I'll Give My Life for Her


By Rondabunny

I don't know what do you expect me write. I write drama because all the misery I see around me makes me look at the world that way.

"What is the point to commit a suicide at thirty? Why do you dedicate all the life to people and then finish yourself in a lonely house for your housemaid to find you three days later?" House walked along Roxie's house trying to answer questions in his mind.

"Isn't it ironic?" He turned on her computer. Cops didn't find anything, so, he wanted to understand why she did commit a suicide. The young successful woman, who became the greatest programmer, worked for a powerful corporation and gave all her money to medical scientific research and hospitals. He read files on the monitor but didn't find anything interesting. An hour later working with the files he got desperate to find anything important and was going to leave that piece of iron be, but one title attracted his attention. It was called "Yumy" and it didn't fit to any things she had been doing all her life. She wasn't a cooker and she hated cooking. Everything she did was here, her programs, games she made, different files. It wasn't an ordinary computer. It was a machine with a huge display covering the whole wall. This beast was the room itself. All the information was here, but the police was satisfied with the letter Roxie left on the table.

"I go to you Remy…" That was all she had written.

House tried to open the file but it had a password. He got over every word combination Roxie could have thought about, but he didn't succeed to open it. After an hour of failed attempts to break the password he simply typed 'yumy' without thinking and suddenly the file opened. It was, he didn't understand what was it but he followed the instructions and took a helmet from the table next to the couch he was sitting on and put it on his head. He didn't understand why all her life she had spent here with that damn beasty machine. She didn't have any friends, though everyone in the world knew her for her charity donations. Reporters and paparazzi followed her everywhere. It made her hire a bodyguard. She was Mother Teresa only with one exception, she hated people. She didn't give interviews, she hadn't a man, she was always alone. House doubted if she had ever kissed a man or a woman, 'cause she was a virgin when he examined her body in morgue. The only person she accepted in her house was him, an old man, who worked for several years with her sister, his Thirteen.

Dr. House looked through glasses on the helmet and gasped. He saw Thirteen standing in front of him in all her beauty as if she was alive. He stretched his arm to touch her.

"You can't touch me, House. I'm just an imagination." She giggled.

"How do you know it's me?" He was surprised that she pronounced his name.

"Roxie told me you'd come." She said simply walking about the room.

"How do you do this?" He asked looking at her in disbelief.

"Do what?" Thirteen smiled and turned around.

"Walk." House explained.

"It's simple. One step then the other." She replied.

"Do you know where Roxie is?" House asked the image.

"Roxie." Thirteen stopped. "Roxie is my sister."

"I know, do you know where she is?" He asked once again.

"She is my sister." Remy repeated. House asked some more questions and understood that she was just a vivid hologram no more no less. She answered the questions Roxie taught her to answer. House wanted to turn it off but when he did so, he saw Roxie standing in the room.

"I knew you'd come." The hologram said. "You saw Remy. I think you understand why I did this to myself. I missed her so much. I hope she'll forgive me for what I've done to her. I can't live without her anymore. I tried to revive her. My attempts were hopeless. Thank you for being my friend for all these years. I just can't live with myself anymore. I wish you understand. Tell the people who have been taking care of me that I'm thankful for everything they did. Now I want to see Remy. Bye." She turned her back to House, made three steps and disappeared.

House took off the helmet and a single tear crossed his face. Now he understood. He understood the pain she was during these thirteen years. She just wanted to be with her sister, with the woman who cared, with one who understood Roxie without words.

The pain is unbearable when one you love dies, because the world you had dies too.

Now the end