Here I stand alone with this weight upon my heart,

And it will not go away.

Rose stood in silence, her blonde hair blowing across her face, as she watched the TARDIS fade away. She knew that this was her decision. If she'd asked if she could stay, he would have let her. She knew the Doctor wouldn't have said no- he was so lonely. He always had been.

In my head I keep on looking back, right back to the start,

Wondering what it was that made you change.

When she thought back to the man living in his horrific nightmares that had taken her on so many adventures, she could feel the tears threaten to take her over. But at the same time she knew it wasn't just her who had changed. She'd made him changed. She'd help ease away some of the hurt that dominated him. Rose had helped the Doctor to believe that there was chance for him to be happy again.

Well I've tried but I had to draw the line,

And still this question keeps on spinning in my mind...

What if I had never let you go?

Rose dragged her hand across her face, not caring that she was smudging her mascara. The TARDIS had long gone, and was probably in some far distant place and time by now. She couldn't help but imagine she was there now, learning this new man, this new Doctor, wondering if he really was hers. Seeing if she could find the man she knew in him.

Would you be the man I used to know?

If I stayed, if you tried, if we could only turn back time,

But I guess, we'll never know.

Rose had never wished more fervently that time would change back. That everything she'd said and done after her Doctor had vanished to be replaced by this man. But what was the face? He was still the same man.

Many roads to take, some to joy, some to heart-ache

Anyone can lose their way

Rose turned slowly from the spot where she'd last seen the TARDIS, she felt her eyes pass over the places where she'd used to enjoy visiting with Mickey. Places which had formed the person she was before she met the Doctor before he saved her.

And if I said that we could turn it back,

Right back to the start,

Would you take the chance and make the change?

She closed her eyes as she felt the wind wash over her. The rustle of the leaves on the tree would always remind her of the way the air moved around the TARDIS.

Do you think how it could've been sometimes?


She turned abruptly, not recognising the voice, but recognising the tone.

She felt her mouth smile slightly as her eyes alighted on the lithe, scruffy haired man who'd left her mere minutes earlier.

"I know you think I'm someone totally different, but I'm still him...still me. Basically, Rose, I'm still the Doctor. I just have a different face..." he paused, looking slightly bemused, "very cheap plastic surgery if you think about it...but that's not the point."

He stepped out of the TARDIS, and walked towards her, extending his hand.

Do you pray that I'd never left your side?

"Come with me, Rose," he asked quietly.

Rose hesitated, looking at his hand.

"If you don't want to, it's fine. I mean I want you to come, but only if you want would be nice to have someone along who already knew the rules, but I can travel on my own if you want..."

Rose smiled as the Doctor continued to burble. She took a step forward and pressed a finger to his lips.

"If you'll be quiet for a minute, I'll give you an answer", Rose smiled as the Doctor's eyes softened.

In that moment, when he smiled gently at her, she saw her Doctor. And it was in that moment that she truly realised he was her Doctor, and he always would be her Doctor.

She slid her hand into his.
