
"Now ya listen to me," Sully said. He stood bent forward, his forearms resting on the extra-wide diaper changing table, framing his children. Clutching Sully's thumb, Joe stemmed his small feet against his father's chest and pressed the air out through his closed lips, making tiny wet bubbles in the process. Katie, on the other hand, held a thick strand of Sully's hair in an iron-like grip and looked at it with an intensity Sully only knew from Michaela. Not disturbed by the fourteen-week old babies' inattention at all, he continued talking to them in a serious tone. "I'll take your ma to a fancy place tonight, and I want ya to be good to Becky. It's the first time since the weddin' that we… Ouch!"

Obviously, his daughter had decided it was time now to pull the lock of soft brown hair closer. Opening her mouth, she wanted to taste what looked and felt quite interesting. Chuckling, Sully gently loosened the tiny fingers. "Ya don't wanna eat this, sweet girl. Trust me."

Without protesting, the baby shifted her gaze towards the face she knew very well and reached for its nose. Regarding things as settled with that, Sully resumed his earlier explanation. "It's Valentine's Day, I wanna have her a relaxed time after her morning shift so I don't wanna get any calls, alright?"

"Do they already want to get their own cell phones?" Michaela asked from the threshold, grinning, only having caught Sully's very last words.

She was just coming from the bathroom, make-up and hair already done but still clad with her robe. As she stepped into the nursery, she wondered curiously, "Or is what you three are talking about a secret, too?" She hadn't been able yet to find out where Sully would take her, but had no intention to give up.

Immediately recognizing their mother's voice, the twins halted in their actions as if holding their breath, waiting to see her face. As it appeared next to their fathers, the babies' happy excitement even grew. Both kicking their legs, they let go of their father's nose and thumb, waving their little arms.

"Hello sweethearts," Michaela said, returning the smiles of her children. "Did your daddy tell you where he will take me tonight?" Gaining some babbling in response, she turned her head towards Sully. Raising an eyebrow she translated, "They say they will sleep better when they know where we are."

"Nice try," Sully chuckled. "But I wanna surprise you."

Playfully pouting, Michaela replied, "How am I to decide what to wear when I don't know…"

Kissing her cheek, Sully interrupted her, "Ya look beautiful, no matter what ya wear. Now go get dressed so we can tuck in these little guys here."

Sighing, Michaela looked back at the babies. "I know you are supposed to learn from your father," she addressed Joe, smiling widely as she tickled his belly. "But I can assure you that compliments aren't always welcome."

After kissing his brow she turned to Katie, whispering, "Maybe you'll charm it out of him. He can't resist you." She winked at her daughter before she bent to kiss her as well.

"Give me fifteen minutes, then you may look," she breathed into Sully's ear as she straightened.

"Can't wait," Sully replied, his eyes sparkling.

It hadn't been easy to find a place that wouldn't have to hide next to The Broadmoor where their wedding reception was held. They had dined in the Lake Terrace Room that offered a magnificent view towards the mountains through its big windows. The room itself was beautiful too with the sitting area three steps above the floor where a large table standing in the center almost broke under the weight of the wide variety of food. Along the lower room's left and right walls stood more tables, presenting soups and other warm meals on hot plates. Sully had secretly thought that it was much too lavish but kept his opinion to himself since Elizabeth had looked satisfied for the first time since she arrived, and everyone else, of course including Michaela, had enjoyed the luxury, too.

It was then that he decided to take her to a fancy place now and then. Since he had sold some of his carvings recently, he was able to afford inviting her tonight.

Michaela took her own walk down memory lane in their bedroom as she went through her dresses and stopped at a particular one. It was made of heavy, smoothly falling off-white silk. She had worn it to their reception, and her new husband had helped her in after they returned from Pikes Peak. She remembered every moment of this dressing.

"Sully!" Michaela giggled, squirming under his hands on her shoulders as his lips traveled up and down the side of her neck. "You are to close the zipper rather than lower it. We are in kind of a hurry, remember?"

"Hmm," Sully murmured against her skin, not stopping though.

Tonight would be the night, and he had a hard time to keep his desire under control. During the last months, they'd already lived like a married couple, with one exception though. First it was the pregnancy that kept them from consuming their love physically, and afterwards Michaela's body had needed time to heal from the birth. But a few weeks ago she had promised they would have a real wedding night, and now he couldn't wait. She had put on that perfume that would remind him of her for the rest of his life, and it was as intoxicating as the warmth of her skin and the softness of her hair. Yet the very best thing was that they actually had a room only for themselves. At this moment he loved his new mother-in-law who had insisted for them to spend the wedding night at the Broadmoor hotel. Yet knowing that Michaela would fret all night if she wouldn't have the twins close Rebecca and Elizabeth had taken a room for themselves and the babies across the hallway. So if need be, Katie and Joe could have their mother who was, however, totally focused on Sully's caresses right now. She knew what would come tonight, and feeling the familiar heat spreading through her body, she wished they could just skip the reception. Turning so she faced Sully, she looked up at him trying to reason with him. But as soon as their eyes locked, she was lost. It was as if his blue irises cast a special spell on her, and as always it did its magic. Forgetting what she'd wanted to say she rose on her tiptoes, meeting his lips halfway as he bent down. They kissed with feverish urgency, and without even noticing it, both worked on the other ones clothes in order to discard them. Sully had already lowered the zipper fully and was working on freeing Michaela's shoulders while she was still busy with opening the last buttons of his shirt when a hard knock against the door stopped them.

"Michaela, Sully; your guests are waiting!"

Although the door blade was made of solid wood, they could hear the impatience and disapproval in Elizabeth's voice.

The memory of the looks they received when they at last joined the others in the dining room still made Michaela blush. Sighing, she let go of the silk, knowing she had to hurry with her choice. Sully and she had noticed that their children fell asleep easier when the light was turned out right after they were tucked in. That was why Sully was still in the nursery, waiting for her to get ready. Right afterwards they would put the babies to bed so Becky, their favorite nanny, could take over.

Not much later the couple was on its way. Still attempting to guess their destination, Michaela peered through the passenger window whilst Sully grinned to himself. He knew about her problems with orienting herself, even when she'd already taken a road before. It was even more difficult now that it was already dark outside. However, after ten minutes Michaela detected a familiar silhouette ahead.

"Will we go to The Boardmoor again?" she asked, her pleasure audible.

"Nope," Sully replied trying to keep a straight face when he added, "only wanted to book a table, not a room, too."

As he spoke, he glanced at his wife, wanting to gauge her reaction.

As anticipated, Michaela's cheeks instantly colored. Briefly meeting his eyes, she couldn't help but smile at the memory that was triggered by his words.

Not even Hank's saucy remarks had been able to stop them from leaving the reception long before it ended; both eager to finally start their wedding night. Of course they didn't admit that; their excuse had been that Michaela was exhausted and needed some rest. Anyway, this particular night wasn't about resuming a routine they both had missed. Their encounters had always been enthusiastic, but the knowledge that they not only had reached their haven but finally dropped anchor there loosened the last string they hadn't known existed. Thus, with hindsight, they appreciated having a room all to themselves even more.

As Michaela still thought about how to reply, Sully pulled the Toyota into a parking spot. Perched on a hilltop, The Pepper Tree welcomed them with warm light flooding through the windows.

"Oh," Michaela breathed, "I've heard of this one." Some of her colleagues who used to come here praised not only the food but also the atmosphere. Now she understood why Sully had eventually made a wish for what she should wear; the restaurant requested formal attire.

Entering the dining room after dropping their coats at the checkroom, they attracted quite some attention. It wasn't only Michaela's ankle-long burgundy-red dress that high lightened her womanly figure but Sully's appearance in his black tuxedo completed with a dazzling white shirt and a bow tie of the same color like his wife's dress was quite a looker, too. Followed by many furtive looks, the couple was showed by a waiter to a table for two in front of one of the large windows which allowed a breath taking view over now brightly lit downtown.

"Sully, it's beautiful," Michaela said quietly, taking in the sight after she sat down.

"Glad ya like it," he replied, satisfied that he had found this place.

The next minutes they were busy with choosing wine and reading the menu, but once they'd ordered they concentrated on themselves again.

"Ya look gorgeous," Sully said as he reached for her hand that lay on the table.

"And you look very handsome," Michaela returned the compliment, intertwining her fingers with his.

For a few moments, they were lost in each other.

"What do ya think; will Joe get the same eyes like you?" Sully eventually wondered, peering into hers.

"The color can still change," Michaela nodded. Until now, their baby son's irises were a soft brown whilst Katie already showed every sign that she would once look very much like her father with her strikingly blue eyes.

"Did I already tell you that Joe almost made it to turn onto his stomach all by himself?" Sully asked, evidently very proud of the skills of his son.

"Really?" Michaela was pleased yet simultaneously felt a pang of sadness. Although Sully did his best to keep her updated about their children's daily progress she felt a bit left out since she was back at the hospital where she'd resumed her work in the middle of January.

However, until their meals arrived, they engaged themselves with talking about their twins. Once they started to eat they just enjoyed the taste of the food, yet it didn't take long until Michaela asked, "Do you think they are alright?"

"No need to fret," Sully tried to reason, "Becky's a trained children's nurse. And if somethin's wrong, she'll call us."

Automatically, his left hand went to his trouser pocket, fishing for his cell phone. He produced it and controlled the screen. "Nothin'," he murmured, sounding relieved.

Suddenly Michaela chuckled.

"What?" Sully looked at her questioningly.

"Just listen to us," she grinned in response. "We are supposed to have a romantic dinner for Valentine's Day, and what are we doing? Talking about our children."

"Yeah," Sully smiled somewhat wistfully. "I guess that will stay our main topic for… What do ya think how long?"

"The next twenty years," Michaela answered, looking at her husband lovingly.

Without them being aware of it, they had arrived on the plains of daily life. They didn't see the ride ahead as a challenge though. Yet.