AN: I'm really sorry about the long wait. I'm a lazy college student who gets writers block and doesn't do anything about it. Anyways, here is the LONG awaited chapter.
Chapter 6
(Peyton POV)
We're driving to Naley's house and things are still a little awkward. Not because of the shower incident but because Brooke is in Jake's clothes. I'm not mad or upset, it's just a little weird to see and it's making me a little uncomfortable. I'll always care about Jake but for some strange reason, all of my romantic feelings for him have all of a suddenly disappeared. I was drawing because I'm confused and I don't know what I'm feeling.
I must have been zoning out the whole ride because Brooke is just staring at me, patiently waiting for me to get my thoughts together. I'm so glad that she understands me so well, anyone else would have pushed me to tell them what was going on.
"Hi." I say, giving her a soft smile.
She smiles at me and places a comforting hand on mine. "Hi back."
I entwine our fingers and we hold hands the rest of the way to Naley's. When we pull into the drive, I realize that everyone else is already here. I'm kind of glad that we have to pretend to be dating. Being in constant physical contact with Brooke is going to make me feel a lot better. She's my B. Davis…my safe place…my home.
"Are you ready, P. Sawyer?" She asks, giving me a Brooke Davis smirk.
"Absolutely. Let's sell it, B. Davis." I squeeze her hand reassuringly and give her a wink.
It's no surprise that right after I ring the doorbell, Jamie is there opening the door throwing himself in my arms.
"Hey buddy. Jamie, this is my boyfriend, Cohen. He's Aunt Brooke's cousin." Jamie looks at Brooke for a minute before getting a goofy grin on his face.
"Hi. I'm James Lucas Scott and if you're Aunt Brooke's family, then you're my family." He then threw his arms around Brooke. I'm a little surprised, I mean Jamie has always been friendly but this is a little much, even for him.
Brooke looks just as surprised. "Nice to meet you, Superstar."
Jamie's eyes lit up at the nickname and I can tell that he just made a friend for life. "After we eat, you have to meet Chester. He's my pet rabbit and you'll love him. Then maybe later we can go shoot hoops."
Brooke just laughs, "Okay buddy, whatever you want."
"Yes! Hurry, come inside and see everyone." He runs off, not even waiting to see if we are following him.
We walk into the living room and the whole gang is here. Nathan and Haley are sitting on the couch and Lucas is standing by the fireplace. The Fab Five are all here, except it's Cohen instead of Brooke.
(Brooke POV)
I'm really glad that Peyton and I could get through the awkwardness. It's unreal, how just being around her and holding her hand can keep all of my nerves under control. I really don't know what I would do without her. She's my P. Sawyer…my ultimate comfort zone…my everything.
Jamie was too cute! I almost cried a little when he told me that I was his family and embraced me with such acceptance. He truly is one amazing little boy.
When we got in the living room, I tightened my grip on her hand a little bit. I'm really worried about how this dinner is going to go. More importantly, how mean Lucas is going to be. At least Peyton is here with me, I feel a little better already.
"Peyton. Cohen. It's great to see you guys. Cohen, this is my husband, Nathan. Nathan, this is Cohen, Peyton's boyfriend." Leave it to Tutor Mom to jump on introductions.
Nathan beams at me and sticks his hand out. "Wow, you look a lot like Brooke. It's great to finally meet you. I'm so happy for you and Peyton. Take care of our girl."
I grab his hand, "Thanks. Don't worry, she's in good hands."
Lucas walks over to me and sticks out his hand, "Cohen."
I firmly shake back, "Lucas."
We keep a silent staring contest before someone clears their throat. "Alright everybody, let's eat."
We've been eating in silence and it's a little awkward. I bet it wouldn't be if Lucas wasn't here. I really don't know what I saw in him for so many years. Being a guy gives me a whole new perspective. I definitely need to leave him when I get back to normal, if I get back to normal. I know that decision seems rash, considering how long I've spent taking his crap but I guess I was always too smittened or blinded to get in touch with my real feelings. Being around Peyton, and away from him has really opened my eyes. I don't need him to make me happy. All I need is my friends and my favorite person in the whole world, Peyton. Maybe I'll get changed back now, because I realize that I need to dump Luke. If this doesn't work, then I have no idea what I'm supposed to do.
(1 Hour Later)
Everyone is finally done eating. It's about damn time, that was pure torture. We all stand up and go into the living room. Nathan and Haley sit on the couch and Lucas goes back to brooding in his corner. I pull Peyton to the only available seat, the arm chair. I sit down and she quickly sits on my lap. I smile up at her and wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her against my shoulder and resting my head on her shoulder.
"Aww, you guys are too cute!" Haley clings to Nathan when she says this. Nathan just chuckles and pulls her closer. Lucas rolls his eyes and grunts. What more could we expect from him?
We all awkwardly chat for awhile until I see Peyton give me a look, silently asking me if we can leave. I give her a small side smile and squeeze my arms that are around her.
"Well guys, I think we're going to take off. Thank you for supper and it was great to meet you, Nathan."
Nathan stands up and shakes my hand, "You too, man. I'll see you around."
Haley comes and gives Peyton a long hug. Then she takes me by surprise and pulls me into a warm hug. I return it because Haley hugs are the best, next to Peyton hugs of course.
I give Lucas a small wave before taking Peyton's hand and leading her outside.
"Thank you for saving me. That was a little too awkward for my tastes." I just smile at her and nod. I'm not in much of a talking mood. I really just want to head back to Peyton's and curl up in bed, snuggling with my best friend. Is that weird? Oh well, our friendship has always been different from everyone else's, we're special.
"I know this might sound strange, but I can't wait to get back and snuggle with you." She looks down like she's not sure if she said the right thing or not.
I squeeze her hand, "I couldn't agree more."
AN: There it is! I'll try to have the next chapter up a lot faster than that. Thanks guys! Reviews are Better Than Chocolate. (movie title pun intended lol).