This'll be my first Gone story that is not a Oneshot. In fact, I plan on making it very long. It contains some torture scenes and lots of horror, so it's definitely T rated. This is the pilot chapter, so it'll be a little longer than subsequent chapters. Without further ado . . . Chapter One
"Where's Diana?" Caine snarled. "Where is she?"
His hands, clenched into fists on the kitchen table, trembled.
Sam paused, fork midway to his mouth. He dropped it, looked at Caine, sighed. "How would I know?"
Caine growled under his breath and, suddenly, the table crashed against the far wall. Food, dishes, and silverware splattered. Three sets of shocked eyes stared at Caine; Sam, Astrid, and Mary. The only one who didn't look was Little Pete, who was currently engaged in his game boy.
"Where is she?" Caine snarled again.
Sam was on his feet in a second, face-to-face with Caine, "Hold on. The rules were no violence, or you're out." He referred to the "Terms of Acceptance," Which Astrid had written up. In no certain terms, she had stated that Caine must be a model citizen to be allowed to remain in Perdido Beach.
"Where's Diana?" Caine seemed to completely ignore Sam's words.
If it came to a fight, then Astrid, Mary and Little Pete (although the little Pete part was iffy) would be in danger. Sam gritted his teeth.
"Where is she?" Caine repeated. He slumped to the floor.
Sam realize that Caine wasn't exactly a threat in this state, and squatted down next to him. "She's missing?" He asked in a softer town.
Caine nodded in defeat. "She hasn't been home since yesterday morning. I didn't worry last night because she likes to stay out late, but I searched through the whole town today and I still couldn't find her . . . " His face twisted in rage. "I'm going to find her." He jolted to his feet.
"Hang on, Caine, we'll find her. I'll ask Brianna to search the town." Even know Brianna probably wasn't feeling too sympathetic for Diana, if she was given enough Albertos, she would probably comply.
"I'm going to find her," Caine repeated, and stalked out of the house.
Diana woke slowly, to a horrible headache and absolutely no idea where she was. Air chilled her arms and legs, and an involuntary shiver ran through her.
"You're finally awake."
She recognized the voice. She'd know it anywhere. It was a voice that had plagued her nightmares since the night since the day he'd been left to the Darkness.
She jolted up. Her eyes flew open. She tried to stand, but he grabbed her around the neck and slammed her back down to the ground.
"I was certain you'd blink out, Diana," Drake said, his tone deceiving friendly. "But I guess you're still here. Had a change of heart?"
You could say that, if realizing you were madly in love with a person was a "Change of heart." But showing Drake any emotion except relentless disinterest would get her killed.
"I can't believe you were all alone," Drake laughed, almost hysterically. "Walking down a street, all alone! The FAYZ isn't safe for a girl like you. Too bad you didn't know that."
She wanted to reply with something sarcastic, but his hand around her throat made it difficult to even breath.
"And now I've got you. The only thing that would make this better would be if Caine was here," Drake gave another laugh. "But you'll do."
He seemed to realize that she was suffocating, and let her go. She slumped, gasping in huge breaths. While she pretending to be regaining her breath, she surveyed her surroundings. She recognized it. It had been the sixth grade math class, before the FAYZ. Now most of the desks had been dragged away, leaving Diana with no way to make a weapon.
She was back at Coates. Where Drake ruled supreme. Screaming would be useless. He terrified the former students. Which meant she was on her own.
Diana's fingers curled into claws.
"If you knew all the awful things I've got planned for you, you be quaking fear. If you knew how much it'll hurt, you'd probably already be dead. Can you wait? I bet you can't."
She lunged to her, her world narrowing down to tunnel vision. Door. Door. DOOR! Her hands had just closed around the handle when the whip curled around her stomach. Knocked the breath out her. Squeezed her tightly. Then slammed her against the far wall.
She must've blacked out for a second. Because when her eyelids cracked open, Drake was standing over her, grinning hugely.
"Wow, Diana, I think I like you better unconscious."
Blood dripped down her face. She felt it roll down her neck, pool at the base of her throat. She spat out a broken tooth, and struggled into a sitting position. Brick dust and chunks of brick spilled around her. Thank god she'd hit the wall with her left side, not her head, or she'd be dead.
A numbing, searing pain made its way up her left arm. She looked down at her wrist, and saw the white thing sticking through her skin. Bone.
She screamed. Screamed and screamed and screamed. Her pride didn't matter; the fact that it was futile didn't matter. The only thing she could comprehend was the pain.
Through the sound of her hoarse cries, she could hear Drake laughing. She gritted her teeth and forced away the pain, sat up. Bent over, held it in. But she couldn't keep it in for long.
Drake crouched down next to her, his face next to hers. He started to speak, but she bit down the pain again, and spoke through halting, strained breaths.
"God, you're such a loser, Drake. Can't even do anything except what the Darkness gave you. You're weak on your own. If it weren't for the whip-"
He punched her in the jaw. The force of the blow sent her head smacking against the wall. She saw stars.
"I don't need the whip, you pathetic bitch." He snarled. "I can kill you all on my own." He punched her again, with even more force. Her mouth tasted of blood.
Her plan was to make him try to use a gun on her. Then – maybe- she could snatch it out of his hands. If she was really, really lucky.
He lifted her up by the collar. "I can hurt you so easily. You're the weak one here," He slammed her left side into the wall, her broken bone splintering – out side of her body.
"Yeah, that's the sort of scream I want to hear. Do it again, just for me."
If she'd had any more strength in her, she would've bit her tongue so she couldn't scream. But she couldn't. Couldn't do anything but shriek until her throat grew hoarse.
"Anything else you wanna say?" Drake dropped her to the ground. She slid to the floor. "Where are all your smart remarks, Diana? You gonna be silent for once?"
She muttered something. He knelt down next to her, "Huh? What's that?"
She spat in his face. "Screw. You."
He wiped the bloody spit from his eye, quite calmly. The calmness twisted into rage when he grabbed her by the throat again, shoved her against the wall. Her vision already danced, but lack of air blurred everything.
"Bitch! I'll make you pay." He breathed. He was panting. His gaze trailed down her broken, bruised, bleeding body. Part of her collared shirt had been ripped, revealing the black lace of her bra. "And I know exactly how."
He ripped the rest of the shirt away from her body. His rough hands were all over her, everywhere. Diana managed to scream again, then spit out, her words slurred.
"I'm half-dead, you moron! Only a psychopath would get-" She got no further before he punched her again.
"Don't call me that! I'm not a-"
Maybe she was the crazy one, because she started to chant, "Psychopath, psychopath, psychopath, psychopath, " Over and over again. She knew she was gonna die. She just wanted to piss him off one more time before she went.
He rammed his fist into her gut, which quickly stopped her hopeless rambling, "You. Shut. Up." He snarled.
Lana ran. Ran so fast that her legs went numb. But they were still behind her. Still following her.
She would not be the coyotes' prey again.
She pushed herself faster, into a dead sprint. But they only increased their speed, letting out barks through their pants. There was no way she could outrun the coyotes.
I just have to make it into town, Lana told herself. Then Sam will fry them.
It had been stupid to go this far out of town, but she'd wanted to go swimming, and the stretch of ocean closest to Perdido Beach had been far too inhabited. Kids ran up to her every minute, demanding that she help them with scratched knees or sore teeth.
This is what I get for being such a loner. Lana thought bitterly.
She saw the first building of the town, and let out a yell of hope. The sand was loose, hard to run in. The coyotes were built for running in these types of conditions.
She saw the first kids on the beach, and started screaming. Go get Sam. PLEASE! She somehow managed to articulate. The kids saw the coyotes and Lana. Most of them turned and ran, and a couple stayed, hesitant. This was their healer. But the coyotes were freakin' huge.
"Lana!" She heard Quinn yell. He was twenty feet out to see, coming back in with the days' haul.
"Quinn!" She screamed. Hope added wings to her feet; she made a start for the water. Can coyotes swim?
She never got the chance to find out, because before she reached the water's edge, the coyotes jumped her. Tackled her. Bit her around the ankles and wrists and started to drag her away. She screamed and tried to struggle, but they only increased their grip.
"LANA!" Quinn jumped off his boat and swam the last few feet. The other kids, seeing that a big-ole-fifteen-year-old had decided to fight, joined him. Lana shrieked as coyotes attacked them, biting and snarling and ripping to kill. She fought like a wildcat, but they dragged her back down the beach long before Sam could arrive.
She didn't know how long she lay there in the darkness, alone except for the slug. It could've been hours or weeks or years, for all she knew.
Eventually, Brittney began to realize that she was not completely alone. That it was not completely silent. A sort of strange humming echoed through her tomb. After a long, long time, she began to see a greenish, glowing light.
And then she knew what she had to do.
She had to get out of here. Escape. And then she had to kill the twin brothers, Caine and Sam Temple.
The Darkness said so.
I should update it next week, although it might be longer if I decide to write another one shot. Don't forget to review! This is kind of a gruesome story, but I couldn't resist.