Chapter 34
Alpha Quadrant
Location: Bajoran system on the outskirts of the solar system.
Time: Hours Passed.
The Borg fleet dropped from transwarp so abruptly that the majority of the eleven-thousand ships immediately collided with other ships at ftl speeds. The extreme stresses caused by the abrupt exit of transwarp shredded and twisted the Borg ship's hulls apart before exploding. The Warp Disruption Satellites' fields proved their worth for their immense cost in this one instance. The Borg fleet adapted to the abrupt exit out of transwarp and subsequent destruction by salvaging and merging ships into functional ships from the wrecks. The merged wrecks looked like two or more exploded rubix cubes attached together. About seven-thousand ships survived to press forward toward the Alliance primary system. The momentum from the exit carried the fleet to a distance only a few hours from the systems 'defense protocol systems'.
Inside the remaining ships, the Borg drones hadn't fared any better than their ships, as anything that hadn't been 'tied down' had been hurtled through the ship, left to crash into everything that crossed paths with them. Drones suffered from fatal collisions, and as many living drones had limbs bent at wrong angles. Drones were being repaired as their flesh nit back together as the nanites worked to heal the injured. The Borg Collective immediately went to work salvaging the remains of their fleet to bring anything still viable for the coming battle.
On the bridge of Arcturus Maximus Primus, Colonel Bradshaw had a plan in mind and while watching he waited to see what the Borg would do. "Zeus, do you think the Borg will leave this system by sublight travel, taking nearly five light years, back towards their space or continue on towards us?"
"Isn't it obvious? They have already paid the price to attack us, and to attempt to leave would be a waste of resources and time as it would take close to five years to leave," replied Zeus analytically. "Our hyperspace drives allow us to leave this warp disruption satellite network, and I don't think the Borg have a FTL that will work in this network. The Borg will and are heading our way right now. They are coming for us to eliminate and assimilate the Alliance's capital system."
"Keep the defense satellites and stations cloaked," ordered Bradshaw deciding to allow the Borg to pass by freely through the outer perimeter of defenses.
The main screen showed the projected route the Borg were taking, and so far that route would lead them directly to Deep Space Nine. The Alliance fleets there were cloaked alongside many of the defense stations, satellites and other 'preparations' set up to secure the Wormhole and the capital system of the Alliance.
"The Borg fleet is closing on DS9," stated Alice's holographic form.
"Decloak and weapons free," ordered Bradshaw. Ships shimmered into view, along with defense installations, firing everything at once, creating the most efficient kill zone that the Black Fleet A.I.'s could compute. Twenty Scimitars warships, with their wing blades splayed and expanded, used their primary weapons to take out nearly a half thousand with their green thalaron Radiation blast. The blast collapsed shields and destroyed ships, and what ships lived in the cone of the blast had radiation pass through shielding and irradiated most of the Borg drones fatally.
Alice knew what to do as she monitored the Borg fleet movements and lined up her Arc cannons to do the greatest amount of damage per shot. The bright red beams of destruction lanced out slagging and consuming a large number of Borg ships, and then Alice rotated herself to allow her constant fire from the Arc cannons to sweep their ranks mercilessly. The twin Doranda cannons fired at ships outside the firing arcs of the Arc cannons.
Puras Albus 'Radiance' Dread city decloaked and fired with all its super advanced weaponry from across its twenty kilometer diameter glory. The Radiance Dread city had while cloaked launched its many white Puras Albus ships, and they too decloaked before tearing into the Borg fleet.
The Reaper class ships of the Black Fleet were based on a lot of the tech Puras Albus shared from their few Eternus research worlds. The Black Fleet ships both new Reapers and retrofitted federation, and klingon ships fired at the Borg fleet and were getting their first taste of war since the upgrades. An old galaxy class ship fired upgraded ancient drones into the closest Borg ship, and the explosion was satisfying.
The Reapers defending the solar system were the most advanced and finished in construction compared to the many ships that were being retrofitted. The Reapers lived up to their name as their alpha strikes reaped Borg kills in the hundreds. Their Maximum Velocity Rail Cannons shredded many Borg vessels as the Reapers aligned themselves to get multi-hits with their rounds. The new Phased Quantum Tricobalt drones proved ferociously efficient and immune to point defense fire due to being out of phase. A single drone could take out a Borg probe with no issue and a little over a dozen could take out a sphere.
The Black Fleet ships and defense installations continued firing their new PQT drones or the previous version D3's. The streams of drones flew as streams of gold, into the closest Borg cubes massacring what had survived the Alpha Strike. Then the Reaper class ships fired their greenish blue Darth McKay arrays, which were the completed Borg experimental Asgard Plasma Beam Arrays designed by Darth McKay, sliced through Borg ships like a hot knife through butter.
DS9, and its extended station, unleashed all its fury at the Borg. Many Ancient Defense satellites that looked like various snowflakes, armed with powerful beam weapons that could cut wraith hives in half, decloaked and fired without reservation.
Bradshaw watched the main screen as it displayed all of this. "Focus on the Jem'Hadar fleet," ordered Bradshaw his eyes focused taking in every detail displayed. The screen showed hundreds of retrofitted Jem'Hadar ships and other ships, of the various members of the Alliance, participating in the Alpha strike that was still continuing. Though the retrofitted ships were weaker in many instances they made up for that weakness with their sheer numbers. "Are the retros' shields holding out against the Borg?"
"So far no Borg drones have been beamed onto any ship," replied Alice still facing the main screen that now was segmented to show multiple parts of the battle. "Those Klingon Bird of Prey ships are getting too close to the Borg cubes, Colonel Bradshaw."
"Qo'nos Rises fleet ships disengage from those cubes," ordered Bradshaw over the command link.
"We don't run from battle human," came the disgruntled Klingon voice over the coms.
"We are about to fire at those cubes with our Arc Cannons, and if you are in the danger zone…" said Zeus backing up Bradshaw's orders. "You have thirty seconds before we fire, and we hope you are out of the way."
Everyone watched the Qo'nos Rises battle wing continued with their suicidal blitz into the thick of the Borg fleet. They fired their alpha strikes at the edge of the surviving Borg fleet. Maneuvering to avoid colliding with a few energetic spheres and cubes before cloaking. Alice knew they had left her field of fire at the thirty seconds. She smiled at the bravery or stupidity as a great release of her energy gave her simulated cold chills and goosebumps as the energy traveled from the Twin Arcturus generators to the twin Arc Cannons. The blinding blast of red collapsed the Borg line of attack into a heap of partially operating ships and whatever was left of the vaporized ships.
"That felt good," said Alice almost purring with contentment. "The Leviathan is moving to intercept the right flank of Borg ships."
The Leviathan commanded by Weyoun and Alliance Zeus focused their fire on the rallied Borg fleet assaulting the Jem'Hadar line on the right. Leviathan's improved weaponry chewed through the flanking Borg ships as beams and PQT drones poured out from the beast of a ship. The large MAC fired at the Borg fusion cubes and some of the other heavy Borg ships. The massive round turned the first fusion cube almost inside out and doing more damage to the ships behind it with the help of the shrapnel of the first fusion cube.
The Borg fleet numbers were still dropping rapidly noticed Bradshaw, even after the massive Alpha strike. The fusion cubes were launching planet crackers, which were targeted by point defense systems, but even then some slipped through destroying smaller retrofitted ships of the Jem'Hadar. The Borg weren't idle in all this destruction and returned blow for blow as best they could. Their return fire had managed to blow several vessels to smithereens. Cutting beams were blocked by the improved shield systems on all vessels, and even Huge Oversized Shielded Hulls or HOSH were used by the weaker ships to absorb fire as the Black Fleet ships moved to hide behind the HOSH.
"Are the Borg beaming up pieces of the destroyed ships?" asked Bradshaw.
"They are," replied Andrea who was continually scanning and watching. "I've been marking the ships that have beamed up wreckage as prime targets to the closest ships. They may beam up our tech, but they end up exploding shortly after."
"I was about to order something similar Andrea," said Bradshaw approvingly. Andrea beamed a smile before returning to her work. "Zeus, how are your ships doing?"
"Alice focus on zone 1820," said Zeus. On the main screen Bradshaw saw Stealth Assault Jumpers unloading into Borg ships with a vengeance. "They are doing their part, and staying out of friendly fire as they focus on key points in the Borg fleet.
"An impressive display," said Bradshaw watching as a few Reaper's had their shield penetrated only to be stopped by hexplate or hexagonal shaped shields that looked like armor plating were summoned between the outer shield and the hull. The hexplate absorbed or reflected the incoming damage protecting the hull until the outer shield reformed. Some hexplate were projected from the heavier classed ships onto already weakened ships to help interrupt the Borg's heavier weapons.
The blocky Replicator ships from the Boneyard shipyard also joined in on the great slaughter of the Borg fleet. Bradshaw saw a notification on screen showing a group of Replicators that went to where the Borg fleet had that huge pile-up and began salvaging the Borg ships for their own use.
"Several retrofits are reporting Borg drone incursions," said Andrea. "Security teams have engaged."
"They won't get much from those uncompleted retrofits," said Zeus. "The loss of life and whatever they do get is just another point for the Borg."
"Do they have any Tau'ri or Asurans in those security teams?" asked Bradshaw.
"Yes and they are engaging," replied Andrea.
"No way to entirely block the Borg from communicating with the Collective?"
"Not yet the Borg have too many backup forms of communication, and their main form is resilient as hell not even mentioning that some are even temporal in nature," answered Zeus.
"If we can block their communications the collective would shatter," mused Bradshaw as light from the view screen flashed across his face. "How many are left?"
"Less than a thousand," replied Alice as she continued to fire everything she had. Her issue was that she was having more of an issue of finding things to kill than any difficulty. "Now less than six hundred." Alice's smile was filled with glee at finally being able to kill Borg again.
Overall, the entire engagement, from Alpha strike to the Borg eradication, lasted about five hours. As the Borg retreated toward the outer defenses, the Alliance fleet came like a hammer to the Anvil or outer defense satellites, smashing what was left of the Borg fleet.
"Status," requested Bradshaw and read the debrief of the first battle won by the fledgling Alliance. However, there was a report of another, larger, Borg fleet that had, shortly after this one's arrival, hit Earth's solar system engaging the forces there. A smaller Borg fleet had hit the Romulans' home system and were currently engaged with the Alliance reinforcements which consisted of a Puras Albus Dread city and a battalion of Black fleet ships. The report stated that the combined forces of the Alliance and Romulan Empire were holding their own against the Borg tides. They did this with many Romulan casualties, because of the lack of Alliance defenses and forces in system. Qo'nos had also been attacked, but, as it was part of the founding systems of the Alliance the Klingon home system was a dedicated fortress system with plenty of Alliance defense systems and Black fleet ships to spare, alongside their own Puras Albus Dread City.
"Looks like the Romulans will survive, but with a beating," stated Zeus with a hint of smile. "I bet they wished they joined up sooner and stopped preventing us from fortifying their space."
Bradshaw with a grim expression shook his head at what the Romulans had essentially done to themselves. "We should've tried harder to get through their political fighting to finally let us build those defenses."
"The Klingons are fine and are even enjoying this battle," said Zeus reading the same report. "Picard will get some revenge against the Borg today."
"I want reinforcements sent to all the attacked systems to bolster their defenses."
"Yes, sir!"
Alpha Quadrant
Location - Earth's solar system.
Time: shortly after the Borg entered Primary Alliance System
Admiral Picard watched from his bridge on board a retrofitted Enterprise E. He knew the Borg were nearly here, and he already gave the order to activate the warp disruption satellite network. A report came through the open stargate from the primary system of the effectiveness of the warp disruption satellites against the Borg moments ago.
Earth's system was under military lockdown, and all available ships had been asked to join in its defense. AMP during its long time here had built up a strong defensive network, and had used Replicators en-mass to harvest old ships and the Oort cloud for precious resources to build shipyards and themselves.
The new Reaper class war escorts were prepped, and as ready as they could be, considering that most were still under construction here in Sol system, beam constructors and Replicators had been working at an extreme rate to get as many as possible up and battle worthy since the Voth warning.
Admiral Picard hoped that it all would be enough, considering what one cube could do to regular Starfleet ships. He got in contact with the Puras Albus commander of that monstrously sized Dread city.
"By light and truth we exist," said the white masked Puras Albus commander in greeting. "What can I do for you Admiral Picard of Starfleet and Black fleet?"
"One day you'll need to show me, what you look like under that white mask," said Picard.
"One day is a possibility, but not a surety."
Picard shook his head, and asked, "What is available of your Puras Allbus forces to deal with the coming threat?"
"Several War cruisers, dozens of war escorts, many Stealth Assault Jumpers, and my Kronosphere Dread city".
"I suspect that you are ready for what is coming," said Picard.
"It will be fine, we have activated the WDsatellites and the defense networks like you ordered, and we will see the same success."
"I've learned to never underestimate your enemy, let alone the Borg. I have seen a single cube shred through several of our ships leaving a graveyard behind."
"The light of our journey will prevent such a situation, but IF such a thing happens all we have to do is wait and hold till until reinforcements arrive from the primary system."
"I expect we will need those reinforcements sooner rather than later."
"The amount of Replicators in this system along with Reaper class ships, my forces, retrofitted Black Fleet ships, normal ships, defense stations, and starbases will be enough."
"As I said rule one is never underestimate the Borg, Commander Flint." Picard was getting annoyed with this pseudo religious commander.
"Yes sir," replied Flint, ending the hail.
Sensors started bleeping and Data's fingers transversed the console faster than even an enhanced Tau'ri. The main screen focused on Borg transwarp contacts coming in.
"Admiral," called Data. "They are coming now."
"Tell the ships that can to cloak and send my orders for the defense satellites and starbases to move to surround the Borg."
"Will do, sir."
"They will find out that the Alliance has given us bigger teeth than what the Borg will ever expect," said Picard.
Everyone watched intently as the Borg transwarp signatures moved closer to the WDS field. Then the Borg fleet suddenly exit transwarp at full speed and without the protective transwarp field. The forces of stress caused by the forced exit and sudden collisions by the majority of the fleet proved a great slaughter. The smaller ships couldn't counter the extreme forces, and were torn apart. The larger ships collided with the remains of the smaller ships and with each other. The effect of the WDsatellites was devastating and took out a quarter, leaving a little over fifteen thousand cubes or larger vessels in operation. Most if not all sustained some internal damage from the sudden stop.
The Borg, ever relentless, repaired and salvaged as much as possible while traveling to Earth's solar system. They would arrive within hours by impulse speed. Efforts were focused on surrounding the Borg fleet and placing many ships between them and the inner planets like Mars and Earth. There were many ships still under construction during this time in the shipyards around those planets and as soon as they were battle-ready, they would be launched and cloaked.
The Replicators were in the tens of thousands of little ships and could join together as needed to strengthen themselves into larger ships. They remained cloaked and were at the meeting point already. The rest of the Federation and Alliance ships made it into place. The defense satellites and mobile defense starbases moved there also, forming a large curved wall that looked like a mouth about to bite its dinner.
Impossible as it seemed, the Borg were persistent in heading towards the visible group of ships, as sharks heading towards tuna. They were going to fall into a trap, and Admiral Picard of Black Fleet of Federation space was not going to let them escape. Atra Operatio symbol appeared on the main view screen, and Data said, "Admiral, there is a request from a Reynolds of Atra Operatio, requesting to meet with you in your ready room."
"Tell him I am busy, and unless he is ready to meet right now and offer help, I will not waste my time," said Admiral Picard.
"He says he is here to help and he is in your ready room," said Data with a surprised tone.
"I'll be back, Data." Pickard got out of his seat heading for his ready room. He entered in cautiously, and saw the lone figure in his chair behind his desk.
"The great Locutus of the Borg collective, in the flesh," said Reynolds. "Do you realize that you are a one in millions chance to return from the collective?"
"I am Admiral John Luc Picard of the Federation and Starfleet," growled Picard at Reynolds.
"Also of Alliance's Black Fleet, as well."
"That too," said Picard. "What can you help us with?"
"Very to the point. We have over an hour before they get here."
"I will take my leave of you then," said Picard, walking away towards the door.
"Fine. As Zeus says no fun and all business is boring. This will be all business then, as you wish. You are as stubborn as a Ferengi. My hordes of latinum are now of extreme value to the Alliance since latinum is Veededium which is needed to produce personal shield generators."
"Reynolds, let's get down to business to defeat the Borg," said Picard. Reynolds connection to Wonderland burst with laughter over the speaker at that statement. "Why is there laughter coming from you Reynolds?"
"My AI thought you said something funny," answered Reynolds who mentally chastised Wonderland. "I hope you realize that you have considerable resources here to do just that, but AMP is not here, and neither is a lot of the super advanced ships."
"I know, but Puras Albus Commander Flint says we have enough."
"True, we will win. He isn't wrong about that, but this will be costly."
"Tell me something of value, Reynolds."
"You remember that the Replicators use time dilation technology, right?"
"In their building of shipyards, and ships - yes."
"I am of Section 31 that has been merged into Atra Operatio, and as such I have certain knowledge of many secret things."
"And these secrets deal with the Replicator's time dilation fields?"
"With your permission, I will use several secret Section 31 time dilation field projector satellites. They will work with the Replicators to capture the Borg in a time dilation field, using the Section 31 TDSatellites. I already have them set in place, and need your permission to use the Replicators to set the trap."
"Slowing the Borg in a time field, allowing us to fire and unload everything all at once," said Picard while nodding his head. "They won't stand a chance!"
"So, you do realize how much more efficient it is with so much less risk. Hundreds of thousands of weapons shot into the time field, with the Borg frozen in time. The weapon fire will slaughter every single Borg ship in seconds when the field is deactivated, and according to their reckoning only a couple of seconds will have passed."
"That is genius!"
"I know. It will be safe, considering we are not as well defended as I wish we were."
"You have my permission, Reynolds, to set the trap!"
"Realize, Picard, that the Borg will be wiped out, and your name will go down in the books of History as a genius that slaughtered thousands of Borg ships with no casualties!"
"Why not you?"
"I prefer the dark, and it is better to have you do this than I. I've always wanted to help everyone and not parade the fact I am helping them."
"What are the things that I need to do?"
"Send this code to them, when ready. I will set everything else up."
"Eternity 312, is it?"
"Yes, and send it through this link," replied Reynolds handing over a device to Picard.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome," said Reynolds, before his hologram disappeared before Picard.
"A holographic projection..." Picard then walked out and was prepared for his part.
Data turned to him and asked, "Everything alright, Admiral?"
"Yes, Data, it is. It truly is," said Picard.
Half an hour later, the Borg reached the trap that Reynolds had set. When all of them were within the area of time dilation trap, Picard used the device to send the code. The Replicators, using their time dilation tech with the Section 31 satellites, instantly froze time. The time dilation satellites were like claymores in their design in that they projected a field in front of them excluding themselves from the field's affects. The projected field covered about a hundred and sixty degrees and with multiple satellites surrounding and thoroughly overlapping fields to make sure all the Borg were frozen.
"Uncloak and FIRE EVERYTHING!" ordered Picard on open hail on all frequencies of the combined fleet. The effect was so bizarre to watch, as phasers, Darth McKay (DMK) arrays, Maximum Velocity Rail Cannons (MVRC) rounds, PQT and 3rd generation drones, and many other kinds of weapons fired. The actual beams hit the time dilation still as potent and still on target, but now there was a wall of weapon fire in line to hit all at once. Watching over the next hour, the weapon fire moved ever so slowly closer to the Borg ships. The beam weapons and other glowing weapons appeared as a work of art that was painted by all the ships and defense stations under Picard's command.
"Continue to fire, and make sure not one of them survives once the field is turned off," ordered Picard. Once the field was turned off, all of the weapon fire would hit the Borg at once, completely overloading shields and vaporizing, at best, the Borg ships.
The Reapers made sure at least two rounds of MVRC hit each ship. The Replicators fired their own weapons. Tons of beams from normal ships and torpedoes launched. The Alliance defense satellites fired those powerful beams that could cut Wraith Hive ships in half. Star bases unloaded with DMK Arrays, and various Alliance weapons. The retrofitted Black Fleet ships shot non-DMK Asgard plasma beams and drones as well. This continued for another two hours, until all you could see was the light of the weapons heading toward the ships.
"Sir, do you think it would be time to disable the time dilation?" asked Data.
"Maybe a little more time," answered Picard, smiling for once in such a serious situation. "Are we sure every Borg cube or bigger has enough fire power aimed at them to vaporize every one of them if we turn it off?"
"My calculations think so, but ask the Puras Albus' AI," replied Data.
"Open a link to Puras Albus Commander Flint," ordered Picard.
"The light within can light without," said Commander Flint. "My Doranda turrets have been unloading so much into them that the Borg will fail."
"Everyone has been firing everything they had as well, commander," said Picard. "I want you to ask your super A.I. about the survivability of the Borg if we were to disable the time dilation field now."
"One moment, Admiral," replied Flint, speaking to someone off screen. "She says technically we have passed the point of any Borg surviving. So right now, she recommends Energy weapons only, if you wish to persist in their annihilation. As you said earlier it is better not to underestimate the Borg."
Picard narrowed his eyes before replying. "We will fire for another hour, then," said Picard. "Data, send out those orders."
One hour later, and a giant wall of multi-color light weapons continuing to fire as the time dilation was disabled. It would take an hour before it could be reactivated again, if needed. At the moment of deactivation, the wall of energy and physical weapons immediately made shishkabob of all the Borg ships. Too much weapon fire hitting in seconds of time was too much for the Borg to even stand a chance. The combined fleets continued to fire, making sure everything was vaporized and glowing globs of metal and other materials.
"Data?" asked Picard as the view screen showed the continued bombardment of weapon fire.
"There are no more active Borg ships or life signs," answered Data.
"Excellent! Tell the fleet to stand down, and proceed to scan for any surprises left by the Borg."
"Yes, Admiral," said Data.
The next two hours were spent cleaning up what debris that was left over and the Replicators went and salvaged what was left of the initial Borg fleet that was destroyed upon hitting the hard warp disruption satellite network.
Out of all the Borg attacks that hit the Alliance members, Earth had no casualties! Plus, several hundred Borg drones that were still alive in the wreckages from WDS effects were recovered. They were then removed from the Borg collective, and placed in a rehab security station. The Borg drones from other battles had also been recovered. There were Borg drones from many dozens of species.
Reinforcements from the primary system arrived helping to secure the system, and were put to good use. Picard appreciated the reinforcements, as he wondered if the time dilation satellites would work against the Borg again.
Picard knew that in one day stage two of the Virus would fully activate, and over the next seven days some Borg drones would be freed by the virus. The freed drones would try to escape the collective by take over ships, and meet at a forward base that even now was being established by the Alliance.
"I can't believe twenty-two thousand Borg ships were wiped out by us," said Admiral Picard.
"It wasn't all us. The warp disruption satellite network took out seven thousand ships," said Data.
"I know this Data, but why would they send so many ships?"
Atra Operatio sign appeared on the main screen again, and with a message to meet in the ready room again. Admiral Picard went into his ready room again with Reynold's hologram in his chair again.
"Maybe you know Reynolds, why so many ships?" asked Picard.
"I can provide an answer," said Reynolds' hologram. "It is because Voyager is here and the Borg are still hopeful about retrieving the secrets that the Doctor holds about Species 8472, or as they call themselves… the Undine."
"So if that is why there was such a huge fleet here, then we could very well expect more such attacks," said Picard.
"Exactly, and now if you can request it of the Federation and Starfleet, to more fully accept the Alliance and make this into a full scale fortress-class system, then we will be safer."
"I know I was against the Alliance's proposal to fully establish Fortress-class defenses, and ship presence, but now I will push for the full militarization of this system like what was done to the Klingon home system."
"The primary system had less Borg ships to deal with, but still had casualties from the engagement, even though that system is a Fortress-class solar system."
"I could imagine what would have happened without the WDS network, and the time dilation network," said Picard.
"This system could have taken unrecoverable damage and maybe even the Earth itself could be in the process of being assimilated. The Borg could be that much stronger, and have the crucial tech on how to assimilate Species 8472."
"Reynolds, why is Voyager and the Doctor with this secret here?"
"The Alliance council decided it would be safer to keep all their eggs not in one basket meaning having them in the primary system as well would be the one basket," said Reynolds.
"How did the Borg know Voyager was here, not at the primary system?"
"Simple, not all the Borg technology on Voyager has been completely cut off from the Borg collective yet," answered Reynolds.
"I see. My second question is why did we have time dilation satellites?"
"Well, Atra Operatio has taken in Section 31, but a few of us didn't switch over easily. Anyway, this was a Section 31 experiment that I initiated after the Dominion war ended. However, I needed the Replicators to finalize the satellites so they would work. Now we have a time dilation field projection satellites fused with the Replicators into Temporal Manipulation Satellites, or TMS."
"Well, I can't argue with the results at all," said Picard, "Will these be used everywhere?"
"I have already shared the reports of their use with Alliance Zeus and president Sisko."
"Clones…", said Picard thinking of the two Zeus beings in the Alliance let alone the McKay clones.
"Not exactly clones more like copies, but essentially yes."
A beep from Picard's comm badge alerted him to the notification. Picard pressed the badge, and said, "Admiral Picard here."
"Admiral," said Data, "we have a hail from Colonel Bradshaw coming in, and he wishes to talk to you."
"Patch it through my computer, Data, in one minute."
"Yes, sir."
"Time for me to go, then, "said Reynolds. "Money to make, knowledge to learn, wars to win. Goodbye, Picard."
"Goodbye Reynolds."
The hologram of Reynolds disappeared, and the hail from Colonel Bradshaw came in. The Colonel's face appeared, looking happy and excited.
"Admiral Picard, congratulations on the extraordinary victory," said Colonel Bradshaw.
"Thank you, Colonel Bradshaw," said Admiral Picard.
"I've already heard about the Temporal Manipulation Satellites. It was genius to use them."
"Well, about that…"
"I know Atra Operatio provided them, but you did use them to save thousands of lives."
"I guess."
"Nope, not a guess, but a truth. This is how it will be presented. Admiral Picard of Starfleet and the Alliance wiped out twenty-two thousand Borg ships without a single casualty!"
"But I…"
"This is what is needed, Admiral. A hero and a victory against this attack by the Borg will ultimately bring us all closer together and in purpose against the Borg. You of all people know the Borg, and this is the best chance of removing them once and for all."
"The war against them will not be easy, and you know that."
"I do, Admiral. With you leading our forces to more victories and progress, more will join the Alliance, strengthening us against the Borg."
"You are asking a lot of me, to lead this war."
"I trust you more than I trust many people in the Alliance."
"Who else do you trust?"
"President Sisko, and Captain Janeway. Also, their crews and your crew as well."
"Why do you trust so much? You are offering me to lead the Alliance in the war against the Borg. We have only met a few times in the time AMP has been in the Alpha quadrant."
"I have read your many mission reports, and it seems that you are one of those people that can be placed in a situation and usually achieve the desired righteous outcome."
"What do you mean?"
"Special people in the wrong place at the wrong time can make all the difference in the universe. Captain Janeway is another such individual, and so is President Sisko, and they, including you, are those that can turn a bad situation good."
"So you see me as a tool to use against the Borg to increase the odds of wiping them out once and for all?" asked Picard.
"Basically, yes, as I care for all of you, and everyone else. I want the best for all of the Alliance, and our descendants. Eventually, your children and others will have to deal with what we left behind. If, with your help, this allows us to have an increased chance of victory by wiping the Borg now, and removing that threat for those to come, then we will not have failed them."
"I agree, but I don't like having to get a nanite center or some of the other rumored enhancements."
"It will make you better able to face the Borg, but it isn't a requirement of Black Fleet, or the Alliance. Just remember that it is there if and when you ever need it."
"What about your talk before of getting Data various upgrades like a cyborg Asuran body?"
"If Data wishes it he could have nanites added to his body allowing him to be better and even more human."
"I've heard rumor you could transfer Data to a human body."
"We probably could if he desired it, but I wouldn't recommend it without going Asuran first."
"Yes and no."
"Explain," requested Admiral Picard who had heard rumors of Colonel Bradshaw having super powers because of cloning and switching bodies.
Colonel Bradshaw nodded and explained everything to Picard over the next hour. At parts, Picard wasn't sure about the Alliance, and its methods. At the end of the talk, Picard was thinking about the coming war he would be leading.
Delta Quadrant
Location: Alliance war front against the Borg on Forge of Hephaestus
Time: A few days after the Borg attacks
Admiral Picard was sitting in an office on the Arcturus-class war fortress, "Forge of Hephaestus." The other Arcturus-class war fortress was in the primary Alliance system. The two war fortresses have been pumping out many ships a day, using the unlimited power of the Arcturus generators along with beam constructors, hybrid replicator systems, and the Bug Replicators. Thousands of Alliance ships of the Black Fleet including the finished Reaper ships. The other shipyards from various Alliance systems in the Alpha quadrant continued to pump out many ships. Many older ships that had been retrofitted had been recycled into resources for building new Reapers. The crews of these mass produced ships were half Asurans and half Alliance members, to help crew all the new ships. Admiral Picard had approved various upgrades to his own ship.
The war had started in retaliation against the Borg's attacks on the Alliance home worlds. The initial wave of the Black Fleet was operating in groups which some of the crew coined the term "War Packs." These war packs had reached the front lines and using Temporal Manipulation Satellites, and Warp Disruption Satellites to their advantage they could clear a Borg system, then move to the next far quicker than normal with half the ships it should've taken.
Picard read the reports so far of the progress of the second stage of the virus. The purpose of the second stage was to free as many Borg drones as possible, and focused on freeing those Borg that were part of the fabled Unimatrix Zero. Unimatrix Zero was an underground virtual reality of some Borg drones that when they regenerated in their Borg alcoves they visited this virtual world. The Borg drones upon waking would forget everything that happened in this virtual world to protect it from the Borg Queen. The AMP's crew had decided that this would be an effective blow against the Borg by allowing those Borg who were part of the virtual world to wake up and remember and have severed their connection to the collective. They were then instructed by the virus to free their ship if possible from the Borg Collective in a way to free as many as their fellow drones as possible. So far this resulted in hundreds of millions of Borg drones being freed.
Picard wished he could see the look on the Queen's face as she lost control over those millions. He sneered at the imagined Queen of the Borg. He looked at the report and read about the intense fighting had escalated to almost a civil war within the Borg as Drones were freed from the Collective, and then they fought to take control of their ships. Those ships taken escaped to this staging area as the instructions in the virus code. Medical facilities had been setup to help reclaim the Borg drones from their assimilation and to restore them as much as possible to their natural self. Many of the freed drones had desires to join the war effort to repay the collective for what had been lost to them. Picard knew how they felt and was willing to fight for them to join the front. Zeus had suggested against this action because of Species 8472 would destroy them as well.
The latest reports still confirmed the united war against the Borg was progressing well. The Undine hadn't joined the Alliance yet, but they were honoring the non-aggression treaty with the Alliance and even lending assistance to the War packs. The time when the full might of the Alliance with many war fleets was coming soon. The projected date of the full war was the day the third stage of the virus was to activate.
Data entered Picard's office just then. Picard was still adjusting to the new Data who was now half Asuran, and appeared more human-like and even acted more human. Picard was happy for his friend, and a warm smile spread on his face.
"How are you doing, Data?" asked Admiral Picard.
"I am still adjusting and learning, but I'm happier now," said Data as he sat down across from Picard. "I am considering getting a human body, but I have been counseled that my current capabilities would far exceed that of any human. Though the advanced Alterran DNA used for a clone wouldn't be a downgrade to my capabilities according to McKay."
"You've made a big decision getting that Asuran upgrade are you really ready to jump to an advanced human?"
"It has always been my goal to be human, and it is finally possible Jean Luc."
Jean Luc Picard saw his friend was happy, but… "I am just saying maybe wait for a while until you've adjusted and had time to think."
"I will think on it," said Data. "Now I came in here to tell you that the Voth have fully joined the Alliance, and are requesting reinforcements in three solar systems."
"Send war packs ten, forty-one, and seventy-nine to those three systems, then as they should be the closest to the Voth's front."
"Will do, sir," replied Data.
"Is there more?"
"Yes. I know you juse counseled me to wait, but I think my brother should receive the Asuran upgrade as well. What do you think?"
"I think that is something you will want to do as any family member would want what is best for their family. Is this what you feel is best for him?"
"Yes, but he isn't like me. He barely understands anything like a child, and I know this will make him more like me. I just don't know if it is what he wants."
"Have you asked him?"
"He replies 'why?' then, 'yes.' He doesn't understand, and I don't want to remove his choice in this decision. He isn't smart enough to comprehend the decision."
"Should you force him to do something he may not actually want?"
"Exactly my issue, Jean Luc."
"Data do what you feel is right, and he can know it was done with the best intentions."
"Why haven't you received a nanite center yet Jean Luc?"
"I believe I am good enough, and I fear how it will affect me. I've already had nanites change my life, and adding these supposed good nanites inside me… I just won't allow this."
"I am I wrong for wanting my brother to receive these nanites?"
"Would you be happier to have a better functioning brother?"
"He most likely feels the same way deep down, and will embrace this change happily."
"He very well could."
"If he desires to go back, would you let him?"
"Would it be wrong to desire him not to?"
"Yes, that would be wrong if you forced him not too against his will, but at the same time it is natural to want the best for our family even if they don't."
"It would be good to give him the opportunity and see what happens then."
"I agree, Data," said Picard.
"Thank you, my friend," said Data, leaving to go see how his brother will change. Picard nodded and continued his work, until he was ready to sleep.
That night, Picard slept a deep yet restless sleep as echoes of the Borg collective spoke within his dreams. He was within Unimatrix One, and he knew it.
"Locutus, we need you," said the Borg collective. "We are being destroyed."
Picard looked at the most complex and advanced supercomputer in the known Borg collective. If you wanted to call it the Borg collective, you would not be far off. It appeared as a vast network of multifaceted gems the size of football fields interwoven and connected with technology that allowed the organization and drive of the Borg collective.
"I am Admiral Jean Luc Picard of the Starfleet and the Alliance, and I will not help you. I will be the harbinger of your destruction," yelled Picard.
"We will reclaim you, Locutus, and then we will be victorious. You will be our salvation."
"I'll never serve you, and you will fail and be destroyed," said Picard.
"We will come for you."
"You can try and fail."
"We are here!"
Picard's face frowned, and then he heard alarms as if from another time. Picard realized he needed to awake and prepare.
"You will fail," said Picard.
"We are here for you now," said the collective.
"We are here," said the collective.
"Locutus, join us," said the collective.
"Help us, lead us, Locutus," said the collective.
Then Picard awoke to alarms blaring and orders by the lower admirals coming over general comms, directing the defense of the Alliance staging system. A beep of his comm badge kept going off. Picard hit his badge, and listened.
"Admiral! Forty thousand Borg ships are exiting into our staging system through quantum singularities like the ones that open from Undine space," said Data.
"Is that why we didn't detect them, then, Data?"
"I believe so. Most likely, the Borg fleet transitioned to fluidic space and transitioned back and exited here."
"They are already within our lines, so we can't use the WDS or TMS," said Picard.
"Their use would be ineffective since they are intermingled with our own forces."
"Beam me to the bridge of the Forge of Hephaestus."
"Yes, sir."
On the bridge, Admiral Picard took his seat and took view of the situation as a giant hologram detailing the surrounding space was flooded with Borg ships. They were everywhere, and yet Picard knew the Borg were desperate.
"Unleash the full bombardment of our weapons including our sun catapults," ordered Admiral Picard.
"Yes sir," replied an Asuran weapons officer.
The sun catapults were a newly designed weapon for Arcturus Class War Fortresses like the Forge of Hephaestus, from another Eternus world. A mini sun was created and launched to destroy heavy classes of ships. Picard knew it wasn't a mini sun, but essentially it looked like one, and was just as destructive, in his opinion. Picard remembered reading the brief by the Puras Albus McKay on the Eternus world. "If you can't kill it, then throw a micro star at it," said Picard, under his breath, as more Borg were vaporized by the micro star energy projectile.
"Sir, AMP is in transit, and should arrive soon," stated Data.
"I forgot they were coming with the next reinforcement fleet from the primary system in order to be ready to go when stage three of the virus activated," said Picard.
"Well, we need them now definitely, Admiral," said Data.
"I couldn't agree more Data, but in this situation AMP's Arc cannons would hit friendlies."
"The AMP has plenty of other weapons, and we all are trying to avoid friendly fire," replied Data before a beep took his attention. "Incoming hail from the freed Borg."
"On screen."
"Admiral. We who are freed wish to help fight to aid you and defend ourselves," said Magcelo.
"If I remember correctly, your Borg ships have an armored layer of Replicators to help distinguish you from those attacking us." The silvery shine of the replicator blocks covering their ships was enough of a difference.
"Correct, Admiral. Can we join in?" asked Magcelo.
"Yes, and make sure your IFF identifiers show Alliance."
"Thank you."
"We must, and will, win," said Picard before the hail ended.
The alerts started up again, as yet another force entered the battle. Undine ships chased the Borg fleet's tail end from the open quantum singularities. The Undine ships engaged the Borg and the reclaimed Borg in battle.
"Data, hail Undine right now, telling them the silver armored Borg ships are ours that we have freed from the Borg."
"They are replying that they sense Borg drones on them, and will continue to destroy them."
"Order the reclaimed Borg ships to leave so to avoid war with Undine."
"They will comply," said Data. "They ask if you are sure if you really want their two thousand ships to leave when you have forty thousand Borg ships attacking, and only fifteen thousand ships here including them, and Undine?"
"Tell them to avoid Undine ships and engage the Borg forces that are far away from Undine."
The hologram showed that Undine, now numbered in the hundreds, were fighting with the Alliance against the Borg. Also, the hologram showed the reclaimed Borg replicator ships were not being pursued as they moved to the outer edges of the battle, for now.
"The last thing we need is to be at war with the Undine, but we can't let them slaughter reclaimed Borg, either," said Picard.
"I agree, sir," said Data. "AMP and the fleet will be here."
"Not soon enough Data, will they have something to come to?" asked Picard watching as more Borg ships started coming through the singularity again. Alliance ships were being overwhelmed and the shipyards with half completed ships still in construction reported Borg Drones incursions… Picard heard or remembered parts of the dream, "You will be our salvation… We are here! Locutus!"