Okay, it's my first NCIS fic, so please be gentle. Well, this is major TIVA, but it has some Jibbs in the middle... Anyway, hope you enjoy that! =)


Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS, but I wish... ;)

It was already 11 p.m., Tony and Ziva were still at their desks, doing the rest of the paperwork. The bullpen was in silence, they were the only people in there. Then, Tony rose from his chair and started to put his things inside his bag.

"Already going?" Ziva asked without looking up.

"Yup, I'm done with the paperwork and I need to sleep, ya know." He answered flashing his famous smile.

"Okay...Good Night Tony." She said.

"Good Night, Zee-vah!" He answered.

Then, he walked away and got into the elevator. Ziva was still working on the files, but when she heard the elevator's doors closing she looked around; seeing she was alone, she opened her drawer and pulled her iPod out. She put on the headphones and settled on Radar by Britney Spears. First, she was just tapping her nails on the table, following the rhythm of the music; then, she started to move her foot.

She rose up from her chair and started dancing in the middle of the office. Moving her hips according to the song.

I'm checking it so hard, so hard
I Wonder if you know you're on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar)
And yep I notice you I know it's you
Choose you don't wanna lose you're on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar)

The music took control of her mind, and she wasn't paying attention to anything else, she closed her eyes and slipped one hand into her hair, still rocking her hips.

When you walk (when you walk) and when you talk (when you talk)
I get the tingle, I wanna mingle, that's what I want (that's what I want)

She started to sing along.

Hey listen baby turn up the fader,
try to make you understand
you're on my radar (on my radar) on my radar (on my radar)
(got you on my) radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) radar (got you on my) RADAR

Then, she felt a hand on her shoulder. She jumped and turned around, taking off the headphones. Tony was standing by her side, smiling.

"Sooo, the ninja chick likes dancing huh?" He asked, mocking.

"Tony, if you scary me like this again I'll kill you with a paperclip!" She threatened, turning off the iPod. "I thought you left!"

"I did. But I forgot my wallet, and came back to get it; just in time to see your little show, Sweet Cheeks." He explained.

She suddenly pinned his arm behind his back, he winced with the pain and she smiled.

"If you tell anyone about what just happened here, you'll live to regret it." She said sweetly.

"Uurgh, I won't tell anyone." He managed to whine.

Then, she lost the grip on his arm and went back to her desk. Tony walked back to his desk, massaging the arm his partner had just pinned; he opened his drawer and grabbed his wallet, he closed it and looked back at Ziva.

"There's nothing wrong with loosing up sometimes Zee." He told her, flashing the DiNozzo grin.

"I allow myself to loose up Tony. I just don't do it in front of the team…" She explained, as she rose from her chair and placed herself in front of her partner.

"Dancing huh? I never thought of you as a dancing kind of girl…" His smile was still flashing.

"Care to tell me why wouldn't I be Tony?" She asked, getting closer to him.

"No offence Sweet Cheeks, but dancing is a sexy thing; and you don't look so sexy on your cargo pants and combat boots." He teased.

He knew he was lying, he was attracted to her since the first day, and hell, she would look sexy even dressed in a sack of potatoes.

"So, you don't think I'm sexy Tony?" She sent him a feline smile.

"I never said that, I only said you couldn't seduce me dancing." He gave her a cocky smirk.

"Oh, if you're so sure about that, how about making a bet?" She proposed.

"A bet? Sound interesting…Care to tell me how is this going to work Zee-vah?" He got curious.

"Tomorrow, we go clubbing with everybody after work; and when I seduce you, I'll win" She explained, smiling confidently.

"Ha! I think you mean if Sweet Cheeks. And what does the winner gets?" He stepped closer to her.

"The winner gets whatever he wants." She said, so low that it was almost a whisper. "Deal?"

"Deal!" He agreed, and they shook their hands.

He's so going to regret this bet! she thought, as she walked into the elevator with Tony by her side.

So? How is it? Hit the little green button and tell me please!

Review! :)