Steps for recovery/ by Rock_Junkie and Dikicat

A/n: we really want to own it. Tried to bid for it but Rowling screamed 'mine!' as she grabbed the books to her chest.

P.s: DikiCat wonders who here watches SPN? (Supernatural for those who didn't get it)


Chapter 1: The First Fix.

In the end, it was the chocolate smell that did it. Or rather, it was Ramus' great fascination with chocolate that did it.

Or maybe it was Snape's fault.

Yeah, Sirius would've approved that notion; everything bad was Snape's fault.

Still, you really couldn't blame him. Once you mix Snape's distinctive smell with that intoxicating aroma of sweet, heavy, dark chocolate mixed with a hint of strawberry liquor… well, no one could find it in himself to resist.

And neither could Remus.

It all started when the man came up to deliver that damn Wolfsbane potion for him that day of Halloween. If it wasn't so near the full moon, then maybe Remus might have missed it.

But he didn't.

And that made all the difference.

"You should drink it directly, Lupin." Snape said without turning his gaze away from the werewolf.

"Yes, yes. I will." Moony smiled as his nose caught on a strange scent among the mixed vapors. He breathed in a lungful of it. Mmmm.

"I made an entire cauldronful, if you need more."

"I should probably take some tomorrow. Thanks very much Severus." Remus kept on smiling as he tried to guess where the smell was coming from.

"Not at all." Said Snape with a sigh, right before he backed out of the room, unsmiling and watchful.

Remus paused as his senses were attacked by that strange heavenly smell again; dimly he could see Harry staring at the filled goblet and decided a simple explanation was in order.

As he bid Harry goodbye, the professor sat behind his desk, trying to get back to work. But the more he tried to concentrate, the more he got distracted. His nose kept on reminding him of that delicious smell.

Was it coming from Severus himself? Or from one of Harry's pockets?

It didn't matter much, Remus decided. Maybe it was all really his nose telling him that it was time for a break.

A chocolaty break.

Not as good as he smelled before, though.


Knock. Knock.

"Enter." The harsh voice ordered and Remus shivered in the cold dungeons as he did as instructed.

"Lupin. Your potion is on the table, please note to drink all of it, or the affect will be moot."

There it is that chocolate smell again! It must have come from him!

"Of course, Severus, thank you." Remus said, picking up the goblet and downing the content at once, "Ugh, horrible."

"It isn't supposed to taste to your liking. Sugar, as you well know, naturalizes the effects of the potion-"

"But surly there are other things to add to a potion to make it taste better?"

Snape glared at having being interrupted. "And what makes you think that I would waste my time and good ingredients on a creature like you?" He was smirking coldly and Lupin flushed.

"I just thought-"

"Well, you thought wrong. Werewolf." Snape got up, crossed the room and opened the entrance door. "Now leave."

But leaving was the last thing on Remus' mind. As Snape passed by, he could smell that aroma again and it was making him heady.

"Do you smell that?" Remus asked, taking a sniff.

Snape tensed. "No. I smell nothing. Leave."

Remus walked closer to the potions master. "I'm sure I can smell this. It's chocolate, definitely chocolate." He nodded to himself and Snape shut the door in annoyance as he strode back to his seat.

"I'm not going to wait around for you to make up your mind. You are not welcome here wolf-" but he was cut off as Remus grabbed his arm and leaned over him. "The smell is coming from you."

Snape fought to get free. "You are deluded. Let go of my arm." Remus leaned even closer and Snape turned his head away as the wolf's face got close to his throat.

"You smell like candy. Chocolate candy." Remus whispered. "Mmm," He moaned as he licked a stripe of Snape's neck.

"Wha-? Let go of me you deranged animal!!" Snape shouted as he fought even harder to get free, only succeeding in making Remus rip his sleeve off. "Now look what you've done!! You truly are an-" but Remus didn't bother to hear what he really was.

The scent of chocolate and strawberries was getting to be too much and he just had to take another dose of it. And what better way than to get it directly from the last place it's been?

Snape froze completely when Lupin's lips found his and didn't respond when Remus started kissing him.

It was forceful and hungry and deranged; an addict getting a fix, an animal catching his pray, sweet prize after a life-time without, chocolate and Severus and heaven. He licked everywhere he could reach, not stopping 'till he got every last but of chocolate from that sinfully delicious mouth, from the roof to between the teeth to under the tongue to behind the molars, Remus was very thorough and passionate.

About mid way through the kiss he couldn't help himself and moved his hands to caress Snape's back. Only then did it seem that Severus register what was happening to him, and to Remus' relief (and mild shock), responded equally.

It didn't last long enough for Remus. Snape snapped, suddenly realizing what he was doing, and with whom.

"Get off me. Leave. The moon is to rise in mere minutes, you fool!" He dragged Remus by the arm to the door, throwing him out.

"So… can I come back tomorrow?"

"GET OUT!" Severus screamed, slamming the door in his face.

The walls rattled. A portrait fell.

Remus stared at the door. He put the tip of his finger in his mouth and licked it with a smile.

"Mmm, chocolate."



A/n: as you can see, chocolate addiction is hazardous to ones health and now for the most amazing news ever!!!!!!!

Rock_Junkie is finally going to join DikiCat in the army!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!! Start the countdown people- the date is 31st of December and yeah we know it's new years eve.

Still!!!!! Some congrats here folks!!!!

Rock_Junkie: you like using (!) marks, right?

DikiCat: how did you guess?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rolling eyes.

DikiCat is proud to say that she loves being in the army. It's a blast. She gets to do all sorts of interesting things (ones she's not at liberty to say) and the people there are awesome like her.

Rock_Junkie: (dryly) you forgot modest as well.

Of course!!!

Rock_Junkie: stop it with the damn exclamation mark.

DikiCat: make me!!!!!!

*tumble* CRASH *scream*

DikiCat: NO. How could you take it off the keyboard? You're evil.

Moving on…..

Review please and we might continue it- if you liked it. But if not then I suppose you'll have to go on living without the most important information of your lives.

So what will it be?