Title: Of Lust and Desire

Series: Bleach

Author: NoirHeart

Rating: T

Disclaimer: Bleach respectfully belongs to Kubo Tite

Warning: Slight sexual scene

Ichigo's senses and awareness was always number one, despite his lack ability of sensing reiatsu. He could always tell if dangers were approaching or if something was going wrong. So, when he felt that something –someone– was hopping his sleeping figure and went out from his window, he immediately alarmed and fully awake. Instinctively he grabbed the substitute shinigami badge and then looked outside his windowpane. When he saw the figure who had just been stepping his sleeping body, his eyebrow raised in confuse. Rashly he got up from his bed and then opened his closet. It was empty. His frown was deepened and then quickly he changed his attire before he jumped outside the window to follow that figure, walking alone down the street in the middle of the night.

After Renji was nowhere to be seen Rukia hopped to the second floor windowpane, where Ichigo's room was located. She hoped that Ichigo was still being asleep, because she knew that the strawberry wouldn't be happy to catch her being soaked wet all over in the middle of the night. He sure would bring up some annoying questions and she didn't want that. She just wanted to get in there quietly, had a brief bath, and then went to his closet again to resume her peaceful slumber.

Rukia carefully slid the window open and then examined Ichigo. Ah good, he is still sleeping, she thought. His face was facing the wall, eyes shut tight and his breath was even. But instead of just stepping his sleeping body to reach the closet again, Rukia lingered at his face. "Cute…" she mentally said to herself. Ichigo was an attractive one, she must admit. His deep amber orbs, his permanent frown on his face, his natural orange hair, and his lips, all were too perfect for her. Rukia blushed realizing that she was staring at his face for a little too long. She shook her head and then made one move to step over Ichigo's body. She landed with a silence thud against the cold floor on his room. Alright, she said to herself. Now go to the—

"Where the hell are you from, Rukia?"

Her eyes widened hearing that sudden voice and she stopped on her track. She then turned her head slowly and gave the sleeping figure a side glance. "Ichi… go?" Ichigo's eyes were already glaring at her intensely. He had a deep scowl on his face and Rukia knew that he wouldn't let her away easily from this. Slowly Ichigo got up from his bed and then stood up. His eyes were never left her figure even for the slightest.

"I… Well… I was kind of hungry and then decided to go to the convenience store to buy some foods." She forced a grin on her face. Ichigo said nothing but he just stepped past her and then turned on the light. Rukia's violet orbs widened the instant he did that, instinctively she braced herself in embarrassment. When she said that she was soaking wet, it was really soaking wet and… Well, you know what I mean, don't you? When you were soaking wet, some 'parts' could be visible to the bare eyes through your wet attire. That night Rukia didn't bother changing her clothes when she went outside. She wore a thin layer pure white pajama. So, she was visibly naked when that thin layer got soaked wet.

After turning the light on, he turned around to see her face again and planned to scold her but instead, his face went red and his eyes were locked at that amazingly ravishing scene. He scanned her up and down. He could see her delicate flesh clearly through that wet thin layer and her face was flushing red. .GOD!

"Where are you staring at, pervert!!!" Rukia quickly grabbed a pillow from his bed and then threw it to his face. Ichigo gasped and then instinctively turned his back at her.

"I-I'm sorry! Didn't mean to leer at you like that!" Ichigo had to resist his nosebleed due to that scene earlier. He held his nose and then tried to calm the uneasiness on his core.

"Liar!!! You pervert!!! " Rukia was screaming in embarrassment, her face was still flushing red and her hands were still covering her certain body parts. Ichigo finally gained his composure again after successfully calmed down his primal hunger. Ichigo gulped a big air before he talked to her again, still with his back facing her. He afraid he could not grab a hold of himself if he saw her in that condition again.

"I'm sorry, Okay? Now, Rukia. Where have you been?"

She had to suppress her urge to yell at him again when she sensed his unusual serious tone.

"I was from the convenience store, haven't I told you that?"

"Yeah? For nearly 2 hours and soaking wet? That store must be that far away."

Her eyes widened after hearing his words. Two hours…? How could he know that? Don't tell me that he was still awake when I—"

"So, where have you been, exactly?" his words stopped her train of thought. He had caught her on the act, so there's no point in lying. But at least she tried to cover the 'dance with Renji' part up. She didn't want Ichigo laughed his ass off for her stupidity to dance in the middle of the rain.

"The rain was falling down when I was on my way here, so I decided to—"

"Yeah, right. The nearest convenience store is 10 minutes of walk from here, and the rain started to fall about an hour ago, which means you spent 50 minutes there if my calculation was correct. What the hell were you doing in that goddamn convenience store for 50 minutes, Rukia?!" Rukia could sense a suppressed anger at his tone. Ichigo could be so damn annoying sometimes, she thought. Rukia couldn't find any proper excuse to cover up her lie, so he decided to end this trivial matter quickly.

"That's none of your business." She said coldly as she got passed him toward the door. Right now, all she wanted to do was taking a bath with high temperature water to warm her body from the chilling sensation that she got from her wet clothes rather done arguing something significant with this strawberry-hot-headed shinigami.

"I'm not done yet, Rukia!" Ichigo suddenly turned his face to her and grabbed her wrist harshly. She was startled with his sudden move and then shot a glare at him. "Ichigo, let go of my hand!" she commanded. But Ichigo ignored her words as his grip was getting stronger on her hand. Rukia couldn't understand him; it was just a small matter, for God sake! Why did he have to be this stubborn???

"No, before you tell me the truth." His eyes were flickered with a mix emotion of suppressed anger, disappointment, and… jealousy???

"What truth??? I've told you the truth!!!" she tried her best not to shout at him but to no avail, because she was getting tired and her body was starting to shiver from the chill. It's only a matter of time before she passed out if she didn't get the warmth that her body needed badly right now.

"Yeah?! Well I'm sorry, but you seemed to miss one point on your so-called truth!"

"What are you talking about, Ichigo?! I don't—"

"The fuck you don't understand?! Have you told me that you're dancing in the rain with Renji?!" Rukia gasped after hearing his statement… How… How on earth he knew about that??? Then an awkward silent and an exchange of glare were filling the atmosphere there.

"So you saw it?" Rukia's voice was very low and Ichigo could sense a hint of anger and hate on her tone.

"Yeah, more or less." He said it flatly. He knew that Rukia was probably mad at the fact that he was stalking her. But why couldn't she tell me the truth?! Why is she trying to cover it up?! Is there something between her and Renji?! I can't let that happen, she is MINE!

Ichigo gasped at that last statement that went across his mind. He never had that thought before, but why did it pop up suddenly on his mind right now? But he couldn't lie that his previous rage and fury was based on that thought. Am I… starting to— No! We're just a friend, a very close one!

Rukia saw that Ichigo was lost on his train of thought, so she decided to take that chance to shake her hand off his hand. She didn't know, and actually didn't care what's suddenly coming to his mind. Ichigo was being a jerk and she didn't want to talk to him for a while. She shot one last glare at him before she went to the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. Ichigo snapped out but he couldn't say anything as he was still rumbling with his own thought. Ichigo rubbed his temple and then took a seat on the edge of his bed. What's wrong with me??? Why am I—

"Sup, your majesty? Having a trouble with your queen?"

His eyes widened but then he closed it tightly after hearing that familiar voice inside his head. It was full of sarcasm and he could see his inner hollow saying it with his infamous smirk on his pale face.

"Shut the fuck up! I don't need your—" when he opened his eyes, he was in his inner world. His inner hollow was standing before him, smirking sarcastically and folded his arms on his chest.

"What the… How am I—"

"Save your trivial question, it doesn't matter." His smirk was getting wider. Ichigo gritted his teeth and clenching his fist with fury; why did he have to appear on the time like this???

"Don't mess with me; I'm not in the mood right now." Ichigo waved his hand to hush him away. But suddenly he laughed so hard and loud, which added more into Ichigo's annoyance.

"What's so funny, you ass-hole!" he hissed under his breath, suppressing his will to slash him because he wasn't simply in the mood right now.

"Yo, your majesty, seems like you have a lovey-dovey problem on you." Again he smirked sarcastically.

"What the…?" Ichigo was flabbergasted with his statement. "Love problem? Don't be ridiculous! Why am I—"

"You want her, no, that's incorrect. You desire her, don't you? That shorty girl with the raven hair?" his smirk couldn't go any wider. Ichigo's jaw gaped, could barely decipher the meaning of his inner hollow's words. He desire… Rukia? That can't be true, right? She's just… she's just my best friend! The harder he tried to deny it, the more it grew stronger on his head.

"What nonsense are you talking about?! Don't act like you know everything about me!" he shouted in annoyance, feeling both distressed and confused at the same time. Is it really true that he wanted her in such a way?

"Don't forget that you and I are one, your majesty. I do know everything that you think or feel." The hollow then sat down and yawned.

"Yeah, so?" Ichigo asked him with a disinterest tone and quirked an eyebrow.

"That means," he took his white Zangetsu and then put it in the front of him. "I do know that you desire her." Ichigo groaned and then pointed his finger at him.

"Don't be such a ridicule, she's my friend and I—"

"Is it always hot in here or is it just my feelings?"


The hollow didn't answer him; instead he stood up again while carrying his blade and then pointed his index finger at the far north. "Look at that." With a slight disinterest he turned his gaze to the far north and his eyes widened slightly. "What is… that?"

Ichigo saw many crimson, deep crimson clouds were marching and a flame-colored sun there. The sun was burning with such intensity that the heat might burn him if he got close to it. He did not notice this earlier, but this place was indeed burning hot as his sweats had already soaked his black shinigami attire.

"That? That's your current feeling. When you're happy or relieved, the sun's normal and cool breeze is flowing everywhere. When you're distressed, it's rather dark here as the sun disappears completely. When you're mad, angry, or jealous it was like hell here, and that's why Zangetsu and I are always helping you because it's freaking hot in here. When you're sad, it's raining here. It doesn't bother me though, but Zangetsu just the opposite of me. And," he paused a bit and then let out a silent snicker. "When you're so lost in lust and passion, it's like that." Again, he pointed the clouds and the burning sun at the far north.

"What the… Don't give me that crap, I'm not in lust or passion!" he shouted angrily at him. This was starting to get into his nerves.

"Yeah? Let me ask you this. What's on your mind when you saw that girl visibly naked just now, huh?" he put a victory smirk on his face. He gasped with that sudden question.

"I… Uh… I didn't think anything!" he could feel his cheeks were starting to burn.

"Let me warn you again, idiot. You and I are one. You want to be honest or I'll just tell it to you?"

"What are you talking about?! I said—"

"You want to kiss her lips, right?" he smirked evilly. "You always adore her thin and sweet lips, and you want to savor it on your tongue." Ichigo widened his eyes in shock. How could he…

"And you want to taste her neck, because her flesh was so damn soft there."

"Shut up…" Ichigo gritted his teeth, trying to suppress his anger. But his inner hollow was already immune to that kind of menace.

"And her breast, you're always dreaming that one day you would be able to grope them on your palm. Okay, it's not big, but it's sexy in a way, right?" he snickered out loud.

"I said shut up! If you—"

"Oh yeah! And don't forget her sexy ass down there! You—"


The inner hollow dodged the blast of reiatsu that Ichigo had pointed at him. He had expected this so he had no difficulty to evade that. Ichigo flash-stepped and then appeared on the back of him, swaying Zangetsu recklessly. He had heard enough from him. It's true that he had that in his wildest dream, but he didn't want to do it in the reality. He just… didn't want to hurt her. And when Ichigo thought about this and the fact that he actually ever had a dream of having sex with her, he realized that he did desire her. But he didn't want to admit it, as stubborn as always.

His inner hollow just snickered and laughed while blocking every single attack from Ichigo. "Admit it, Ichigo. It's still not too late to taste her sweet body, you know!" Ichigo, still in self-denial attacked him more recklessly and screamed, "Shut the fuck up! Shut up!" They both parted from the duel and Ichigo was breathing hard while his hollow didn't even have a single bead of sweat. "I'll go for now." He snickered. "Just remember what I've told you, your majesty. Your queen is still waiting for you to touch her." He disappeared with a loud laughter. "SHUT UP! JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" and then he saw nothing but a total darkness.

He was snapped back from his inner world to the reality when he heard someone turned the knob and then entered his room. He rubbed his eyes using his hands, trying to get rid of that earlier conversation with his inner hollow.

"So you're not sleeping yet, Ichigo."

It was Rukia's voice, but it was deep and flat. Seems like she was still upset with Ichigo's recent attitude to stalk her. Ichigo raised his head to reply her words, but it never came out when he saw her petite figure was wearing nothing but a towel wrapping her body. The warm water was still dripping down from her body and her hair was still wet. His mouth was gaped in amazement. Well, who would not, seeing her like that? He felt that uneasiness feeling started to climb up again to his core. He tried to restrain himself but it was proven very difficult because his inner hollow slowly started to take the control of his sanity away.

"Grab her. Taste her."

'No! Never!'

"This is your chance of a lifetime. Grab her!"

'Go away!!!'

"Don't you want to taste her?"

'I… No! Go away!'

"Taste the sweetness that you're always dreaming of?"

'I-I don't… R-Rukia… She's…'

"Look at her! She is provoking you to touch her. She wants this too!"


And there, he was lost. His lust and passion had successfully taken him over. Slowly, he stood up and approached her. Rukia, noticing the weird look that he gave her, felt a sudden uneasiness. His stare was blank but she did notice he had an evil smirk on his face. She frowned, something is off with him, she thought.

"Ichigo, what's wrong? You looked weird."

He didn't answer her; step by step Ichigo was getting closer to her.

"I-Ichigo? Oi! Are you okay?"

She had to step back until she was pinned to the wall behind her. She got nowhere to run. He was so close that Rukia could feel his breathing on her face. And she got flush on her cheeks. His smirk was getting wider and wider.

"W-what are you doing, Ichigo?! T-This is not funny!" she stuttered, feeling a bit afraid of what Ichigo might be going to do to her. Ichigo didn't react; he was just standing there, breathing heavily and unevenly. His eyes were hungry of something; something that he had to fulfill right now.

"I-I-Ichigo! If you do something—Hmph!" her words were cut abruptly when she felt his lips had crushed down at her thin ones. It was rough and wild; his tongue was caressing her lips, trying to get inside of her mouth.

Her eyes widened in shock. She pushed him harshly while shouting a silenced scream. "Hmph!! Hmph!! Hmph!!!" she rebelled against his kiss, refusing to open her mouth. Her hand pushed his toned torso abruptly but it was futile because in physical term he was far more superior. He used his right hand to catch her struggling arms and then pinned them to the wall above her head. She was trapped like an insect on the spider web.

Failed to get an access to her mouth, his lips went down to her neck. He licked it slowly and passionately, trying to savor her delicate flesh there. He kept on brushing her soft white skin there with his hot and wet tongue and his warm breath. Rukia had to suppress a moan. His warm tongue was giving her a strange sensation throughout her body. It was wrong, she knew that, but it felt… good as her body shivered in a pleasurable way. And slowly, his mouth closed and nipped her delicate skin there. This time, she was failed to suppress her moan as a loud one escaped her lips. Her eyes shut in pleasure. She knew she must stop this before he went too far, but the pleasure and all of these strange sensations that she received prevented her from doing so.

"I-Ichigo…" she called his name in between her moan.

He likes that when she said his name in such an erotic way. It was heard like she wanted more and more of this treatment. His free hand instinctively stroked her side and then slowly untied the towel that was covering her body. There was no resistance. Her mind was screaming to stop him, but her body didn't react according properly. The towel dropped off to the floor. Rukia shivered at the chill sensation that her nerves got when the blow from the air conditioner gently stroked her bare skin. And then his hand roughly caressed and squeezed her exposed skin. Rukia yelped when she felt his large and warm palm ghosting her bare skin.

"Hm… Hm…" Ichigo muttered under his breath while still ravishing her neck with his mouth. His right arm was holding her hand up and his left arm was stroking wildly all over her body, feeling the smoothness of her skin. His hand traveled farther and then touched her most intimate part. "Uh…" Rukia moaned at that tickling sensation that she never felt before. Right after he touched her slit down there, a shot of electric bolt was running from there to all over her nerves. Her breathing was starting to become uneven; she could feel something was building up from her core. It went higher and higher and it was only the mater of time before it exploded into something… Something that she didn't even know what. But her heart was pounding faster anxiously, waiting for that moment.

His mouth went lower from her neck, kissing her collarbone, and then down again to her breast. A loud moan was escaped from her lips as Ichigo enveloped his lips on the top of her mound there. Her breathing was becoming faster and faster. And unconsciously, every time she exhaled the air, a small moan was escaping her mouth. With his tongue playing on her mound and his hand playing on her down there, she felt that something was going to explode very soon. Her climax was threatening to come.

"I-Ichigo… St-stop… Pl-Pl-Please stop, I-Ichigo…"

Ichigo, driven by his lust, could not hear her words at that time. So her attempt was pretty much futile. Okay, she had to admit that this wasn't so bad. But, she didn't want to do it this way; she didn't like to be raped like this. Secretly, she had been admiring Ichigo too and also dreamt that sometimes maybe they could do what they're doing right now. But not like this! She slowly came back to her sense and tried to regain her composure. It was quite hard when somebody was licking your breast and playing with your intimate part down there at the same time. When she actually did it, she realized that her feet were free. Slowly she draw her left lag back and then in one shot, swinging it hardly at his groin.

Ichigo gasped and then a realization quickly came to his mind. Her kick was actually quite hard, and the pain had snapped him out from the fog of lust on his brain. When he realized where his position was –groping her slit and mouthing her breast–, his face was burning. He stepped back rashly until he hit the edge of his bed and stumbled to a sit position, facing a very pained girl before him. He couldn't see her expression as her bangs completely covering her eyes. But she could see she was gritting her teeth and her body was quavering violently. His eyes widened after realizing what he had done. Damn that hollow!

"R-R-Rukia! I-I-I'm sorry!!!" he stuttered as he tried to get up and reach her. But Rukia stepped back while holding her towel. "Don't you dare to touch me, Kurosaki Ichigo." Her voice was cold and it was hoarse. Ichigo knew how much it's hurt when your best friend tried to rape you. But that wasn't him! He had to tell her before it was too late.

"Rukia! Listen to me! That wasn't—"

"Shut up you fucking pervert! How could you do that to me!" her tears were threatening to fall from her violet orbs.

"That wasn't me, Rukia! My hollow—"

"I don't need your bullshit! I'm leaving. And don't you dare to show your face at me again!" she quickly grabbed her blanket to cover her body. The reason why she was only wearing a towel when she came to his room was she forgot to bring her spare clothes along with her. That's why she had to 'borrow' Yuzu's clothing and unfortunately she was only borrowing one. That only one was already soaked wet badly, and there's no way she would ever wear it again. So she decided to apologize to Ichigo for her earlier lies and pleaded him to borrow his little sister's attire. But that all went wrong when Ichigo raped her.

"Rukia! Please hear my—" Ichigo grabbed her wrist but she slapped his palm away harshly. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" she shouted at him with her teary eyes. Then quietly she hopped out from his window to only God knows where. Ichigo was still flabbergasted there, feeling a heavy guilty was engulfing him. He gritted his teeth and then laid his head again to his pillow. He felt disgusted with himself. How could he… have done such things to her? His mouth was mumbling before his mind drifted off away to a slumber state.

"Rukia… I'm sorry…"

There it is, a slight lemony IchiRuki fic… I was planning to create the sequel, but it depends on review… Please kindly review if you had finished reading this one (if anyone actually read this, though). One review could lift my spirits up…