So I've seen this done before, and thought I'd give it a try. I put my iPod on shuffle, and wrote 10 drabbles on a couple that I chose to write about. Once the song finished, I couldn't write anymore. I had fun doing it. :) Just fyi, my iPod has tons of different songs, so that's why it goes from rap to pop to movie soundtrack, etc. :) No songs were skipped; I only used the first 10 songs that came up when I hit 'shuffle'. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight. That belongs to Stephenie Meyer. I also don't own any of the songs.


1. Stronger by Kanye West

Jasper looked over at Alice with a smile. He thought about all the times that she helped him to feel stronger. Especially when he was around humans. She would send him a smile to help him feel stronger.

2. Shut Up by Simple Plan

Alice was having a bad day, and Jasper could sense that. He went over to speak to her, but she didn't really pay attention.

"Alice..." he began.

"Just shut up! Please!"

3. The Music of the Night from The Phantom of the Opera by Andrew Lloyd Webber

Alice laid out on the grass, staring up at the stars. She felt a presence next to her, and saw Jasper laying next to her. She smiled. They just lay there, staring up at the stars. But Alice was also listening for all of the sounds that were in the night, making it sound like music.

4. Without You by Hinder

It seemed like all Jasper and Alice were doing was fighting. This was very unusual for them, because they normally were so close to each other. It shocked everyone to see the two fighting the way they were.

Both had been acting strange, especially Jasper. No one really knew what was going on, or what had caused everything. Only Alice and Jasper knew.

Alice ended up watching Jasper walk away. She thought to herself, "I'd never thought I'd say that I'm fine without you."

5. What I've Done by Linkin Park

Jasper sat silently in the room he shared with Alice, listening to his iPod. He sighed as he thought of his past. Just then, he was filled with happiness. He turned, and saw Alice walk into their room.

"What are you listening to?" she asked, going over and sitting on his lap.

"What I've Done by Linkin Park," he replied.

"What are you thinking about?" she asked.

"The part in the song where it says 'erase myself and let go of what I've done'," he replied. "I know I need to let go of what I did in my past, and not hold onto all of those memories."

6. All I Ask of You from The Phantom of the Opera by Andrew Lloyd Webber

Jasper sensed strong emotions in the house, and knew that they were coming from Alice, because everyone else had gone out hunting.

"What's wrong Darlin'?" he asked her, pulling her onto his lap.

"I don't want to talk about it," she replied, resting her head on his chest.

"Well, Darlin', I'm right here with you. I'll always be beside you so I can guard you and guide you through whatever comes our way."

7. Bad Day by Daniel Powter

Jasper had gone through a particularly bad day. It was worse because Alice hadn't been at school that day. She really needed to go hunt, so he didn't have her there with him.

He decided to put on a smile and try to get through the rest of the day. A sad song went through his head, which matched his current mood. But putting on a smile would fool the others into thinking that he was feeling better.

8. Right Here, Right Now from High School Musical 3: Senior Year by Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens

It was a quiet night in the Cullen house, so Jasper and Alice decided to take advantage of the rare quietness.

They went out into the yard, placed a blanket down, then laid down on it. Alice let out a contented sigh as they turned their gazes up towards the stars.

"I wish that we owned this moment," Jasper said. "And that it would never leave."

9. Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield

The rain was coming down lightly, and Alice looked out the window longingly. She then got an idea. Putting on her rain boots, she headed out the door. She smiled and laughed as she danced alone in the rain.

Jasper looked out the bedroom window to see his pixie wife dancing around in the rain. It brought a smile to his lips.

Alice continued to dance in the rain, and could feel the rain droplets on her skin. It felt wonderful.

10. Here (In Your Arms) by Hellogoodbye

Jasper and Alice were in their room, just resting in each others arms. The room was quiet, but they didn't mind. They didn't need words to be spoken when they were together.

Alice knew that there was no place else she could be but in her loving husband's arms.