"Ok boys we're gonna try this once more from the beginning. 1....2...ready..go," said Paul Jonas looking at his sons in the recording booth. He didn't care if they were tired, hungry and thirsty he just wanted all of this to get done so he could make some cash.
"Dad come on. Can we at least get some water," said Joe just as the music started.
"You guys will get some water once you boys get this song done right. Ok," snapped Paul looking at each of his boys
"Dad anymore and we won't be able to sing. Do you even care that Nick hasn't even eaten yet," snapped Kevin motioning toward Nick who had a look telling his older brother to shut up.
"Not my fault he's diabetic. Now look either you guys can record the damn song or the three of you can kiss your music careers goodbye." Paul knew he had the boys there. No doubt about it they loved to sing and perform in front of crowds but lately everything has just been too much. Hard to believe that this all started when Nick was 8. Papa Jonas insisted he'd be his trainer and just went over board with it. No matter what Nick was required to sing, and being the protective big brothers that they were, Joe and Kevin decided to join in as well. So ever since they got their first big hit their father has been pushing and pushing until it got to the point where he actually abused his children to get his way.
"Fine we'll sing," said Nick as the other two agreed. They had too many cuts and bruises as it was and it was a little hard to cover them up sometimes. Luckly for them their mother was a big help in that department and was always willing to give a gentle hand, well sometimes. There were somedays when their mom wasn't home and was mostly gone for at least a week or month, but they got through it. So aside from their abusive father and MIA mother they really were living the dream.
"Nicely done boys," said Paul once his boys got done singing and he walked into the sound booth, "we've got a hit. I can feel it."
"Wonderful," said Joe in a strained voice. Singing for most of the morning could really do wonders to your voice and it was 3 pm. Suddenly a flash of green came into the studio and wrapped it's arms around Joe's leg.
"Hey Frankie," said Joe picking up his little brother to hug him before passing him to Nick and Kevin who also hugged him.
"Hey Tank. Where's mom," asked Nick setting down Frankie and ignoring their dad's evil glares.
"Right here and I have food," said Denise Jonas walking in with two McDonald's bags and four drinks.
"Mom you rock," cheered Kevin as he and Joe went for the drinks and Nick for the food. But all stopped when dad interrupted.
"Hang on a moment fellas," he said going through the McDonald's bags before looking at his wife, "cheese burgers? Seriously? Denise we've talked about this. No one is going to listen to three boys running around in sweatpants."
Another con of their dad. He had it programed in his head that the boys constantly needed to stay skinny and that invovled nothing fattening. If they ate a simple thing such as pizza they had to go to the gym for at least 5 hours to work it off. He once even had them not eat for a day.
"Of course what was I thinking," said Denise giving her boys an I'm sorry look.
"Duh you never think," he said snatching the bag from his wife and handing it to Big Rob, "You can throw this away and then you can come with me to get some salads."
Everyone watched as Paul walked out nobody saying a word until he was out of ear shot.
"I knew those hamburger buns would come in handy," said Denise pulling the real cheeseburgers out of her purse and handing them to her sons, "How's your blood sugar Nicky?"
"It's all jinxy. One minute its high then its low and then its even lower," he said biting into the food.
"You want me to get his insulin Mrs. Jonas," asked Big Rob holding up the perscription, "there's a nearby pharmacy."
"No dad's already mad at us like it is," said Nick
"Well baby you need you insulin," said Denise
"I'll be fine. Besides we still have one left."
"Nick, dad is not worth your health," said Joe
"Look guys I'll be fine." Big Rob and Denise looked at Nick with worried eyes. Their father had prevented the boys to get the nessecary things for their health all because he thought that they didn't really need it. It was then that they realized something had to be done. Big Rob went with Paul to the local deli, making sure to get the boys a small salad, while Denise did some exploring on the web. Later that night Big Rob and Denise had everything sort out and ready. Now they just had to get the boys.
"Kev. Kevin wake up," said Big Rob as the oldest Jonas Brother opened one eye, "Come on get up you got to pack."
"For what," groaned a very much asleep Kevin
"Your new life."
Meanwhile Denise was busy getting Joe and Nick up. Thank God they shared a room.
"Joseph, Nicholas wake up you need to pack your things," she said getting their suit cases out from under the bed and out of the closet.
"What time is it," groaned Joe as Nick, lazily got out of his bed.
"3 a.m. Now come on. We don't have much time."
"Mom please explain," said Kevin who was now awake and dressed. Big Rob was not far behind him with his bags.
"We're getting you boys away from here."
"What? But mom, we...." began Nick
"Boys don't deny it. With your father the way he is you guys are miserable and let's face it over the years he's been real abusive towards you all," said Big Rob as the boys nodded and looked down at floor as if they were ashamed.
"You're right," said Joe, "when do we leave?"
"I got you boys on the five o'clock flight. Pack your clothes, toiletries, and other things you boys need or want. Be quick about it. Leave some of your stuff you can buy more clothes, shoes and other stuff once we land," said Denise as Kevin raised his hand, "yes Kevin?"
"Ok um... Where are we going," said Kevin as Nick and Joe began to pack
"A small town in North Carolina called Rodanthe. Don't worry hardly anyone goes there. Your identies will be well kept."
"By the way we got you guys all new IDs," said Big Rob passing them new drivers license, passports, credit cards, etc.
"Nicholas John Lucas," asked Nick looking at his new dog tags
"Joseph Abraham Lucas," said Joe glancing at his credit card
"Kevin Paul Lucas," said Kevin after seeing his drivers license. Yep the boys were pissed.
"The name change was so your father couldn't find you. Also Kevin your name is on the deed to the house and on all the cars," said Denise handing Kevin a file, "oh and one more thing your not brothers."
"What," said the three in unison, shock washing over them.
"Once you five get to North Carolina your identies change."
"Wait. Wait. Wait. Five?" said Kevin looking up from the file he was just given.
"Mom unless one of us or two of us is hiding a little secret I don't think there will be five of us," said Nick after packing his bags
"Frankie and I are coming too," said Big Rob handing the boys new cell phones, "I distroyed your old phones and got you new ones."
"Anymore surprises mom," asked Joe, "Like is Frankie mine and Kevin's adopted child?"
This earned him a look from both Kevin and Nick.
"No," said Denise as the boys laughed, "but he is Nick's nephew."
This made the boys stop laughing. Great more drama.
"Ok call me crazy but no one is going to believe that," said Kevin, "besides isn't Rodanthe like a redneck town."
"They will once you tell them that Nick's sister is the mother," said Big Rob coming in with Frankie's bags, " and yes it is a redneck town."
"Oh yea this is believeable," said Joe grabbing his guitar and setting it beside Nick and Kevin's.
"Ok so let me get this straight. Kevin, Joe and I are cousins, we came down here after our parents died, Frankie is my nephew and living with me," said Nick
"Pretty much yea. Now let's get going you guys have a plane to catch."
With that said and done Kevin got Frankie out of his bed and got him into the minivan. Joe, Nick and Big Rob loaded the bags in the car and soon they were on their way to the airport.
"Send me a text when you boys land in North Carolina," said Denise as tears threatened to fall. This was going to be one of the hardest things she would have ever done in her life.
"We will mom," said Kevin hugging her and giving her a kiss on the cheek. He then shifted his focus to the younger ones.
"Take care of them Kev," she said before moving to Joe
"You make me so proud baby boy and remember as soon as your father and I divorce I will be down here. In the mean time watch out for your brothers cause rather Kevin wants to admit it or not I know he's hurting inside."
"Ok mama," said Joe before repeating what Kevin did. Denise then moved to Nick
"Nicholas. My baby, my little rockstar. Don't give up hope. Remember a little bit longer and we'll be fine."
"Ok mom. I love you," said Nick tears falling as he hugged and kissed his mother. He then looked at the small boy that was rested on his hip. Frankie had woken up the ride to the airport and was told what was happening. He was now currently on Nick's hip and trying not to fall asleep.
"Frankie honey be good for your brothers ok and remember live like your on the bottom even if your at the top," said Denise kissing his forehead and moving some hair from his face, "I love you."
"I love you too mommy," he said hugging her and kissing her before hiding his face in Nick's neck so no one would see his tears
"Look after eachother and stay together," she said before glancing at Big Rob who was giving them the signal to follow him
"I love you all," she said hugging them all and with teary eyes the boys followed Big Rob to the airplane where they waited for their new lives to begin.