Me: I do own Ben 10.
Voice inside my head: No you don't!
Me: Yes I do!
Voice inside my head: No you don't. Now say that you don't own Ben 10, or the radio will go off Itunes!
Me: Nooooo! I do not own Ben 10. never have, never will!
Voice inside my head: Good girl.
Me: Angelia. When I die, I want to get reincarnated as a Chameleon. The Gallagher Academy. Twilight Saga.
Ben: one wicked superhero
Gwen: Red Heated Potato Head
Kevin: Car freakazoid
Mike Morningstar/Darkstar: The evil villain that everybody hates.
The evil villain that everybody hates. has signed on.
The evil villain that everybody hates says: Muahhahahahahahahahahahhahaha! I am Mike Morningstar! Aka Darkstar! Everybody must follow under my command!
Speak to me!
Angelia. When I die, I reincarnated as a Chameleon. The Gallagher Academy. Twilight Saga. has signed on.
Angelia. When I die, I reincarnated as a Chameleon. The Gallagher Academy. Twilight Saga. says: OMG! Hi Mike! How are you? OMG You have the most gayest villian name I have ever seen!! Unlike mine, which is full of awesomeness randomeness stuff.
OMFG!!!! My door knob fell from my door now there is no way of escaping!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! SAVE ME TAYLOR SWIFT!!!!!!!!
Ooh. Yay daddy fixed it up now! YAYS!!
The evil villian that everybody hates says: YOU LIKE TAYLOR SWIFT!? I LOVE TAYLOR SWIFT!!! WE SHOULD BE LIKE BEST FRIENDS!
Angelia. When I die, I reincarnated as a Chameleon. The Gallagher Academy. Twilight Saga. says: OMG! We totally should! But only if I get to LOVE Taylor Swift more than you. Like 1,097,868,765,789,434,733,484,856,829,345,295,348,295,323,534,535,353,234,358,496,723,287,954,378% more than you, if it's possible which it is, cos' I said it is.
The evil villian that everybody hates says: I'm not going to be your best friend anymore. :(
Angelia. When I die, I reincarnated as a Chameleon. The Gallagher Academy. Twilight Saga. says: YAYs! exactly my plan!
one wicked superhero has signed in.
one wicked superhero says: hi angie why the heck is morningstar in this convo
Angelia. When I die, I reincarnated as a Chameleon. The Gallagher Academy. Twilight Saga. says: I dunno. Did I tell you my brain ran away?
one wicked superhero says: no you didnt actually when kevin comes on do you want to annoy the shit out of him it would be funny as
Angelia. When I die, I reincarnated as a Chameleon. The Gallagher Academy. Twilight Saga. says: Omg yes, Haha
The evil villain that everybody hates says: May I help?
one wicked super hero says: nah youre too gay
The evil villain that everybody hates has signed out.
Angelia. When I die, I reincarnated as a Chameleon. The Gallagher Academy. Twilight Saga. says: Did you know I bumped my head at school yesterday.
one wickes superhero says: no how
Angelia. When I die, I reincarnated as a Chameleon. The Gallagher Academy. Twilight Saga. says: Well, it was lunchtime and I was hiding glitter from a teacher, I hid them under some stairs then I banged my head on the wood bit, then I got a lump. IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOO AWESOME BECAUSE IT DIDN'T HURT BECAUSE I LOST MY BRAIN!!!!! *SNORT*
Red Heated Potato Head has signed in.
Angelia. When I die, I reincarnated as a Chameleon. The Gallagher Academy. Twilight Saga. says: Hi Gwendolyn.
Red Heated Potato Head says: Hello Evangelia. I think it is very strange that you know my full name.
Angelia. When I die, I reincarnated as a Chameleon. The Gallagher Academy. Twilight Saga. says: I think it is the power of my stupidness.
Red Heated Potato Head says: You're not stupid.
one wicked superhero says: yes she is she lost her brain
Angelia. When I die, I reincarnated as a Chameleon. The Gallagher Academy. Twilight Saga. says: I can speak for myself you know, even if I have lost my brain & bumped my head by banging it on wood.
one wicked superhero says: whatever
Red Heated Potato Head: How did you lose your brain?
Angelia. When I die, I reincarnated as a Chameleon. The Gallagher Academy. Twilight Saga. says: Funny story that is. Well, once upon a time It was just a normal day, then my brain came out magically into the sky, then into the toilet. Ironic isn't it.
Red Heated Potato Head:(to Ben) She really has lost her brain hasn't she.
one wicked superhero: (to gwen) yup
Angelia. When I die, I reincarnated as a Chameleon. The Gallagher Academy. Twilight Saga. says: But the voices in my head hasn't...
Car freakazoid has signed in.
Car freakazoid says: Hi guys why is Angelia on I thought I told you all to delete her!!
Red Heated Potato Head says: I am not going to delete Angie just cos' you told us to. She is a very nice girl even if she is annoying.
one wicked superhero says: she lost her brain aswell
Car freakazoid says: Great :) Now she can't type :D
Angelia. When I die, I reincarnated as a Chameleon. The Gallagher Academy. Twilight Saga. says: Actually I can type. The shell of my brain is still there though. I guess that's where the voices home is. Ooh I think the voices have brain to tell what they say and they use their brains to connect my brains to make me smart. OMG I AM SO SMART EVEN WITHOUT A BRAIN!!! I LOVE WRITING IN CAPS LOCK!! YAY FOR CAPS LOCK...
Car freakazoid, Red Heated Potato Head and one wicked superhero at the same time says: Riiiiight.
Angelia. When I die, I reincarnated as a Chameleon. The Gallagher Academy. Twilight Saga. says: Hey look, theres people in suits surrounding my house. I'm gonna go say hi. Byebye Peoples.
Angelia. When I die, I reincarnated as a Chameleon. The Gallagher Academy. Twilight Saga. has logged out.
Red Heated Potato Head says: Those people in suits sound suspicious. I should go and see if Ange has gotten into any trouble. Byes
Red Heated Potato Head has logged off.
Car freakazoid says: I should go with Gwen (3)
Car Freakazoid has logged off
one wicked superhero says: oh great im alone again
one wicked superhero has signed out
I actually did lose my brain.