"Now, tell me where the Doctor is." the Slitheen hissed. "No, I won't." Jackie Tyler said firmly. "You might want to reconsider that answer." it snapped. "Oh, and why's that?" "Because I could make your death...rather unpleasant. And I'm sure that after your dead, we could use your skin for a disguise. You certainly seem fat enough."

This sent Jackie off the deep end. "WHAT?" she shouted, all fear gone. There was resounding CRACK! that filled the air, and the Slitheen fell to the ground, dead. Jackie stood there breathing heavily for a moment.

"That should teach you."

The Doctor and Rose then ran into the room at full speed. Rose saw her mother and ran over to hug her. "Oh, mum, thank God!"

The Doctor stepped arounf the carcass to stand next to Rose and Jackie. "Wow." the Doctor said in awe, "you certainly took care of that thing. What'd you do to it?"

"I just slapped him."

The Doctor eyed Jackie warily, and took a couple of steps back.

So, I thought about how Jackie doesn't get enough credit for what she does. So I decided to make her the hero. And ta-da, this series of one-shots formed. The other four should be posted soon. Hope you liked it!
