A/N Okay people this is a new story idea I've had, I know the plot is similar to what's been done before but I think mine stands out in its own little way. Anyway enjoy the first chapter of Never Forget. Yes this is after Max.

Chapter 1

Have you ever had one of those days when you wake up and think, what the hell am I doing?

I've had plenty of those days, and I still do. I woke up and I looked out of my window and that was exactly my first thought. And just like every other time, I had no darn answer.

I rolled myself out of bed and glared out the sliding glass door that led to the balcony of my Hawaiian Hotel room. I could hear the others in the adjoining lounge, they were busy making breakfast and living as happy as mutants with wings could. I don't know why I was feeling all doom and gloom, even Fang had noticed. A few weeks ago after we saved my mom I wouldn't hold his hand, pulled away from his hugs, stopped talking about feelings, no more loving kisses, I had even pulled myself away from the flock. Refusing to go flying, or to the beach with them, going off on my own for long dull walks.

And I had no damn clue why I was doing this. I just knew, that this for some reason was what I HAD to do. As cliché as it sounded and was, what I was doing was a subconscious goading from my mind, and it was going to lead to something that this would benefit the flock. Well, that's what I'm hoping.

I dove into the shower, rinsing away the grogginess that my sleep seemed to dump on me. I had stopped dreaming lately. Whether that was normal or not, I didn't know. But I had stopped dreaming, or I just couldn't remember what I'd dreamt. I was so confused and I didn't know why.

And here was another cliché saying. Something didn't feel right. Something bad was going to happen. See how my life is just full of cliché movie snippets. Next I'll probably start saying use the force, and how love conquers all and good shall triumph over evil.

Yeah right, as if my life was ever going to be that easy.

I reached up to turn the dial off and step out of the shower. Wrapping a towel around myself, I shook my wings slightly. I brushed my teeth and brushed my mop of hair. As I was turning away I caught sight of myself from the mirror over the sink.

I looked ill, my face was drawn and grey. But I still looked like me, my dark brown eyes, my dirty coloured blonde hair with highlights, my high cheekbones and round chin. I looked more mature than my fourteen-ish years.

Nudge kept telling me I was a 'dead looker' whatever that meant. Something about why guys annoy me so much, I think. I looked closer at my reflection, looking past my gold tan, past the seemingly blemishless skin. I saw the thin scars that patched around my face and neck, the ones that led down my back and arms. I had many more. No one ever seemed to notice I was scarred, they saw what they call beauty, a strong serene face, and assumed everything was fine. And most times it really was, I enjoyed my life with its little adventures with my family. But like Fang I had a mask, unlike Fang mine showed emotion, it showed the emotion that I wanted people to see.

They never saw the scars covered by tanned skin and clothes, they didn't see the scars underneath my smiles and laughter. For some reason the years of fighting, hiding, running, being scared was getting harder to ignore. Because I was Maximum Ride and I could take on the world without breaking. But a little voice in the back of mind whispered that maybe I WAS breaking.

Annoyed at myself I shook my head and marched out of the bathroom and hurriedly got dressed. I threw on converses, a wrap around skirt (yes I have a skirt on don't freak), knee length leggings, white converses, and a blue tank top. I focused on my clothes trying to prevent my mind from thinking of too deep thoughts.

Sighing I threw my balcony doors open and stood with my arm out either side of me. I extended my wings leaning in to the cool breeze. The wind, I loved it, especially when I was flying.

A genuine smile brightened up my face as I closed my eyes and relished the feeling of the wind against my warm skin. A door opened behind me and I turned my head to see angel skip up to me.

"Max? You coming for breakfast?" She asked as she hovered by my waist.

For the first time that seemed like years I wrapped her in a hug and she snuggled closer to me. "Yes, I'm coming."

I had been so odd lately, I was grateful she let me hug her. She turned her head to grin at me.

It's okay Max, sometimes you just need a break. We understand, after all you are the leader of our flock, I'm sure nobody else would manage this like you. Besides Fang thinks your cute when you're playing hard to get.

I nearly choked and strangled the little devil as she ran out of the room laughing. I straightened up and rolled my eyes. Angel will be Angel and part devil at this rate.

The sound of a cars engine made me turn around and look over the railing. Below outside the front of the lobby a blue sedan pulled up and Brigid, Jeb and Captain Perry stepped out.

"Well, well, well, I wonder what Dr. Wonderful, The King Of The Seas and The Devil want now." I spoke to myself as I walked into the lounge to await them. I might as well enjoy a mutant bird kid healthy breakfast while I was at it.

"Pile up the pancakes Iggy!" He soon rushes to fill my order. And the rest of the flock seem happier that I'm acting more like my normal self.

I looked relaxed but I sat waiting for the lift to ding. And then I counted the seconds while footsteps reached our room door. Three knocks at the door, very ominous. The flock tensed, apart from Angel who sat watching me. I smiled at her and winked. Show time.

A/N Kay I know this is sorta random but it does get better I promise also tell me what you think of this for a first chapter? Good, bad, hate it, love, ehhh it? Whatever just please please review so I can feel like I'm writing something good. Yay me XD