Hello there! to all puckelberry lovers out there! :D this is my first fanfiction ever! not only is it my first fanfiction ever, it also is my first story or type of writing or whatever... not really experienced... please be gentle... my young heart cannot take it. just kidding... just please review... i will accept whatever you throw at me... BTW this is not beta'd! just did the editing myself... to y'all puckelberry beta people out there! i need help... please... AND R&R!!!!
DISCLAIMER: if i owned glee, finn qould be the real father of quinn's baby, or no baby at all... :D so yeah.. obviously never happening, isnt it obvious i dont own? :P
A bag of clothes, her favorite purple pillow and blanket set, a flashlight, a first aid kit, some food that will last for about 3 days, her iPod, all of her savings and a full tank. She may be extremely upset, she may be running away, but a portion of her is still the old, unbroken, Rachel Berry, all organized and sensible. She pressed on the gas pedal hard. Hoping to be free from it all.
She's sorrowful, because, for one, she's going to miss her dads. She really does love them tremendously. Really! You're asking why she didn't say goodbye personally? She didn't say goodbye to them in person because she was sure she won't be able to go through with it if she had. She fought, and is still fighting the urge to make a U-turn because until now, she's still trying to fully convince herself that she did the right thing.
She, of course, would also miss her co-glee clubbers- the original ones. They were like her second family. They were really dear to her heart. They were there at first, at the beginning of her depression, but as it went on long enough, they all gave up on her. That includes Mr. Scheuster. They were part of the reason she left.
'Leaving was the best and only choice.' These were the words she chanted in her mind over and over and over again. "I bet no one noticed I left." She thought self-pityingly to herself, then sighed heartily.
He was the main reason she left. Finn, the boy she was and possibly still in love with. She just found out that his girlfriend, and not to mention, the bane of her existence, whose favorite hobby was to torture her, was pregnant, and that Finn, totally aware that she had a huge thing for him, manipulated her into going back to glee, for his selfish, but not so selfish purposes. It still hurt like hell though.
The name calling, the other hurtful comments by none other than the queen of McKinley high, Quinn Fabray, A.K.A, Finn's pregnant girlfriend, the slushies, bizarrely, not thrown by puck, but were never stopped, as that tradition was continued by the other sports jocks and the occasional cheerio. These experiences were just the cherries atop her misery and torture filled high school life of two years. She should really be used to it by now. But she just wasn't. No one can be that strong.
She left, mostly because, after the massive revelation, the realization finally kicked in. He could never be with her. Or love her for that matter. "Never." She said with such bitterness. She couldn't bear seeing him with another girl, while she's just there, being all sad and miserable.
She was depressed and everyone noticed. She was distant, unfriendly, aloof all the time. Her dads were the most concerned ones. Not only because they were her dads, but also because they were utterly and completely clueless. They had no single clue what was happening in their precious princess' awesome (miserable) life, because Rachel refused to talk to them about anything. They were totally oblivious about her life in school because she makes up stories about how wonderful it is. That's why they were stunned at the unexpected shift in her attitude. She broke down without them even knowing the reason behind it. She just broke down.
This continued for a long period of time, until she couldn't take it anymore. She was drowning in her own misery. She knew if she wasn't out of that place soon, she would die. So that's when she got to the conclusion. She wanted to be free. She's going to runaway, maybe come back when she has recovered. She'd travel go back to her fathers when her depression subsided. She did not want them to see her like that. So she packed up and drove.
She was driving ceaselessly for what seemed like forever. She had no direction. She had no idea where she was. To make matters worse, she heard an explosion and saw a thick cloud of smoke coming out of the hood of the car. So she pulled up in the side of the road. She was starting to hyperventilate. She was in the middle of nowhere and it was getting dark. Then, at that exact moment, it began to rain. Hard. "This is just terrific!"
She was full on panicking like she was dying, which was a huge possibility at the moment. Her mind was freaking out. Her whole body was shaking like crazy. She was horrified by the situation she was in. she always was sheltered; everything was practically handed to her. Sure she was organized and extremely responsible but those things just didn't apply in that circumstance.
In the middle of her panicking, she thought maybe she could try to fix it. So she got out of the car. She then realized how hard it really was raining. It was pouring, and this only added to her fear and alarm that already was as big as the titanic at the moment.
She opened the hood of the tiny sedan and desperately tried to remember the things her dad and daddy taught her about cars and tires and engines and bolts. But her mind was buried too deep in panic to even register a thought.
The only thought that stuck to her brain was go find someone to help her. The calm Rachel would think that was absurd and illogical and unreasonable. But at the moment, she wasn't normal Rachel. She was mad, crazy, freaked Rachel. Freaked Rachel was pretty close to calm, normal Rachel, except normal Rachel thought straight. Normal Rachel thought rationally. Freaked Rachel on the other was completely and utterly crazy.
The last thing she was thinking about was calling someone for help. She did not notice her feet move hastily through the rain. She didn't notice her shoes come off a mile behind. She was running now. It was still raining cats and dogs. The adrenaline was flowing rapidly through her body.
When her mind finally came back to her, she can no longer see her car. The sky was dark and gloomy and "When the fuck will it stop raining?!"she yelled. Just then, the side effects of her running got to her. She was feeling weak and felt like fainting. She was shivering involuntarily.
Just about the time she felt her senses failing her, she felt two strong arms held and carried her bridal style. She was freaking out but couldn't find her voice or her strength to fight whoever this person was. It was a huge possibility this person was a murderer or maybe even worse. A rapist/murderer. She was screaming in the inside. She tried to fight him off, but the only thing that resulted to was her tightening her grip on his muscled shoulder. Then she passed out.
The last thing she remembered was that shoulder and muscled chest and abdomen pressed to her side. Her holding on to a faceless body.
Slowly, she opened her eyes and was surprised at the sight that was before her. A perfectly strong, and completely naked back. The muscles were flexing underneath some moist, tanned skin. She had to admit, the view in front of her was seamless. Until her eyes traveled upward to find a familiar haircut. A haircut that stood out anywhere. She only knew one person with that haircut, and that person despised her, and she somewhat returned the favor. they were not, absolutely not friends nor acquaintances. but there he is, Noah 'Puck' puckerman in all his glory.
Moments later, he shifted his body a little to look at her. The next thing she saw was a pair of dark, almost black with anger, hazel eyes."Why would he be angry?" she asked herself. An even better question came to mind, when she found her voice.
"What are you doing here?" she questioned him with a raspy voice.
"What the fuck were you thinking?!?" Puck yelled at her. It was like his voice woke her up completely and took in her surroundings and her current position.
She was in the backseat of his double cab pickup truck. A very tight space for two people to be in. her head was resting on a folded up blanket. Her legs were splayed on either side of him, which was extremely awkward, because of how small the area was.
Then she realized something even more awkward. She was dresses in nothing but her underwear; her blood seemed to concentrate on her only thing that was covering her up (barely) was his letterman jacket. Its smell filled her senses. That smell was incredibly enticing, for some odd reason. The scent was a mixture of cologne, deodorant and pure masculinity. "Focus Rachel!" she thought to herself.
She noticed, their clothes were hung on the back of the front seats. She also noticed the rain had died down into a light shower.
She was trying real hard not to stare at his perfectly molded abdominal region. Did she mention it was perfect? "Focus Rachel!" she thought once more.
She was shaken out of her thoughts when he repeated his question, this time with more rage and fury. She was taken aback by that. Then just like that, tears came pouring down her face.
Noah's face softened instantly. Before she knew what she was doing, she was in his arms, him awkwardly sitting there, and her sobbing into his bare chest. Seconds later, she felt both of his arms envelop her into a soothing embrace, rubbing circles on her back, "Sorry… you… i.. umm didn't mean…." He stuttered out.
She didn't answer back. She wasn't capable of saying or doing anything in that moment.
She thought all the tears were gone already. She remembered how she cried herself to sleep every night for a while, back in her darkened bedroom, until one day, it just stopped. No matter how sad she felt, no matter how hard she tried, the tears just didn't show up. She hasn't cried for three months straight after the tears ceased. She didn't know exactly what happened or how he did it- he has somehow woken up the tears and the deep emotion buried in her chest. There she was, a mess in his arms, her tears seemed to be endless.
A while later, the tears stopped. Noah was laying on his back, still shirtless, with her on top of him, now only in her underwear, his letterman jacket serving as a blanket for both of them. His hands were wrapped around her small frame. Her face was snuggled up against his neck. Their legs a tangled mess. That sleeping arrangement seemed natural and comfortable for the unconscious pair.
The morning will sure be awkward as hell.
A/N: please R&R! i will appreciate whatever you give me..... ummm... do i need to respond? if i do then how? :D im completely new at this.. publishing my own story, i mean..... idk how to work my profile YET! too many buttons... lol... so yeah... if anyone is kind enough to notice my story, please don't be mad if i don't respond immediately... idk when i can update... highschool student here... maybe if alot of people R&R.. lol.... ;D