This story takes place without Duncan recruiting the Noble Origin and how the character gets pulled into the story of the City Elf Origin with the characters. Yes, I see that the Noble Origin is popular just give this a chance .Please tell me what you think. It's hard to tell if you, the readers are just clicking on it then leaving in disgust or actually reading it.

Maker Bless you.

"Go Darling!" her mother pushed her through the passage doorway, slammed it shut and locked it before her daughter could turn around.

Beside her whined her mabari, Major, as she pounded on the door for her mother to open it. Major grabbed the hem of her armor and pulled backwards through the dark tunnel that led away from her family and into the wide world. Major was stronger than his master and after a while she stopped fighting her trusted companion and followed him willingly the rest of the way. Tears streamed down her face and she kept one hand on Major's massive head to follow him out of the darkness.

In the forests of Highever they walked until the Northwest sky was not filled with the smoke and fire of the castle before she stopped. Major kept watch over her as she fell exhausted against a tree. The Fade, where dreams and Mages walked, were filled with the spirits of the dead, crying for vengeance for their murders and she was going to do so. Howe was going to pay for his betrayal with every single drop of his blood.

The morning was cruelly beautiful as she followed the road to Denerim. She had bought a cloak from a traveling merchant along with some cheese, grain whiskey and bread. The days passed in a trudging walk until she made it to the city gates of the capital. In the city she kept out of the dark alleys and made her way into the Market District. There was a colleague of the Castle scholar that lived there by the name of Brother Genitivi. Maybe she could ask to stay with him for a night for could not know what the inns where like in the city.

The door was unlocked to the Brother's house but she knocked nonetheless.

No one answered.

She slipped into the house and searched through the front rooms. There were a couple of books that caught her attention, one was about Dragon cults. What was the man studying? Dragon cults were usually found in the Frostback Mountains. The door to the last room made Major growl and she pulled out her dagger for danger. She kicked open the door and was confronted with the smell of death and musty books. She coughed at the smell and walked around the room. The decomposing body of a man was around the corner in front of the bed and she knelt down to see who it was. It was not Genitivi, she had met him a few summers ago at Cousland Castle.

Major flattened his body and growled softly and she flattened herself against the wall.

With a finger against her lips she motioned for Major to come beside her. Someone dropped something on the ground.

"I should have burned that body when I got the chance." a man sneered and started for the back door. "Could have sworn I closed this-" His sentence was cut off by the massive weight of a mabari war hound flattening him against the floor.

"Where is Genitivi?" she asked coming out of the room with her dagger glinting in the candlelight.

"I-I don't know-" he stammered. Major growled menacingly at the man. "He's gone to search for the Urn of Sacred Ashes."


"The Spoiled Princess Inn by Lake Calenhad." he answered quickly.

"The Urn is at an Inn?" she ask incredulously.

"That's where Brother Genitivi went." the man replied.

Lake Calenhad were weeks away on foot but on horse it would be faster. If she could get a hold of one they could stop by Redcliffe and Lothering faster. She could get news to Fergus and then go ask for help from the Arl. Eamon knew her father and was well loved by the Banns and Arls of Ferelden. He could help her get vengeance on Howe.

"You have a horse?"she asked tersely.

"Yes." the man answered

Give it to me, leave this house and never return and I will spare your life." she replied grimly.

She could barely see the man's head bob with a nod."Okay, okay, please don't hurt me!"

"Major." she ordered and the hound got off the man. "Where is your horse?"

"The Livery just at the front of the Market District gates, he is named Rabbit." he replied getting to his feet but keeping a safe distance from her and Major.

"Now get out!" she barked and the man fled the scene of his crime.

"I don't think we can stay here, Major." the dog barked in agreement. "Lets get those maps and get out of here. But first: we raid the food stores."

The maps she looked at pointed to a small Village Northwest of Redcliffe by the name of Haven. In the chest by the bed kept Genitivi's Research and a symbol of Andraste. She pocketed both and covered the dead body in a sheet in reverence.

Rabbit was not what she thought he would be. Rabbit implied wiriness, slim and maybe a little scrawny but Rabbit was a flush mountain horse with sturdy legs made for hauling. He would come in handy and Major would not look out of place running next to him. The horse was laden with enough supplies to make it to Redcliffe if she kept to hunting or Lothering if she did not. It was Midday when they left the capital hoping to make it far before they would have to stop.