
"Yes, Abby?"

"I think that we'd better announce that you're a seasoned assassin right off the bat."

Ziva let her eyes skim over the occupants of the holding cell where she and Abby were currently imprisoned.

"I think that I'd prefer a surprise attack, should any defensive actions be needed."

Abby nodded slowly, leaning back against the wall that was farthest away from their new cell mates.

"As long as you have a plan."

The two girls stood side by side, each lost in her own thoughts. Wringing her hands, Abby looked down at her platform boots.


A guard dressed in blue beckoned her over to the gap in the bars where he'd just opened the door a bit., "Take your call."

Abby stole a glance at her friend before pushing off the cinder block and following the officer. Ziva reached out and patted the back of her shoulder in silent support.

Barely ten minutes later, Abby was back in the cell.

"Is someone coming?" Ziva asked hopefully. Spending her night in prison was not exactly how she had wanted to start her weekend.

"McGee didn't pick up."

The same bored-looking police officer crooked his finger at the older woman, and she exited the cell to take her turn, glancing back over her shoulder to throw a warning look at the others who were left in the cell with Abby. The last thing she needed tonight was to have her friend hurt, and there would be no mercy for anyone that made that happen.

She studied the phone for a moment, thinking over her choice carefully. Gibbs was absolutely out of the question. Doctor Mallard, while he was a kind man, would no doubt be very stern with them and there was no chance that the news wouldn't get back to Gibbs if Ducky was brought into it. Jimmy had an exam coming up, an she really hated to bother him when he was already under so much stress. That only left...

"The phone won't dial itself, lady."

Whipping her head around to glare at the officer, Ziva reminded herself that it wouldn't do anyone any good if she snapped the irritating local LEO's scrawny neck.

Picking up the telephone, she sighed heavily. Maybe, a night in jail wouldn't be so bad, if it meant that she didn't have to make this call. Conjuring an image of the terrified look on Abby's face when they'd first been brought to the cell into her head as motivation, she began to dial.

"DiNozzo on the line, talk to me."

"Tony, it is Ziva. I...I am at the police station with Abby."

She rolled her eyes, as she heard the tell-tale sounds of choking and sputtering signaling that he'd been taking a long sip of something while she had been speaking. Good. She hoped he'd spilled some.

"What?! W-why?!"

"We have been," she paused and tried to bring to mind a less harsh sounding word to describe her situation, "detained."

"You mean arrested?"

"Yes, Tony, I mean arrested! Now if you would just come down here and bail us out-"

"Well, gee, Ziva. I would, but I'm just so busy," he said, glancing around at his empty apartment, "Tell you what, I'll call Gibbs. I'm sure he'll be right there. Have fun."

"Tony, don't you dare hang up on —"

The call clicked to an end, and Ziva pulled the receiver away from her ear. Slamming it down on the base repeatedly, she growled to herself. The man was absolutely dead on Monday.

Abby smiled widely when Ziva returned to the cell.

"Who's coming?"

"I called Tony," she said softly.


"Gibbs is coming," she admitted softly.

Abby blanched and leaned against the wall.


"Yes, Abby?"

"He's gonna spank our asses, isn't he?"

"Yes, Abby."

Okay, I'm trying to finish everything that I have up this week, especially All Hallows Eve, but I couldn't resist putting this one up.

It's harder to write now. I'm not sure if I've let you know, but my daughter was born two months ago, healthy and happy, and I'm just getting back into the swing of things. But I'll keep trying, if you guys keep being patient with me.

Thanks for reading, and being so understanding.