Harry starred out the window into the rain. The rain was beautiful. No matter what kind of day it was rain never failed to make Harry feel better, calmer, more at ease with himself and what ever was going on around him. He was thinking about going out onto the wrap around porch and taking a nap in the hammock but he knew he didn't have the time. He hadn't been getting a lot of sleep lately, not that he ever did get much.

"Harry are you ready for the party yet?" Ginny walked around the corner. She wore a beautiful silver dress, its accented her pregnancy in a classy way instead of trying to hide it like a vagabond, or so she said.

"Almost I've just got to put my socks on," he said and Ginny laughed. Harry was always funny like that. She thought. How she loved him.

"Ron and Hermione will be here in just a little bit." She said going over and kissing him gently atop the forehead. Harry nodded getting up to find a pair of socks. He caught view of himself in the mirror. Long black dress robes with golden buttons. He had gotten rid of his glasses in exchange for muggle contacts. Ginny loved being able to see his face and further more his eyes. He hair had grown a bit and covered most of his forehead including his scar. It was a bit long it the back and Ginny was always nagging him about his hair length but her never cut it. He stooped under the bed and pulled up a pair of clean white socks. He placed them over his bare feet and walked into the living room where Ginny stood trying to find his dress shoes in their vaste closet of shoes.

"I can never find anything in here." She huffed.

"Gin I hope you haven't forgotten, we ARE wizards." Harry chuckled acioing the shoes so they whizzed into his hands. Ginny flushed red and laughed lightly.

"I guess I did forget." Harry went over and kissed her n her red cheek.

"Get your grubby paws off my sister mate." Ron snapped. The two whipped around just in time to see Hermione hit him with her purse.

"Ron they've been married for years now!" She muttered semi-affectionately.

"Yeah well what ever. Are we going?" He grumbled. Harry and Ginny laughed softly.

"Everyone got their invitations?" Hermione asked.

"What's it matter Mione you and Harry work at the ministry?" Ginny said still amused at Hermione need for organization.

"Still I'd rather not argue with a door man tonight." Hermione said defensivly.

"Yes we've got our invite Mione." Harry rolled his eyes good naturally.

"Okay good, the limo's outside," Hermione said pointing. "Oh and Ginny you look absolutely fabulous I just love that pregnancy glow." She said longingly attempting not to look at Ron. It was no secret she wanted a baby. But Ron didn't believe he was ready to be a father, he claimed he could barley take care of their dog, never mind a baby. He didn't want to do that until he was perfectly ready and sure.

"Alright let's go." Harry said breaking off the awkward silence. They all exited the house and entered the limo making idle chatter, someone had brought up Snape's potions class and it made harry think about his death. While the others laughed Harry attempted a smile. The limo took off and harry continued watch the rain drops roll down the glass and disappear.

Harry, Ginny, Hermione and Ron stepped out of the limo and were immidiatly swarmed by the paparazzi. Ron got angry immediately and screamed out "Don't you leeches have anything better to do! Leave him alone!" Ginny grabbed him by the arm and began to pull him up the long stone stairwell and into the old muggle ballroom.

"Hello Mrs. Potter, ." The boy at the door aid Seeingly ecstatic at Harry's presence. Harry nodded curtly pulling the invitation from his breast pocket. "Yes of course, go right in." He said enthusiastically. They walked in and for a second scoped out the fancy Christmas party. An impassibly tall tree decked out to the T stood in the center of the ballroom, the floor was littered with fake snow and icicles hung all over the ceiling. It wasn't long before the guests noticed his arrival and began to swarm him. Ginny bathed in the attention while Harry just tried to hold his smile in place.

"Harry!" The minister called. His name was Kaneres Kline. He was a good man, he was five years ahead of Harry and attended Durmastrang for his first three years. His parents had wanted to get an education as extensive as possible.

"It's good to see you Potter." He gave Harry a friendly yet manly hug which Harry easily returned. "How's your holiday been?" He asked with real interest.

"It's been fine, and yours?" Harry answered back politely.

"Not bad, not bad at all." He smiled.

"Harry can I talk to you about something," he said his face turning serious.

"Anything Kaneres." he replied with intrest. "Ginny I'll be right back."

"Alright Harry, don't be long." She said with a wave.

He and the minister walked easily towards the sitting room. They both ordered a glass of fire whiskey and Harry leaned on his forearms with interest.

"Harry I've always trusted your decions and as head of the Auror department I believe you to be some what of a specialist in these sort of things." He said placing the pads of his fingers together.


"I have filled the position as secretary of materials of dark magic."

"That's great sir."

"Yes, but the person who's filled it has some what of a dark past and I'm not sure if the public would be so well attuned to him. But his classifications are great and the poor man deserves a break."

"That sounds like a fine solution and a grand thing your doing but... to be blunt what's the catch?" Harry asked raising a midnight black brow.

"Well Harry he's and ex follower of... He-who-must-not-be-named..."

"You're highering an ex death eater to be the secretary of materials of dark magic." Harry was plainly shocked.

"He was not a death eater he is what we call a junior death eater. He was only seventeen when he went into service." He said trying to calm Harry.

"Has he got the dark mark or not?" Harry asked planinly.

"He has." Kaneras nodded. Harry thought deeply for a few short moments.

"I say give him a chance but he ought not be trusted, and I shall be sure to keep a close personal eye on him." Harry swore.

"You see Harry this is why you will make an outstanding Minister when the time comes." He grinned brightly at him.

"I'm not so sure that postions for me." Harry said modestly.

"Humbleness is a key quality." He winked. Harry hid a blush. "Shall we rejoin the party I'm sure your wife misses you greatly as does my Fauna."

"Of course." Harry nodded as they rouse from their seats and walked back into the ballroom. They walked back easily towards a cluster of just the most important people.

"If you don't mind me asking, who is you've chosen?" Harry asked unable to help his curiosity.

"He's here somewhere, come with a lovely woman quite a beauty if I say so myself." He replied his eyes roving over the crowd. "Ah yes right over there."

Everything in the room stopped. He had gone deaf to the world. He couldn't feel his fingers. He couldn't think. He knew that Kaneras had called something out from beside him but her couldn't care. And then he was looking into fallen angel eyes. And only one thought could be heard above the screaming match in his head.

He's so beautiful.

AN/ Okay there are three options. Normally when I write this tends to happen. My mind twists things and something new comes out of an original idea. So here are the 2 paths we could take.

A: We could leave it and contiue on the angst ridden path

B: Or we can have a slowly blossoming romance that arises in secret.

Your choice just leave me a review with a comment and your decision.