AN: Alrighty. I figure this story needs some explanation. First of all, I am not a fan of Twilight (the movie OR book) at all. The only Twilight I'm a fan of... Is the fanfiction. I couldn't even finish half of the first book. Now, that doesn't mean that I don't like people who DO like it, okay? Each to their own. My point, though, is that I don't know everything, and am just kinda rolling with what I DO know about the series. :} ...As well as making up things to fit the plot. XD

So, anyway. Another random fic idea that hit me. I know I have lots of stories I'm working on, but this is my writing process. Eventually, my stories will get updated, and, hopefully, one day, finished. That's my goal. :} And yeah, another shoujo ai/femslash. I have a lot of ideas I'm attempting with this fic, but, I do have to say to my friend, I don't think Usagi/Bella will be one of them. ...At least this time. :p

I do no own Twilight nor Sailor Moon, nor the characters within.

What kind of sick joke was it, placing her in the Senior Biology class? Not only was she a freshman, but English wasn't even her first language – and she wasn't that good at it anyways. But, there, staring at her in the face, in big loopy letters, was Senior Biology. Right after lunch, no less.

Great, she thought, now I can't enjoy my lunch today at all. Sighing and stuffing the class list back into the binder she had grabbed just for that purpose, Usagi Tsukino made her way to her first class of the day. Somehow managing to crawl out of bed early that morning, she had taken the time afforded to her for a leisurely breakfast, memorizing the school map as she ate; an astute school councilor had thought to include one with her enrollment letter.

Honestly, when her father had announced that he had found a new job in the US, Usagi had been terrified. As pointed out earlier, English was not her best subject, and the thought of a totally new society freaked her out. But, looking at her father's happy face and the excited look her mother had, the blonde hadn't had the heart to protest. Instead, when she'd had the chance to slip away, her first thoughts had been to talk to Luna.

The black cat's initial reaction was to refuse right out, telling Usagi she couldn't leave. But as it was proven that that option wasn't quite doable (both Makoto and Mamoru had offered her a place to stay, but Usagi knew her parents would never go for it – especially not with Mamoru!), they had had to think of other options.

DID Sailor Moon have to be there? History had shown that in extreme cases, the Senshi had been capable of vanquishing youma all by themselves. And, though they didn't want to jinx themselves, after Diamondo-ojou-san had been defeated, things seemed quiet.

Furthermore, after an all-night brainstorming session, it was Ami who had come up with the solution. The Ginzinshou, while making itself known whenever Usagi really needed it, had the capacity for much more than already accepted. Analyzing the power that Usagi and the crystal alike had shown in the past and aided by the documents she had procured from herself in the future, Ami had brought up the option of teleportation. After some incredulous protests and another hour of questions, Usagi had gotten up enough nerve to try it.

…And had promptly ended up tangled in the branches of the tree she had been aiming to teleport to. After freeing herself with a little help from her friends helping her down, the first thing out of her mouth had been, "Well, at least I got there, right?"

Slowly, getting used to the pull of the Ginzinshou's power and her own untapped energy, Usagi had managed to almost perfect the process. While she could teleport with barely any problem if she saw the place she was supposed to end up, something out of sight was another matter. It wasn't until an innocent question by Minako had made the answer clear.

From where she sat on the jinja porch, holding Artemis and Luna on her lap, the blonde had, up until then, kept herself mainly out of the proceedings. But, just as Usagi's shoulders had begun to slump from the effort she was exerting to appear at the bottom of the temple steps, using the last step as an anchor point, something had come to the senshi of Venus.

"Hey, Usagi-chan," she called out, tilting her head and bringing one finger to her lips, "Are you having trouble because you can't visualize the area? If so, why not try visualizing one of us?"

"Huh?" Wiping a bead of sweat away from her cheek where it had trickled down, realization suddenly came to Usagi. "You're right," she nodded, smiling, "I know what you guys look like!" Swinging around, she poked her fingers together, "Uhm, anyone wanna jog down there for me?"

Giggling, Minako had lifted the cats off her lap and jumped up. "I'll do it!" she exclaimed, "Since it was my idea after all. I'll call ya when I get there!"

And, after Minako had yelled up the steps, Usagi closed her eyes, her hands coming up to cup the Ginzinshou. Feeling the warming pulse start to flow through her body with the crystal at its core, she concentrated on a smiling image of her friend. Then, as her body suddenly shifted, the courtyard was empty, and a sudden excited yelp was heard from below.

"Minako-chan, I did it!" Usagi's voice cried out happily.

"That you did, Usagi-chan, though I certainly didn't expect you in my lap…"

After a few more days of practice, it was elected that the girls, minus Usagi, would take a week trip to Okinawa, Usagi meeting them there after they gave her the go ahead on her communicator. And, after they had checked in to their hotel room, fingers crossed and lips bitten, Makoto readied herself (as Usagi had a habit of landing right on top of the person she was thinking of, and the brunette was the strongest). A slight popping noise, and Usagi, none the worse for wear, landed in Makoto's arms, overnight bag and all.

After the success, it was decided that any more experimenting could be put off for the rest of the vacation. So, as the giggling young girls they were, their time was spent on the beach, at the museums, shopping, and gorging themselves on all the food they could find.

And now, a month later, still with the tan she had gained in Okinawa, Usagi found herself standing in the halls of an American high school. Wrapping her jacket tighter around her self, she stood blankly in front of the door to her first class, wondering if she should wait to go in or not. Realizing that it really didn't matter because it was the first day and no one would have their seats picked out already, she reached for the door knob and opened it.

Well, American Algebra, here I come, she sighed to herself, walking to the teacher at the front desk. He didn't seem scary, and when she asked in halting English if there were assigned seats, he very kindly told her that she could sit wherever she liked. Bowing slightly before she remembered herself, Usagi turned and surveyed the room. As not many students had arrived yet, she had the theoretical pick of the litter.

Choosing a seat nearest to the large window that was situated on the side of the classroom, she sat down and pulled out her notebook and pencil. Then, trying to occupy herself by plotting her route to her next classes, she couldn't stop herself from looking up when a person took the seat next to her.

Her eyes wide, she gulped. The most beautiful girl she had ever seen had sat down, and was eyeing her curiously. Her skin was scarily pale, and she was dressed in a tight red velvet jacket that set off the ivory color. Long shimmering blonde hair was well coiffed in a stylish bun, and her perfect lips were covered in a glossy red lipstick, automatically drawing Usagi's attention. Blushing hotly as she realized what she was doing, Usagi ripped her eyes away and made a show of looking back over her map.

There was a slight snort as the girl caught her actions, but Usagi didn't have time to feel mortified before the final bell rang, and the teacher (Mr. Jackson) called for attention. Handing out syllabuses and math books, the class work soon began. While Usagi couldn't understand everything the man said, she was able to follow the lesson along, probably due to Ami drilling her in math before she left Japan. The couple of times she realized that she was completely clueless, she marked in her notebook so she could ask about it after class.

Then, as the bell rang, and she shyly made her way up to Mr. Jackson to ask him, he surprised her by turning away and calling out, "Rosalie Hale! Can I talk to you for a second, please?"

The otherworldly girl who had been sitting next to her paused and turned away from the door she had been just about to walk through. Sighing, she crossed her arms and looked bored. "Yes, Mr. Jackson?"

"Rosalie, this is Usagi Tsukino. She's just moved here from Japan, and is having a little trouble understanding everything. Now, I know from the other teachers that you and your family lived in Japan for a while, and while I can't ask you to tutor her outright, I CAN tell you that I would appreciate it."

The blonde's mouth pursed, and an almost disgusted look stained her face, not detracting from her beauty at all. A little shocked that her teacher had just called over the girl to ask her outright, Usagi clutched her notebook to her chest and stammered out, "N-no, that's okay. I really don't need…"

"Oh god." The blonde glared at her. "Fine." Turning to Mr. Jackson, she tossed her head, perhaps forgetting she had her hair in a bun, "I will help her in class. Don't want her to slow everyone down." Then, sneering again, the blonde huffed, stalking off, throwing over her shoulder in perfect Japanese, "Ne, Bunny Girl, just don't expect me to do everything for you."

Not quite sure if she should be thankful or not, Usagi called back, "Arigatou gozaimasu!" and exchanged pained looks with the teacher, blushing slightly. Then, sliding her belongings back into her book bag, she made her way to the next class, American History.

Nothing very exciting happened in that class, though it did feel kind of weird learning about a different country's history than Japan. At least the teacher read out of the book almost exclusively, so if she had any questions about what things meant, she could easily figure it out later. But, surprisingly, it appeared that Usagi knew a lot more English than she had thought! She couldn't wait until she called the girls to tell them about it.

After History was over, it was time for Art class, something she was actually looking forward to. While she wasn't nearly as good at it like, say, the famous Kaioh Michiru, she had fun. Walking into the bright and airy room and picking a seat near the back, she occupied herself by looking around.

Artwork from yesteryears hung on the walls, and a big cabinet that held art supplies no doubt took up almost all the space on the wall behind her. The whole room was cheery, and she felt like maybe she could relax. Looking over at the teacher that was busying herself in the corner of the room by sorting various boxes, she certainly did not look scary. Thinking about going over to offer her help, she slid back her stool and stood up. As she took her first step towards the teacher, a soft, musical voice suddenly said right in her ear, "Watch out for the cabinet door."

Flinching, Usagi sucked in a breathy mouthful of air and stumbled a bit in surprise. "E-eh?" she squeaked out, turning back to where the voice had come from. …Only to have cabinet door swing open and hit her squarely in the elbow.

"Ittai!" she squeaked out, pulling her elbow into her side and rubbing it fiercely. While it didn't hurt terribly bad, it was still unpleasant.

"Oh, oh my goodness! I'm so sorry!" With a horrified tone of voice, the art teacher scurried over, "I didn't see you. Are you okay? I didn't hit anything vital, did I?"

"No, no, she's fine," the impossibly musical voice said again, and Usagi felt a cool, hard presence behind her, reaching out to gently take her hurt arm.

Shivering as cold, sweet smelling breath brushed against her ear and jaw line, she finally got a look at the owner of the voice as the girl moved past her to stand at her side. With sparkling amber eyes and an impish up tilt of her lips, the most beautiful girl in the world (even better than that model in her math class) grinned at her sympathetically. Her skin, oddly as pale as the girl in her math class as well, was an impossibly perfect shade of pearl white, set off pleasingly by the short pixie black haircut. And, her eyes widening even more, Usagi realized that the girl was shorter than her. Than her! In America??

"Right," she stuttered, still staring into the entrancing eyes, "It really doesn't hurt."

"That's good." The girl smiled at her again.

"Y-yes." Finally disengaging from her gaze, Usagi turned to the teacher who was still standing there, fretting. "I am really okay. It was a… Mistake?" And it was true. The cool feeling of the girl's fingers even through her jacket sleeve was helping the discomfort leave.

"Good. I'm sorry, though." With one more awkward look, the teacher excused herself and went back to sorting, this time keeping an eye upon her surroundings at all time.

"Uhm." Looking down at where the girl's hand was still holding her upper arm, Usagi blushed a little at the contact. "Thank you for… saying to me to watch out."

Nodding, the girl politely led her back to the tables, finally letting her go and taking the seat next her. Moving her legs back and forth against the stool legs, the girl just thrummed energy. "No problem," she inclined her head, "Nice to meet'cha! I'm Alice. Alice Cullen."

"Tsuki – ah, Usagi Tsukino. Nice to meet you too." Flushing a little at her instinctual placement of her last name, she looked up when Alice suddenly giggled.

"Rabbit of the moon!" Alice exclaimed, shaking her head and grinning, "That's so cute! You even have the ears, don't you?"

Usagi's hands flew up to the buns on her head, flushing, before she realized that Alice had said that all in Japanese. "What? You speak Japanese too?" she blurted out, dropping her hands and leaning forward.

"Hai, hai, nihongo o hanashimasu." Alice trilled, smiling. "Wait," her features became confused, "Too?"

"A girl in my math class also knew Japanese." Speaking a little slow until she knew the extent of Alice's fluency, she continued on, "Hale-san."

Alice grinned. "Oh, Rosalie! Yeah, she's my sister."

Usagi blinked. "But, Cullen-san."

"We're adopted." At Usagi's nod, Alice stretched out her arms and continued with her leg kicking. "So, Usagi-chan, how'd you get Rosalie to speak Japanese with you?"

Explaining about what had happened at the end of Algebra, Alice hadn't been able to hide the giggle that had burst forth. "Oh, that's Rosalie for you! I'm sorry she was being… sharp."

"No, it's okay. Jackson-sensei had just dropped it on her." She did feel bad about that.

"Eh, I'll make her get over it." Waving her hand dismissively, the smaller girl leaned forward again. "So when did you move here?"

Just then, the bell signaling the beginning of class rang out, and the art teacher went into the middle space to address the whole class. Taking a second of silence to hiss quickly 'a month ago', Usagi smiled back at the one Alice gave her. Really, she wondered, feeling her heart beat a little faster than normal, people so beautiful should not exist.

As the teacher, who introduced herself as a Mrs. Caine, passed out the syllabus and outlined the general agenda for the class, Usagi found her mind wandering. She could hear the gentle breathing of Alice next to her, and shifted a little nervously in her chair. While the majority of the students in Forks High had stared at her all throughout the day, Alice had been the first one who had even attempted to talk to her. Apparently, though, that had garnered her even more stares.

However, she thought, sneaking a peek at the girl out of the corner of her eye, blushing a little at the grin Alice directed at her, she really didn't care. It was nice to find someone who seemed interested in talking with her. And the Japanese was a plus, even if she really should practice her English.

Accepting the sheet of paper Mrs. Caine handed to her, along with a cup of different graphite pencils, she selected the HB. While the assignment was to draw anything she wanted, however she wanted to, and a still life made up of a feather and skull was set up in the corner of the room for anyone who needed something, Usagi had no idea what she wanted to do. The still life didn't appeal to her, but if she couldn't think of anything to do, that wouldn't be good, either.

Well, there was always Luna.

Shrugging her shoulders a little, Usagi grabbed her cell phone from her pocket. Scrolling through her pictures and selecting the best one of her guardian she could find, she propped it up in front of her. She was quickly lost in the tilt of the black cat's head.

The sweet breath brushed against her cheek again, making her erupt in tingling goosebumps. Looking up through her bangs, she realized that Alice was leaning towards her, having scooted her chair over to get a better look at her picture. Glancing at the older girl's own picture, her jaw dropped. "Kami-sama," she breathed, raising her head and dropping her pencil, "You're wonderful!"

Alice had drawn, cutely enough, a little rabbit sitting on the moon, making rice balls. Usagi felt a hot blush rush to her cheeks.

"You like it?" the black haired girl asked her, eyes wide and twinkling.

"I… Uh…" Swallowing, Usagi smiled broadly, feeling incredibly touched. "I do!"

Alice studied her face, and Usagi had the feeling that the girl was looking for something. Glancing away and smiling sadly for a second, the smaller girl grinned impishly, picking up and pushing the paper into her hands. "You can have it, Usagi-chan" she said, the Japanese suffix rolling off her tongue smoothly among the English words. "Think of it as a 'Welcome to America' gift."

Staring at the drawing in awe, Usagi couldn't quite make sense of what was happening. Here was this impossibly stunning and gorgeous American girl (older, no less), who was being absolutely wonderful and charming to her! God, she could NOT wait to get home and call up Naru and the girls!

Mrs. Craine came up behind them, smiling. "Oh, that's wonderful, Usagi," she said, looking at the half picture of Luna she had been sketching, "I like how you're blocking out the shadows. Oh. Oh my, how cute! Is that a sticker?"

"Eh?" Looking down at her own picture, she realized that Mrs. Craine was pointing at Luna's crescent moon. "No," she shook her head, smiling, "Luna has a… has had that since she was born."

"Luna!" The woman smiled, chuckling. "How cute, again. Well, keep up the good work." Turning to Alice, who had sat back, quietly watching the exchange, Mrs. Craine smiled at her. "Alice, it's nice to have you back in my class. I'm sure good things will come out of you."

As the teacher walked off, Alice giggled. "That really is an adorable name for a cat."

"Oh, Luna? Yeah." Smiling widely, Usagi could imagine Luna curled up on her bed in their new house, safe and warm away from the misting rain outside. The poor girl had had to get used to the wetness of Washington, and had told Usagi in no uncertain terms that unless the sun was shining, she was perfectly happy staying indoors. Hah hah! Perhaps she should buy a cat set of raincoat and boots! In fact, it wouldn't hurt to go to the pet store and see if they even sold them.

The shaking of Alice's shoulders caught her attention, and realized that the girl was laughing silently. A brief thought of maybe Alice had seen her vision flashed through her mind, but she knew that couldn't be.

But Alice hadn't explained her laughter, and Usagi was soon back to her drawing. It really was an adorable picture. She had taken the picture when Luna hadn't been paying attention. The black cat had been sleeping on Usagi's bed, the blonde's bunny and moon comforter all scrunched up around her. As she watched Luna's ears and whiskers twitch while dreaming, Usagi had begun to wonder if her friend was warm enough. So, sneaking over and grabbing the bottom end of the comforter, she had slowly and softly brought it up, gently tucking it under the small cat's chin. Quickly, in a sleepy stretch, Luna had shifted the blanket down. It was this mid-stretch that Usagi had captured. Actually, if you squinted, it looked like Luna was getting eaten by the blanket, she grinned to herself.

As the bell rang to signal the beginning of lunch, Usagi had almost finished the picture. All she really needed to do was add in the detail of the comforter design so it wasn't just vague pencil strokes. Sighing a little happily that her picture was coming out, she realized she didn't know what she was supposed to do with it.

"Uhm, Alice," she ventured, catching the other girl who was putting her own supplies away, "What are we supposed to do…?"

The full blast of Alice's smile hit her, and Usagi briefly wondered how she had managed not to look at the girl throughout the whole class time. "It's okay, Usagi-chan. You can take it home with you to finish. Mrs. Craine said she'll take them tomorrow." Sliding the strap of her bag over her shoulder, the girl jumped down from her stool and stepped in close. "Mmm…" she murmured, "That's looking good."

Shivering once again as the cool closeness of Alice registered in her mind, feeling her presence almost pressing against the back of her shoulder, Usagi smiled. "Thank you," she mumbled back, flushing. What was it about this impossibly gorgeous person that played havoc with her senses?

Almost as if she noticed the affect she was having on her, Alice sat back on her heels. "What classes do you have after lunch?" she asked.

Her mind flitting through her schedule, Usagi frowned. "Biology and P.E.," she supplied, sliding her picture and the one Alice gave her into her binder and hopping down from own stool. Her stomach rumbled, and she blushed.

Politely ignoring her stomach noise, Alice tilted her head. "Who's your Biology teacher?"

"Uh… A Mr. Banner."

"Oh, great! You'll have class with my brother, Edward. He's a little stiff, but alright." Grinning, Alice started walking with her towards the Cafeteria.

Alice's brother? Just how big was her family? Usagi was about to ask the question when Alice suddenly grabbed her arm and yanked her towards her. Stumbling, she squeaked again, catching her footing. "Alice-sempai?"

The black haired girl smiled at her sympathetically. "Sorry Usagi, but someone wasn't paying attention and was going to walk into you. Didn't want you to get another bruise."

Craning her head backwards to get a glimpse of a crestfallen young man watching the two girls walk away, Usagi flushed. "He was going to use that as a ways to talk to me, wasn't he?"

Alice's amber eyes widened. "Oh, you noticed that?" A somewhat veiled looks skittered across her face. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have preempted it then."

"No," Usagi shook her head, smiling back at the shorter girl. "Thank you. I wouldn't have known… what to do. Besides, I'm already… Ah, seeing someone."

Alice nodded, dropping her arm. Usagi hadn't even noticed she had been still holding it, only just registering the hint of chill that stayed. The pale girl looked away. "So," she looked back at her, "You have a boyfriend?"

Usagi paused. While Mamoru was technically her boyfriend, they really didn't do anything that really made them have a relationship status. She knew that they would be together in the future and even have a daughter, but that was still a long ways off. Heck, it wasn't until she turned 21 that her body would stop aging, so she knew she didn't need to worry about it any time soon.

"It's… complicated," she finally said in Japanese, tasting her words as they came out of her mouth.

"Relationships often are," Alice tilted her head, momentarily serious before springing back into her usual happy demeanor. "Hey, you have anyone to eat lunch with?"

Usagi blushed. "You're the first person to talk to me…" she admitted, tugging her jacket sleeves with her fingers.

"Really? Well, I guess Rosalie doesn't count, huh. Okay then!" Grabbing Usagi's arm again as they made it into the cafeteria, the older girl threw over her shoulder, "You can sit with me!"

"But you're an upperclassman," Usagi protested, letting Alice drag her anyway. A warm feeling started to form in her chest. Perhaps she really had started to make a friend?