His Butler, reminiscing

Raphael stood beside Ciel's desk, motionless and silent. He didn't show even the smallest of emotion, even a bit of smugness. He stood there lifelessly like a handsome statue aged with time like the statues of the Greek gods. Ciel found the silence deafening, "What is wrong with you?".

"Do you find my silence disturbing? Am I not always this silent?", Raphael blandly replied.

Ciel sighed and motioned for him to leave. He bowed and left silently the study. He brushed past Sebastian in the hallway.

"Where do you think-", Sebastian trailed off. He was ignored and this pissed him. He sighed and went about to Ciel's office. He turned the knob and opened the door gracefully. Silently, he peeked at Raphael's back, slowly getting smaller as he made his way to the butler's quarters. There's something odd about him today.

Raphael slammed the door behind him, threw his jacket on a chair and slumped on his bed. He sat up when he heard birds chirping. The birds sang their song on a branch of an apple tree by their window. He remembered an aching memory from their song. Ophelia.

He untied his tail, letting his thick black hair cascade to his shoulders, lay down and closed his eyes. Slowly, memories of his past flashed before him.

I sat underneath a golden tree observing other angels play under the golden rays of the sun. Beautiful Ophelia sat beside me, giving me a gentle kiss on the cheek. My Ophelia had long brown hair and beautiful golden wings, the most beautiful angel I've seen. Her gentle hands played my hair, "I love how your golden hair glows under the sun". She loved my blonde hair. She would kiss it and smell it and I find it funny.

"Big brother! Sonneillon is bullying me!", Sohis cried on my lap. I raised a brow at the little one with the black hair and red eyes, "You don't bully girls, chap". Sonneillon shrugged and turned his cheek then stormed off.

I pity this child. His life here in Valhalla is hard. Angels are disgusted of his black hair and red eyes and children would bully him non-stop. The first time I saw him was during my rounds, (I'm a soldier by the way) he was sleeping in a lump of trash, withering and close to death. I picked him up and brought him home. Sohis and I welcomed him like he was our brother, our own flesh and blood. He was a shy kid but a very nice one. He loved my sister and patronized me like I'm some sort of god. A funny child indeed.

He had big dreams and always seemed so happy. But that day had to come...

It was in the same meadow where Sohis and Sonneillon played. Where Ophelia and I watched sunsets and stars. Where I first fell in love with her.

"Sonneillon! What have you done!", I stood there mortified of the scene I saw. He killed my beautiful Ophelia. Even in her death, she is still beautiful.

"B-Brother...I...I don't know what happened...we were playing...my sight blackened...she lay here...", he broke down, looking at his bloody claws with tears flowing endlessly from his crimson eyes. Sohis cried, staring at Ophelia's lifeless body.

I wanted to kill him.

But I can't, because I love him yet I hate him at the same time. I hated him that moment. I clenched my teeth and held my sword tighter. "Brother...I...I'm sorry".

"I can't forgive you". Words slurred from my mouth as tears fell uncontrollably from my eyes. I pulled him by the collar and choked him with such strength that he almost fainted. I heard the other soldiers came and the general, Ophelia's father. I let go of him and he fell noisily on the ground.

"That boy must die!", general managed to say despite the tears. "No! Please!", Sohis cried. I stood motionless and everything happened so fast. Sohis took the blow for Sonneillon. She fell beside Ophelia. Sonneillon knelt beside her, hugging her cold corpse, crying like crazy.

My body moved before I realized it did. I shoved my blade down general's throat. I did it many times until he died. I stood up, looking at my bloody hands, scared and angry at the same time. I knew what would happen. If I killed an angel...

I'll become a demon.

Rain poured instantly after my bloody onslaught. I felt an unbearable pain on my back like someone ripped my back open. My wings hid me from them, pain still throbbing from each feather. I merely watched it shed off its pure golden color into pitch black like Sonneillon's hair. My hair that Ophelia loved so much turned into black. The pain was so overwhelming that my new black wing shrivelled up behind me, disappearing from sight.

"I remove you from this sacred land and take that cursed boy with you, Samael", Zeus echoed.

I was exiled from Valhalla, with Sonneillon by my side. As we fell from Valhalla, I can feel myself stripping away all emotions that I should be feeling. Being a demon feels great! I can't feel anything and I feel more powerful than before.

I looked at the demon's trademark tattoo on my wrist and felt myself smiling. "Brother...what's wrong?", Sonneillon asked with a tinge of fear. I smiled emotionlessly, "Nothing. I feel great".

"Raphael?",Sebastian called with a dash of hatred on his voice.

Raphael sat up and plastered a smirk on his face, "Missed me already?". Sebastian raised a brow and slammed the door when he left. He felt lighter now. He glided smoothly to retrieve his jacket and wore it gracefully. He faced the mirror as if to check if he changed back to an angel again, but only saw his pitch black hair draping over his shoulders.

He sighed as he fastened the last silver button of his jacket. The bell rang from Ciel's office almost instantly, "Well, back to business then".