This story will be told mostly in Seto's point of view. Seto is a little out of character, ok a lot out of character…( I don't care for Tea so I will have a slight Tea bashing) will have a slight the prince and me, movie guide line.

Seto's pov.

`Seto's dream

"Moki?" I called out looking around our dump of an orphanage. 'Where is he? He better be ok. Thoughs puck kids better not be bothering his again.' I thought as I kept looking. "Mokuba is a baby! Crying for his mommy!" I heard and rushed over to where I heard the voice's. "Did you forget Mokuba? Your parents are dead-" I got there just in time to see a girl about my age punch the jerk of a boy in the nose for what he said to my little brother. "What the heck girl! This is none of your business!" "Well I just made it my business since you decided to pick on a little kid. Now get out of here before I break your nose instead of just punching it," the girl said cracking her knuckles. The boys ran off with their tails between their legs. I couldn't help but laugh, but caught myself when I heard Mokuba begin to cry. I began to rush over to comfort my brother but stopped dead in my tracks when I saw this girl comfort my brother. Her voice was soft and gentle now, "Hey are you ok?" she asked as she knelt down rubbing his shoulders to comfort him. "I'm ok. Thank you." She smiled at him and asked, " Do they pick on you a lot?" "Yeah they pick on me every chance they get. Seto, my big brother, usually take's care of them, but he had class and they know his schedule and take advantage of that. I've also been trying not to bother Seto with them. He's probably getting sick of defending me against them." I felt my heart constrict in my chest when I heard my little say that. 'He thinks he's a burden on me? That's not true. I'd do anything for him,' I thought. I looked at them and listened. "Your very brave… By the ways what's your name?" "Mokuba." I saw the girl the smile and she introduced herself, "my name is Eviline," she said. "That's a pretty name." Mokuba said causing Eviline's cheeks to turn pink, "Thank you. Now why don't we go find your brother?" she suggested. "You don't need to go looking for me," I said finally joining them. They looked over in my direction. "Seto!" Mokuba cried and ran over to me and hugged me. I hugged him and then looked over at the girl who was smiling at us. "Who's your friend Mokuba," I asked smiling at her. "This is Eviline. She beat up the guys who were picking on me," Mokuba said with the biggest grin on his face that I've seen on his face since our parents died. "I wouldn't put like that. I just pushed the guy," she said smiling. "Thank you," was all I could say. I was, for once, lost for words. I guess because I was just getting interested in girls and she was very pretty. "Do you want to hang out with us?" Mokuba asked. "Sure, "Eviline said and followed us to one of the game rooms and watched Mokuba and I play chess. I looked at her as she watched us and she looked intrigued. "Do you want to play?" I asked. Her face turned pink, "I don't know how." I couldn't help but grin. "I'll teach you," I said and the lessons began…

End of dream

*BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* I groaned as the annoying beeping of my alarm clock went off. I yawned not wanting to get out of bed, after another long night off finalizing the news duel disks. Stretching I got out of bed and went to get ready for school. 'I don't understand why I have to go to school in the first place I already know more then the damn teachers and make ten times as much money.' I sighed and sat back down on my bed putting on my shoes. 'It's been six years since I last saw Eviline and I'm still dreaming about her. I wonder if she ever got out of the orphanage,' I thought and sighed again. I felt terrible that I left her when Gozaburo adopted us. But I had to get Mokuba out of that orphanage no matter what. I went down the many stairs of our mansion and found Mokuba pretty much using his breakfast as a second pillow. I laughed and woke him up, "Mokuba we have to go," I said as Mokuba groaned. We got to the limo and we headed to school. My thoughts gave me no peace as I kept thinking about Eviline and about how much I've changed. I went from being a kid, to an ass, to I think a descent brother, and I hate to admit it Yugi had a lot to do with that. We pulled up to the middle school and dropped off the waking zombie that was my brother, and then headed to the high school. I got out and headed into the school and went to my first class and opened my laptop to do something to give me something to do. The bell rang, Yugi and his followers came in, and class began with our daily announcements. "Class we have a new student today and I hope you all welcome her with open arms. I'd like to introduce your new class mate miss Eviline Cross." My head snapped up to see the new girl. My breath caught in my throat when I saw the beauty that was waking towards me. 'Its Eviline, my Eviline…'