Clary: You better explain right now.

Jace: Ok, its not what it looks like….

Clary: WHAT! You both have no shirt on, and your in bed together!. HOW IS THIS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!

Jace: You make fair point…

Simon: Shut up Jace, just tell her what happened.

Jace: Well, we were walking down the street when suddenly this demon came! It lunged at us! The only weapon we had on us was our shirts, so naturally I ripped them off and strangled the demon…..Then out of no where! This ice demon attacks and blows snow on us! We almost froze to death! So the obvious thing to do was to get into bed together.

Clary: that was the obvious thing to do!? Why wouldn't you to heater or something!

Jace: Because our body heat is like a heater and with two people it would up warm faster, god Clary I though you of all people no that.

Clary: Both logic and science have taken a serious hit today.

Simon: this is obviously a lot for her to take in …..

Clary: How. Can. You. Possibly. Expect. Me. To. Believe. That. Story.

Jace and Simon: We don't.

Simon: But luckily I had my IPhone and recorded the whole thing.

Jace: You were recording while I was killing demons?!

Simon Well…yer I had a feeling that once you ripped my shirt off, that no one would believe this story unless we showed them.

Jace: actually, your right good thinking.

Clary: Ok……let me see it then.

-All watch movie-

Clary: Wow! It actually happened! Sorry Jace for accusing you of cheating with my male vampire best friend.

Jace: That's ok Clary you just have to trust me sometimes.

Clary: and sorry Simon for accusing aswell

Simon: Its ok, oh I almost forgot Izzy wanted to talk to you about something

Clary: ok cya and sorry again.

Jace: She gone?

*simon looks down the hall*

Simon: Yep

Jace Let me see it again, wow how did you make it!

Simon: its amazing what you can do with Photoshop, movie maker, glue and flour

Jace: Flour?

Simon: don't ask.