Short chapter I know but man I have so much to write right now its nuts. Thanks so much for the encouragement kids.

Roast nug was a meat that she nor Major would ever forget, the meat was dark and tasted like rabbit but had a deep earthy taste though the mushroom sauce was better than it looked. Even in the privacy of her room Ealisay took to eating delicately as her mother had taught her, forcing her to remain mannered in the deep dwarvish city. The deep red wine was from West Hill, she recognized it and it made her think of home.

Major's bowl was big enough for him to stick his head in it to his ears and filled with the juicy entrails and tips that made the hound whine with delight. He lay content at his full belly at her feet, letting her bare toes rub the top of his head. It was hearty, filling meal that was soon going to be followed in the tavern with dwarven ale. She had never had the stuff and now, before she got into Warden's business and that of her golem traveler.

She took her time, pulling her still damp hair into a bun that sat high on her head and into the clean dress from Redcliffe. She did put a knife to her hip and slipped a flask of brandy on her belt, just in case she couldn't stand the ale. Major was deep into doggy slumber when she left the room, carefully closing the door behind her. Only someone very stupid would try to enter her room with Shale and Major watching over it. The tavern was busier than when she had first entered and her height made her a giant among them.

The barmaid that had helped her with her room was at the bar and Ealisay made her way, though she didn't need to work very hard as the patrons made way for her. The flame haired dwarf looked up at her bleary eyed and burped none too softly. Ealisay's lips quirked into an errant smirk and that made the dwarf chuckle.

"Well hello there." he growled in a tone that was going for seductive and succeeding in hilarity.

"Hello yourself." she drawled. "What is your name, short stuff?"

"The names Oghren but the ladies like to call me Ooooghren."

Ealisay laughed. "Is that so? Well Oooghren, besides being a dwarf what brings you here to down this swill they call ale?"

The leer that had plagued the dwarf's face and slumped into despair. Ealisay's brow furrowed and she hustled him over to a corner booth and pulled out a flask at her side. In it was brandy she had procured from Captain Malcolm's liquor cabinet and switched the flask with Oghren's tankard. The ruddy dwarf looked close to tears and he gratefully took a swig of the tiny flask. The warm sweet liquid warmed his throat and chest as it flowed down to his stomach and he sighed.

"It is some might fine booze you got there." he replied and looked up at her, his gaze turning sharp with the burst of brandy. "Hey you wouldn't happen to be the Grey Warden that's come down here?"

Ealisay nodded and took the flask from him. "I am here on their business, yes. My name is Ealisay. Now, what's with the sad face, hmm?"

"Oh I'm just thinking about Branka. It's the second anniversary of her leaving and no one will go out to find her."

"She left? Where? Why can't you go after her?" she asked, confused.

"To the Deep Roads. The city's only living Paragon and she ups and leaves me to quest for some ancient technology."

"It's commendable for you to feel concern for your Paragon-"

"She was my wife and she left me, Warden. Abandoned me to be ridiculed by everyone else."

Ealisay glared. "She's in the Deep Roads with her entire house without you? That's unusual."

Oghren slid his tankard of ale and took a swig of it. "Well Branka was always a column short of a hall. I know where she went but not how to get there."

Ealisay tapped her fingers on the stone table that she and Oghren sat around and thought for a moment. Another pursuit that was being thrown into her face. She should help Oghren and Maker knows she wanted to. If she left the Assembly to argue about their throne and she would help this broken being in front of her and help Shale. If she could get a Paragon behind her then the Assembly would have to agree to the troops for the Blight.

"What do we need to do get you to Branka? What do we need? Who do I need to talk to?" she asked leaning in towards him.

He looked up into her gaze and saw the determination in the orbs. His gaze widened in disbelief. "You mean it? You'll help me?" he asked.

Ealisay nodded and straightened. "Yes, we'll help you find Branka. We must go into the Deep Roads to help my golem companion find out where she came from. Two birds, one stone. What do you say?"

"Yes! By the ancestors yes!" he cheered and thumped her heartily her armor the only protection she had against the strong fist.

Seeing the amusement in her eyes made Oghren realize that he had cried out his agreement and he looked around furtively to see if anyone had seen him act out. No one seemed to care what he did anymore and he was grateful of that now.

He cleared his throat of joy and sighed. "I know that Lord Harrowmont has been sending out parties to find Caridin's Cross. They probably already have a map."

Ealisay tapped the table in thought. "What is Branka looking for?"

"She's searching for the Anvil of the Void. Caridin discovered how to make golems and the Anvil is the key to that. Golems are worth ten times as much as a warrior."

Ealisay's face perked. "Caridin must have been involved with Shale's forging." She seized Oghren in a mighty hug and then slid out of her seat just as fast. "Come back here tomorrow and I'll tell you what I've found. Now I'm off to the Assembly for the Grey Warden's business."

Ealisay quickly made her way back up to room her thoughts spinning about

Shale stared down at her from her with suspicion as she burst into the room. "Why does it look so happy? Did it find something shiny?"

"Something better Shale," she chirped as she pulled out the scroll holding the Grey Warden treaty. "I found a way to help you find out where you're from. Come on, we need to get to the Assembly before they adjourn for the day."

She followed the concourse around and did not pause as a young dwarven called out for someone. It couldn't have been for her so she would not intrude. Getting to the Diamond Quarter where the nobles of Orzammar lived required climbing up two flights of massive steps. The Quarter looked out over the rest of the City and the lava pool that flowed under it.

"So this is where the higher class midget live I see." Shale rumbled. Ealisay chuckled and shushed her before she could make another comment.

She felt the eyes of the nobles on her but she tried to pay it no mind. Her plans did not lean on them, just on Harrowmont and his second. House Harrowmont was not that big on the outside. She climbed the short flight of steps and knocked on the heavy stone door. Slowly it scraped open to show a bald dwarf with the air of a highly prized servant.

"I am here of behalf of the Grey Wardens," she said smoothly. "I ask to see Dulin Forender."

The dwarf swung the door wide and gestured for them to enter with a bow. Ealisay came in with Shale and Major at her heels. When they were far enough inside the large foyer the door slid shut and another dwarf came towards them.

He bowed."I heard there was a Grey Warden here. I am Dulin Forender, second to Lord Harrowmont, King Endrin's own choice as successor. Word is spreading that the surface may suffer a Blight. It is shameful we are not in a better position to help."

"You will with what I propose," she replied coolly. "I know full well that the fight to be king is becoming dirty and bloody. What I'm suggesting will be the absolute end to Harrowmont's problem. If you have eyes or ears in the Commons then you should know full well that I have not spoken to any lackey of Bhelen's but I have only spoken to a certain dwarf named Oghren. I know Lord Harrowmont has been sending teams into the Deep Roads to find Branka. He gives me the map and I will go and get her. Having the only living Paragon's approval will secure him the throne."

"What would you get out of it?"

"Troops for the Blight just as the treaty compels you to do." she chided. "The Grey Wardens don't want to interfere with sovereign politics but there is a Blight and without a King Orzammar can't help. Harrowmont is my first choice, don't make me regret my decision."

Dulin thought for a moment. "I must speak to my lord."

"I will be at the tavern in the Commons." she turned to leave.

Dulin took a step to follow."Warden?"

She stopped mid-stride and looked down at him. "Forender?"

"The game of politics-" he started but was stopped by a wave of Ealisay's hand.

"I've played the game of politics my entire life, Forender," Ealisay grinned. "I'm a noblewoman on the surface. I know the winning hand and I'm giving it to Harrowmont early. Good day."