
Running. That was all Allen could do. That was all he could think of to do, other than to kill them all. He hated how they all acted so perfectly fine, yet on the inside they were screaming in pure pain and agony. He hated how they all obeyed their leader, even though he was telling them to do such terrible things. He hated how they treated others. He didn't even care about himself – they had actually managed to get him to think that he, being the wonderful little boy that he was, actually deserved this treatment – but, he wanted to save the others. There were so many other people at that place, and they were getting treated almost as badly as he. Except for him; for him it was worse. It was worse, you see, because he was born different. They didn't like varieties. They liked everything, and everyone, to be the same, more or less. No matter what their past and how they ended up there, they were expected to act as if they loved it, and that nothing was ever wrong. Of course, there were a few breakouts of tears, and the pity of the other captives would follow, only to have the ones that took them in sit and laugh. They would enjoy causing the victims pain, though it was a disgusting sport.

Wait, first, let me explain something. Let me tell you just who these criminals were. They were the Noah. Something was very twisted inside of them, and it caused them to come out mental. They were the ones doing this. So much injustice, and no one ever knew. It was not possible for anyone to know; no one had ever managed to escape, as along with the Noah, there were the Akuma. If someone got past the Akuma alive, there was almost no chance of getting past the Akuma; they'd be too tired from the first fight. They would be too damaged already; a fruit that had been repetitively thrown at the floor. The Akuma were the underlings of the Noah, but they were the ones that actually did all the horrible things. They were the ones that would torture anyone they thought fit, mainly whoever it was easy to get, meaning orphans, runaways, anyone they could get their hands on, really. They once used to be normal, but whenever someone tainted them even a little, their insanity slowly went up, until eventually it was spilling over the edge and they were unstoppable. They had rankings, too. According to how many people they had driven to joining them, whether it be by experimenting, torture, rape, whatever they could manage. They were trying to create what they believed to be the perfect race.

The Earl. He was the boss of all the Noah, and also the Akuma. He could create, and destroy, most anything at his very whim. Not that he did; he found that was far too boring. Instead, he chose to send orders to people to experiment on the ones they "took in" - as they called it – and he would sit there and watch, the whole time having a sinister smile on his face. Though he would never do any of the stuff himself, because that would mean dirtying himself, which would not do. Now, the Earl loved the Noah – the Akuma too, though not as much – in fact , they were like his children. He loved spending time with them, and helping them with any problems they would have along the way. While, yes, he loved them, he still believed they had flaws, and that they did need help sometimes. That sometimes, they could change for the better. Sometimes they needed just a little push to get the happiness they deserved, and he was one of the best people to do it. However, there was one person that he couldn't figure out. He couldn't figure out which way to push this "child" of his, for said child was in love. He was just a bit too far from the line – this line being the one that separates the Noah and the humans – and he was not on the Noah's side. But, though he was in love with one of the worst people possible for his position, the Earl loved him still. He thought up a way to help his precious child soon enough. A human form.

Last, but most certainly not least, there was Tyki Mikk. Tyki was the Earl's favourite, and he was proud of that. But he was not happy there. Though he was the Noah of pleasure, he found no pleasure in being with his family since he had met Allen. And if you think about it, it wasn't really fair to him. He couldn't help that he fell in love, correct? So, the Earl gave him a human form, and he was off. But before we go into that, let me first tell you a story. Now, this story will be very... violent, to say the least. Not for the weak at heart, I'd say.

Authors Notes: This is the Un-beta'd version, because my beta reader has been busy today, but I promised Dan, which is who this story is for, that I would post this tonight. So, here it is... or something. The Beta'd version will be up soon/eventually. I might post the first chapter tonight, if I have enough time. I've actually done work this weekend! How amazing, right?

Missus Ann signing off, yo.