Disclaimer: I own nothing to do with the characters, shows, blah, blah, blah…

AN: I love you all!! The response that I have received from this is way more than I ever imagined. Now, please don't kill me for 2 reasons…1) This is the last chapter for this story (it was a surprise to me too) and 2) the way it ends...this ending grabbed me and wouldn't let go.. It had to be done.

For anyone who is reading my other story At Least She's Jewish, I have decided to make it a chapter story due to the incredible response I received. However, it might take me a day or two to get it going as I really hadn't put much thought into it past a one shot.

Sorry this author's note is so long. Please, Please, Read and Review. I am extremely interested in hearing your thoughts on this chapter. The good the bad and the ugly!

Chapter 6

Rachel heard the distinct sounds of Defying Gravity with the god awful vibration of her cell phone against her nightstand drift through the fog of sleep. Barely cracking her lids she saw the time on her alarm, 2:30am. Rolling over to the edge of her bed she wondered who could possibly be awake at this hour and disturbing what they knew to be her beauty sleep. Every star had to have adequate rest and an undisturbed REM cycle. Groaning she reached for the phone and saw that she had one new text.

Noah: fyi im not going to skool. Can u get a ride?

Rachel rereading the text sat up concerned that something could be wrong. Rachel sent off a reply: Yes. No problem, but is everything ok? Are you all right? Your mom? Sister?

Noah sighed as he received her response. He had almost been hoping that she wouldn't get it until morning, but he knew that had she not sent a response saying that she could get another ride that he would have shown up at her door anyway.

Noah: Everyone is fine. Don't feel to hot. Don't want to get you sick.

Rachel smiled at his concern for her well being and sent another text saying that she understood and hoped he felt better. Snuggling into her pillows, fluffy comforter wrapped around her she drifted back off to sleep.

Noah just sighed and closed his phone. He laid length wise across his bed. One arm across his forehead and his phone clenched in the hand of the arm splayed out beside him. He hated lying to her, but she would forgive this one indiscretion. He wasn't sick, he just needed a break. The self-proclaimed bad ass was at a breaking point and needed a day away.



Rachel got up extra early that morning to catch her Dad before he left for work. After explaining the situation he agreed to drop her off at school and she told him that she would text him if she couldn't get a ride home with Kurt.

In the car, Rachel hummed along to the radio and her Dad asked if she had given any thought to what kind of car she wanted. She just rolled her eyes at him and he said, "You aren't moving off this hybrid thing are you?"

"You know me better than that." She smiled and kissed his cheek and climbed out of the car.

As she walked through the doors of the school, Rachel felt odd. It was strange not having Noah next to her half listening to her ramble about the next new show on Broadway.

Kurt met her at her locker, "So where is tall, dark, and muscular?"

"He's sick." Rachel responded.

"And why are you not over there making him homemade chicken soup like a good little girl?" he asked with a comically shocked look on his face.

Rachel just sighed and told him about the text messages and Kurt nodded in agreement. "Yes, I suppose it is best that you not be over there in the midst of the bacteria. It could wreak havoc on your vocal chords. One case of strep and you may never be the same." Both Kurt and Rachel physically shuddered at the thought.

As Rachel slammed her locker door she felt an icy cold blast of slush slide down her face.

Rachel jerked in her chair and looked around blinking several times trying to clear her vision. She was in the music room and she held the sheet music for Radiohead in her hand.

"Rachel. Puck. Can I talk to you for a moment?" Mr. Shue asked, but in a manner that really didn't leave room for disagreement.

Rachel stood clutching her books to her chest. She looked over to Puck and she could feel the beginnings of a blush crawl across her cheeks as she slowly realized that she had just been daydreaming about him.

"You guys," Mr. Shue started, "I know you two have some issues, but I think that if you try to put them aside for the sake of the assignment, that you could be great together." He said and smiled encouragingly.

"I'm sure you are right Mr. Shue." Rachel said, spun around and walked quickly towards the door still trying to recover from her sense of déjà vu.

Rachel missed Puck's reply as she raced for the exit, but she slowed as she heard the quick sound of his footsteps. As she pushed the door open Rachel caught a glimpse of Puck jogging towards her, but she continued on. Remembering at the last second that her Dad would be picking her up today she walked towards the bleachers to kill time.

Puck saw her opening the exit doors that lead to the parking lot. Damn, she's quick; he thought to himself and jogged a little faster to catch up to her. He wasn't going to run after her. Seriously, who would be caught dead running after that freak?

Moments later he saw Rachel sitting on the bleachers and he picked up his pace moving towards her. He slowed as he got closer and got the strangest feeling that he had done this once before…