Yagami Light was Kira, and Kira was a god of Death. But not even Kira could bring back time.

Now Light may be Kira, but he was still a human being—capable of emotions, errors and imperfections, despite his undisputed intelligence. Indeed, Light was still human. He became one the moment his heart skipped a beat for that scrupulous but flabby detective.

He loved L.

This was a fact. It was neither mere infatuation nor lust instigated by being shackled to the man twenty four hours a day and seven days a week. No. Light simply fell. He knew it was incredulous, even hilarious, for Kira to harbor this kind of intimacy towards his nemesis. But he still did. And he also knew that a confession would never, even in a hundred lifetimes, be possible.

So, even as he regained his memories, Light kept it to himself. Even as his emotions intensified regardless, he kept it to himself. Even as he spent every second beside L, he kept it to himself. And even as he plotted for L's demise…

He kept it all to himself.

What's wrong, Light?

...Nothing, Misa. Together, we would create a new world rid of evil. You and I will be gods.

All of a sudden, it was time.

With his breath caught, Light watched the events unfold before him. He stared at the words of deletion on the monitors. He acted his role in the tense atmosphere. He listened as L gave his last orders. There were only minutes—no—seconds, before L's death. With his death, Kira will be victorious and his goals would be achieved effortlessly. And with his victory, Light would lose L.

Still, even as L lost his life before him, even as Light held on to him desperately, and even as he cried in all honesty… Light kept it all to himself.

Now Light may be Kira, and Kira may be a god. But he could bring neither time nor L back.

A/N: I'm waging a war with Light for killing L, but I just had to write something for those two. Yeah, I know. I'm a hopeless fan girl. This is just a light writing to pass time, thus, the brevity of it explained. Oh, and I don't own Death Note.

Reviews, if you may.
