You're right… you are crazy."

"Shut up. Nobody asked you."

His smirk was wiped away as the sound of crunching metal could be heard. The train jerked forward and Logan put out an arm to stop my head from slamming into the seat in front of us. I groaned. "Ow…"

Logan stood, immediately on the alert. I sat up in time to see a guy in a stupid looking helmet board the train. Logan glanced at me to make sure I was alright before unsheathing his claws. Magneto grinned.

"You must be Wolverine."

Suddenly Logan froze as Magneto held out a hand. "That remarkable metal doesn't run through your entire body, does it?"

I could see Logan's face contorting in pain. "Stop!" Was that voice really mine? It sounded so far away.

Logan grimaced. "What do you want with me?"

Magneto chuckled. It was an evil sound that filled my stomach with led. "You? Dear boy, who said anything about you?"

They both looked at me. Oh, crap. I looked between them, debating on helping Logan or getting the heck outta there. "RUN!" Logan screamed as he was slung backwards.

Well, if you insist…I stood up and bolted, only to have a sharp pain pierce my neck… then blackness."


I woke up to voices. I almost thought that I was back at the school, but the smell was all wrong. I forced my eyes open. There was a huge man standing guard. They huge bear guy from earlier. My wrists were shackled. And we were on a boat. Bloody brilliant. Now I had another song stuck in my head.

"Well, look wot we got 'ere…" I turned my head to face the green face that belonged to the british accent. I scowled at him. His skin looked slimy.

"Mags, sleeping beauty's awake."

I batted my eyelashes at the green man. "I'm flattered, but green really ain't my color…"

He scowled at me. Magneto walked in. "Magnificent, isn't she?" He gestured to Lady Liberty.

I shrugged. "It's alright."

"I first saw it in 1949. America was to be the land of peace. The land of tolerance."

I scowled at him. "Are you gonna kill me anytime soon? Cause this is kind of boring me to death."

"Don't worry. You'll be dead before the night is over."

I snorted. "Yes, that's very reassuring."

"Your sacrifice will mean our survival." The man, Sabertooth, stood in the doorway, giving a signal. Magento stood. "I understand if that comes as a small consolation to you."

I heard another set of footsteps, and a familiar scent. No, it couldn't be… "Hello, sir. I trust everything is going according to schedule?"

Magneto nodded, grinning at the new arrival. "All thanks to you, my dear… Miss Onyx, I believe you've already met my associate, Miss Rogue."

I gaped at the smug face of Rogue. "Aw, heck no." Her smirk grew.

"You see, the machine requires my powers, but as an old man, I cannot survive such an exchange. Rogue here can take the powers of other mutants. She will be quite exhausted when this is over."

Understanding washed over me. If she could steal powers… "You catch on quite quickly, Miss Onyx. After the machine has drained Rogue of her life force, you can generously donate yours."

I growled at him. "So happy I can be of service."

"You were the one who came to us, Miss Onyx."

He was already ignoring me. He looked up. "Put her in the machine. Rogue will be there as well. I will raise it and be there shortly."

Sabertooth frowned slowly, but did as instructed. As per instinct, as soon as she was unhooked from the railing she tried to attack. It wasn't even a close match, and Sabertooth quickly had her hooked up to the machine. He muttered something under his breath that suspiciously sounded like "Sorry."

I shook my head. Rogue was standing there, looking like she won the lottery. I glared at her. "You totally ruined the meaning of sharing a drink with friends."

She shrugged. "You were stupid enough to fall for it."

I just glared. This was it. It was over.


"Are you sure you saw what you saw?"

Storm blinked. "What? You mean did I see him liquefy before my eyes? Yeah. I didn't imagine that."

Magneto blinked. "Ah. You thought… how silly of you." He chuckled and Storm was outraged.

"What are you saying? He died. Like those people down there will die."

"If what you've told me is true, we have nothing to worry about…" Why did Storm have the feeling there was something big she was missing?

Logan glared. "Where is she?"

"She? You mean miss Onyx. Yes. She is going to make sure this plan goes along quite nicely." He chuckled. Magneto left.


Magneto screamed in pain as he transferred his power to Rogue. Rogue jerked at the sudden power surge. The machine roared to life and Rogue shrieked in pain. I'd be next. She screamed, reaching out one hand to touch me. With mine and Magneto's power, she was a perpetual generator.

I could feel her digging into me, scooping my power like play-doh. I cried out, desperately trying to get away from her touch, away from the pain. When it was finally too much, I succumbed to the inky blackness.


A voice was calling me. I knew that much. It sounded urgent and impatient. Couldn't it just go away? I was tired. Something was pulling at my mind, willing it to come back.

"Onyx, wake up! Pleae…"

I groaned. Just let me sleep! I blinked my eyes open, sitting up slowly. Logan was standing over me, with a worried look. "Onyx!" The tension seemed to leave his face. He surprised me by pulling me into a hug. "Thank goodness you're alright."

I tensed momentarily. "Uh, Logan? Are you sure you're feeling okay? You're awfully… happy."

He cleared his throat. "Shut up. Don't ever do something that stupid again. I'll kill you myself."

I raised an eyebrow. "So if I endanger myself… you'll kill me? How does that work out?"

He rolled his eyes. "Somebody's feeling better."

The professor came through the door, smiling at me. I grinned back. "Miss me?" Scott, Jean and Storm filed in.

"Quite a lot has happened since you were out."

My smile fell. "What happened to Rogue?"

"She is in custody, along with Magneto. Mystique has escaped, as did Sabertooth and Toad."

Logan frowned. "I thought they were taking a swim in the river."

"No bodies have been found. I can only assume that Sabertooth and Toad have healing abilities that mirror your own."

"That's not good. Why haven't we heard anything from them?" I didn't get it. If they were the bad guys, then…

"I don't believe they technically agreed with Magneto. They were more of… hired hands."

I nodded. "That would make sense. Sabertooth said 'Sorry' when he was hooking me up to the machine."

Logan growled. I glanced at him, surprised, but said nothing. "So what else?"

"We assume that Mystique is posing as Senator Kelly. I've also found some information that might be interesting to you, Logan. There is an abandoned lab in Canada, not far from where we found you. You might find some answers there."

I looked at Logan. Surely he wasn't thinking of going… Logan nodded and my heart seemed to sink deep into the pit of my stomach. "Thanks. I'll check up on it."

My eyes flew to his, but he wouldn't even look at me. Well, two could play this game! I stood up. "Scott, could you take me to my room?"

He looked surprised, but nodded anyways. We started walking down the hall. "Wait!" I turned slowly as Logan quickly caught up to us. I raised an eyebrow, keeping any other emotion off my face. He took the dog tags off his neck. "I'll come back for these."

I smiled. I took the dog tags that were wrapped around my ankle. "If you lose these or get hurt, I'll have to kill you."

"So if I get hurt you're gonna to kill me? How does that work out?"

"I'd watch that smart mouth of yours."

"You would."

I looked into his eyes. "Bye Logan." I felt Logan's eyes boring into my back the entire time I walked away. I didn't think I'd ever see him again.

A/N: Just so you know, that added bit of dialogue between Storm and Magneto will come into play HUGELY in the sequel.