Set after The Return: Nightfall.

Its very hard to write this story as nobody but L.J Smith knows what happens in the next book, but hopefully you'll all follow on.

Everyone returns to Fell's Church after they save Stefan. Rated T because...well I don't actually know! Cause all the rest of my stories are T? I'm not sure.

The town was in pieces.

Damon- who was driving his Ferrari that held Stefan, Bonnie and Elena- could see the damage from a long way away. Stefan would have been able to aswell, but he was asleep in the back seat. They hadn't allowed him much rest where he had been locked up in, so he was absolutely exhausted. His head was in Elena's lap, and she was stroking his hair off of his face, looking down at him.

Bonnie was in the passenger seat, fidgeting nervously at being so close to Damon. He was smirking at her expression when he had noticed the blackened town. Damon was stunned. He didn't exactly care that the town was gone, but Elena would. Stefan would throw a hissy and go all hero-ey on everyone by trying to find the culprit. But Damon knew the person who did this was powerful and very, very cunning.

The car drove close enough to the town for Bonnie to spot it. She gasped, and started crying. Elena looked up from Stefan to stare at her worriedly.

"Bonnie, what's wrong?" she asked, concerned.

The ginger maiden stuttered- her eyes staring ahead at the town.

"Th-th-the town!" she managed to stutter out.

Elena looked ahead, and her eyes became shocked. Damon- out of the corner of his eye- saw her hand move back behind her to shake awake Stefan.

His eyes fluttered open.


"The town," Elena said, her eyes filling with tears.

Damon heard Stefan sit up and sigh- and could tell he was running a hand through his hair. He looked over Damon's shoulder to see what all the fuss was about. His face paled.

Throughout this time, they had gotten closer and closer to the town, and the devastation was extremely horrible. Most of the houses were blackened- possibly through fire- and even the trees looked dark and gloomy. There were stray, wrecked cars dotted in places- and pieces of metal, tyres, and even glass from the windows were scattered all over the streets.

The car skidded to a stop beside one of the worst ruined houses. The windows were shattered, the curtains in tatters, with the insides of the house covered with pieces of wood and glass. Dirt everywhere.

Elena's house.

Damon heard Elena gasp, and burst into tears with her hands covering her face. Stefan was a bit too stunned to comfort her yet- and Bonnie was the same. Her hands covered her mouth too, but she wasn't crying like Elena. Hmm- Damon thought- the little redhead is braver than I thought.

Elena shakily reached for the door handle- but Stefan got over his initial shock and caught her wrist in his right hand.

"Elena, it might not be safe," he said to her, his bright green eyes pleading with her to stay in the car.

"It's my house, Stefan. Margaret and Aunt Judith-" she broke down into sobs again, but managed to finish; "I need to find out what happened to them."

"Let me go out first," Stefan pleaded, but Elena was already shaking her head before he'd even finished- her eyes dropping tears onto the back seat. "Please, Elena. I'll only be a few seconds."

She looked up at him. Damon thought she wouldn't reply, but eventually she muttered: "Yes."

But as Stefan was reaching for the door handle- she spoke up again, reaching for his hand and taking it in her own. Stefan looked back at her.

"But let Damon go with you- you're still weak."

Damon looked round- not liking the way her tone was so ordering. Nobody ordered him around. But the second he saw her face the angry thoughts faded a little. His Queen of Darkness was upset, traumatized, and scared for her family's safety. Her eyes were so filled with tears that whenever she blinked, fresh ones poured down her cheeks.

"Please, Damon," she begged.

Damon stared at her, then finally gave a rough, "Fine," and opened his car door- swiftly and gracefully climbing out.

Please, please, PLEASE review! I really want to know what you guys think and if you want more!