A/N: Another one of those House and Cuddy have a kid, WTF?- Stories.

Disclaimer: Wish I owned, but I don't. Lemme go cry into my pillow.

Ben strutted into the hospital clad in pair of his oldest jeans that hung loosely from his waist, a WSP t-shirt and his shuffled converse sneakers were his confirmation that he was truly talking. A young nurse's eyes followed him to the elevator and his ego-dometer surged. Ah, to be young and seventeen. He hit the up button with his index finger and waited. Before stepping on the elevator, he winked at the nurse and watched her blush before the doors closed.

The glass in the hospital made him smile, and he gravitated towards the diagnostic department.

House sat at his desk tossing his red and gray ball up into the air several times, absently thinking about his latest case. He had unsurprisingly already figured it out, but the symptoms were driving the ducklings crazy and that meant keeping the patient was worth while. His happy feelings began to falter as he watched a young boy walk towards his door.

"The flowers, the limo driver. Really dad, it was just too much. Embarrassing, really." Ben said sarcastically.

"Your mother told me that you would be arriving on the eleventh, clearly today is the eighth. That means you're early." House said, watching his son closely. He had changed a little in the year that they had been apart. Certainly more sure of himself, but then again, this was the age that House, himself had started to grow into his own attitude.

"Bravo, dad." Ben said again. He ran a hand through his mid-length brown hair. "So what do I do, while I'm here?" He asked.

House hadn't really been looking forward to the teenager's visit. It was different when Ben was a boy, a trip to the zoo here, piano lessons there, he was far more easy to entertain when he was a kid. His last visit he had stayed in his respectable room on the phone with his girlfriend the entire time, House had given him the 'talk' and then he left.

"Are you still dating Stephanie, or whatever her name is?" House asked.

"Her name is Sarah, and no." Ben said. "Are you still courting, oh what is her name, your boss...you know Cuddy?" He asked, remembering all the juicy gossip Wilson had told him on his last visit. He smiled, looking at his father's face was priceless.

"You've been talking to Wilson." House said.

"Uh-huh. Kim says you've known her since like before I was born." Ben said.

"Kim?" House questioned.

"Well, I've decided that she's not my mother, considering all the genetic hoops she can't jump through." Ben said.

"Shit." House thought, somewhere deep inside of him there was a red light blinking in panic. "Why do you say that?" House asked.

"I'm not an idiot, there's no proof of her being around until I was around seven months old. And there was something in her diary about...ah...how to I phrase this? About her not being my biological mother." Ben said. What he didn't mention was the fact that he had been feeling a disconnection with the woman since he was about six years old, and his "siblings" didn't look a thing like him. Granted, they did have a different father, but that didn't explain where he had gotten his curly, dark-brown locks. '

"You read that, huh?" House asked.

"Yeah." Ben said.

"Does she know that you know?" House asked.

"Sure does. Nearly dropped the newest baby when I confronted her about it." Ben said.

"So you think that Cuddy is your mother?" House asked, with a hint of amusement added.

Ben knew the way his father operated, he was trying to make him unsure of himself.

"Yup." Ben said confidently.

"Then by all means, walk down to her office and tell her that you are her son." House said, standing up.

House was bluffing, and Ben knew it. "I will." He said, marching out of his father's office. Lisa Cuddy had to be his mom, it fit perfectly. The disdain in his 'mother's' voice when he had asked her about Cuddy. He had researched her and saw a picture of her at a medical conference, and he felt it. The hair was about the only thing that he had apparently inherited from her but that was enough for him. Enough to find his answer. He was already outside of her office by the time his thought process had come to a lapse.

"Can I help you?" She asked, as he walked into her office.

"Yes! Actually you can. Did you give birth to a baby boy on October 14, 1992?" Ben asked, her eyes focusing on her every movement intently.

"I..I didn't know the baby's sex but yes." Cuddy said, staring at the boy.

"I mean I could've been a girl, I wouldn't put it past my dad to give me a sex change." Ben said. "Well, congratulations." He said, leaving her office.

Ben started to walk to his father's office but decided that he deserved a cigarette. So there he sat, taking a drag from his Lucky on the grounds of his mother and father's place of work. Ben smiled, it was resolute. He finally was genetically found.

Meanwhile, Cuddy was on the prowl for House. What did her son, wow that was a weird feeling...her son, mean by he wouldn't put it past his father to give him a sex change? That had House's name written all over it. Not to mention House was actually the boy's father and for all she knew, he could have easily of dropped the same bomb on House as he did Cuddy. If that was the case, then Cuddy had some explaining to do.

"Cuddles." House greeted as she walked in.

"House, do you have a son?" Cuddy asked hesitantly, deciding that this was the best way to go about it.

"That depends, do you?" He asked in that tone that made Cuddy think that he did in fact know everything. Well at least much more than she did.

She was going to kill him.

TBC? Review please?