HS: Yes it's been a while since I've uploaded anything on here, I feel so ashamed T_T and a crossover of all things _. Well yes, as you can see I've decided to try doing a couple of crossovers. A Vampire Knight and Inuyasha crossover...I think I've been reading too much manga...then again one can never have too much. Anyways I hope you'll all enjoy this crazy story and leave me a shiny little review so that I can work on it. Thank you ^_^ Oh yes and before I forget. Here's the usual I do not own Inuyasha or Vampire Knight. They belong to their wonderful creators. If I did own them they'd probably be very horrible, so we don't want that to happen.
Full Summary: After the final battle Kagome thought her life would go back to normal now that Naraku was gone and the jewel completed. Well as normal as things can be when you're stuck in Sengoku Jidai. However for Kagome things would never be normal. After she discovers that vampires do exist, thanks to an encounter with a large group of Level E vampires, she finds herself in an...agreement...with Juuri and Haruka Kuran. Now she's stuck as Kaname's slave, thanks to the blood bond forged between the two. As if that wasn't enough for her the jewel decides that it wants to run away. Now Kagome must recover the jewel, keep her identity a secret from the entire Night Class, protect Kaname and Yuki, and try not to fall in love with her new master. Yep life just doesn't get any better than this.
Pretty Little Chain of Sin:
From when did it start?
"Kaname, Yuuki, we have a surprise for you."
The two children of the Kuran family stopped their game at the sound of Haruka's voice. It was rare for their father to give them surprises; usually he left that to Juuri since she was so adept at showing her emotions.
Yuki, being the curious new child as she was bounded off the couch to tackle hug her father's leg. Peering up at him with her adorable brown eyes she asked, "what is it daddy?"
Bending down he scooped up his little angel, as he liked to call her, with a small chuckle. "Well since we're away so often we thought that you might like some company. So we've invited a friend for you Yuki-chan." So saying their father stepped to the side, out of the entrance to the room to reveal their mother, Juuri Kuran, with a young girl that looked to be around Kaname's age.
She was an odd contrast standing next to Juuri. The girl wore a black skirt and crimson blouse with long sleeves. Her raven hair spilled over her shoulder in a curtain of waves that stopped just above her collarbone. Her head was bowed, letting her bangs fall over to shadow her eyes, but when she felt Yuki and Kaname's curious stares on her she lifted her head showing an electrified pair of dark blue eyes.
This girl was definitely a surprise.
Yuki felt excitement and happiness bubble up inside of her at the sight of the girl. In her mind she was going over all the games she could play with her and what they could do when everyone was away.
Kaname on the other hand was fighting the urge to take the girl from his mother's side.
He couldn't understand his strong urge to show that he was the dominant male and she was to obey him. Clenching his hands, he shoved them into his pocket as he smiled at her sweetly, his eyes betraying nothing.
The girl only narrowed her eyes at the smile as she took a step closer to Juuri's side. In response the older woman laughed and pushed her gently towards Haruka and Yuki. "Oh don't worry Kagome-chan. You're safe here; now go greet Yuki since you'll be her new playmate."
Kagome gazed up curiously at Juri before slowly nodding her head. "Yes, Juuri-sama." Her voice was soft and light, but it had a rich quality to it, telling those in the room that she was older than they thought. Making her way over to Haruka she gazed up at Yuki, who was staring at her with a curious and excited look. Stopping in front of the man she held her arms up and without thinking the little girl jumped at the older one with a small squeal of happiness.
Catching the little girl Kagome felt a smile bloom on her face, as little hands wove into her hair. "Kagome nee-san, you smell pretty. Like the roses onii-chan brings for me sometimes."
"Thank you Yuki-chan. You smell sweet too, almost like vanilla…do you know what that is?" she asked, seeing the confused look on the little girl's face.
"No, what is that?"
Kaname, who had been watching, had taken a step as if to run forwards to catch his little sister but found his mother resting a restraining hand on his right shoulder. "Don't worry Kaname. Yuki is in safe hands as long as Kagome's around."
"Why do you trust the girl so much okaa-sama." He asked, as he watched the girl explain to his imouto what vanilla was.
"Come Kaname, it's time you learned of yet another secret of the Kuran clan."
As his mother took his hand, leading him out of the room, he couldn't help but glance one more time at this girl, this Kagome, as she talked to his precious imouto. And yet again he felt that craving to dominate surface when their eyes met.
Turning away he followed his mother as she tugged on his hand, towards the room next door. His father had joined them, and as the trio entered the room he shut the door.
Leaning against the frame of the door he watched as Juuri lead Kaname to the couch in the middle of the room and had him sit besides her. "Kaname, you're well aware of how Pureblooded vampires turned many humans at the start of this war right?" she asked, as she absently ruffled her son's hair.
Kaname nodded, as he gently moved his mother's hand away. As much as he loved her, sometimes her antics left him a bit frazzled. "As much as I'd like to say we weren't part of that process we were. However we chose carefully and in this process we found Kagome. Now don't ask anything yet Kaname."
He reluctantly closed his mouth at his mother's stern tone. It was rare for her to be like that so he resigned himself to wait to ask the "oh so obvious" question.
"You see Kaname, Kagome is what we have dubbed a 'pure vampire'. Not pure in the sense you're accustomed to, but pure, as in she can and never will be tainted. She is, or rather was, a priestess charged with the duty of protecting a powerful item, a jewel, called the Shikon no tama. It had the ability to give its owner almost invincible power, and the only ones who were able to keep it from becoming tainted were beings called priestess'."
He slowly nodded his head, trying to keep up with the new information. Even if he was bright, this was something that took a little time to absorb and completely understand.
"You see Kaname, the Shikon no tama, is a jewel made from the souls of demons and a pure hearted human priestess. If a person who held it had only evil in their hearts the jewel would become tainted, bringing misery to all. A priestess was able to neutralize the power and keep it pure so that the jewel wouldn't bring this curse out. Kagome was the last and only priestess with enough power to protect the jewel from falling into the wrong hands. However we didn't know any of this when we found her."
"So then why did she catch your interest?" he asked, not being able to hold in that one question.
Haruka chuckled and moved away from the door to sit on the arm rest of the couch. "Kaname; vampires are like demons in a sense. We're not all evil, but the power that makes us strong does have an essence similar to the power of demons. So Kagome, as a being who purifies demons, can do the same to us. Yes, she has the unique ability to turn Level E vampires back into humans by purifying their blood. And she can harm us in the same way that the hunter's weapons can kill us."
Kaname's eyes widened slightly at the information. "Holy magic. She has holy magic capable of curing and killing."
Juuri nodded, "that's right. This is what caught our attention: we saw her purifying Level E's. Kagome wanted answers and she attacked us thinking we were the cause of the recent attacks on her village. However all was explained to her and we came to an agreement of sorts."
His eyes narrowed slightly at the uneasy look that settled into his mother's eyes. "What sort of agreement?"
Juuri's silence was more than enough of an answer to his question. "So you bit her…but how can she be a vampire? She smells human, and wouldn't her holy magic purify her before she could transform?" he asked, one finger tapping his knee as he tried to sort out the conflicting pieces surrounding this story.
"We do not know," Haruka said, as he moved to stand behind Juuri, "the only thing we do know is that since she was bitten she has been a part of our family. Separate, but equal."
"And this, Kagome, does not tell us of how she is able to exist? Does she even have any holy magic left? And if so, why is it that she does not kill us, the clan who turned her?" Kaname asked his voice even, though the information was spinning in his head trying to find a place to settle down in.
"That is part of the agreement. Unlike those who were bitten and then abandoned to become Level E's she was given a taste of the Kuran blood. She is in essence a Level B vampire thanks to that, but the extent of her powers has not been shown to us yet. All we know is that as long as the Kuran clan exists so will she, as it's silent and unknown protector. However there is a catch Kaname."
Juuri reached over to grab her son's hand. "In order for Kagome to sustain her life and remain loyal she needs a taste of blood from the next generation of the clan." And so saying this she slid her nail along Kaname's wrist drawing a thin line of blood.
Haruka reached over collecting the blood in a small vial that he sealed once it was full. "Kaname as the one who will be recognized by the council you must protect Yuki, and Kagome. This is the one thing you must always remember to do."
Kaname nodded his head in understanding, but nothing seemed to make sense. Why did he have to protect this girl, who was essentially a slave to the Kuran name? Her past may be explained however vaguely, but who exactly was she? And why was she so important that his parents were showing slight signs of fear as they exited the room?
So many questions, and not enough answers. Releasing a small sigh he left the room, following his parents, and entering his imoutou's room. There upon the couch he saw his imouto sleeping in Kagome's lap. A content smile was on the girl's face as she gently stroked Yuki's hair.
He watched with narrowed eyes as his parents gave the girl the vial full of his blood. And as she drank it with little hesitation he had to wonder one last thing. Why did he feel so strongly for her?
"Kagome nee-chan, I can smell Kaname onii-sama, he's back!"
A light chuckle was heard from the doorway of the underground room as Kagome emerged from behind a changing screen with Yuki in her arms.
It had been about a year since she was introduced to Kaname and Yuki, and so far Kagome found that she adored the youngest child of Juuri and Haruka. However the elder of the two still put her on edge. His amber gaze would always pierce her making her feel like he already knew all that she tried to hide from him.
As Yuki ran out of her arms to Kaname she watched from the corner and let the two talk. It wouldn't be long now before he came.
Juuri and Haruka were besides her now, as they too watched their children laugh and talk about what Kaname had seen.
"Soon, it'll happen soon," was all that she could say when Juuri laid a hand upon her shoulder.
"Yes, and when that time comes we're counting on you Kagome. You'll be able to end things soon."
"But remember your promise."
"I have no intention of breaking my vows. Nor will I abandon your daughter. In that you have my word," she said turning to look Haruka in the eyes. After a long moment of silence he nodded.
"I trust you. After all you've kept your word since the time we met you."
Silence ran through the room causing Kagome to stare at the couch where Yuki and Kaname were. She could see that he was hugging her and she could hear the words he spoke. "I'll always be by your side."
And just like that as if they were the trigger words all hell broke loose.
Kaname was holding Yuki as the scent of blood permeated the air of the room. Kagome was holding a bow in hand as she kept an arrow aimed at the entrance. The time had finally come; the first stage that would lead to a twisted game with no victor.
She could hear the promises of the boy and couldn't help but smirk. Foolish, naïve Kaname. You know it will be long before you can see those sweet words through. After observing him she knew he would see them through, but it would be a long wait if what Juuri-sama had in mind went through that night.
And as if her thoughts summoned the woman herself Juuri stepped through the door, a smile on her face.
"Kaname, Yuki, Kagome."
"Okaa-sama! Where's father?" Yuki asked as she ran to her mother's side. Kagome lowered her bow and followed the siblings towards Jurri's side, but she kept her senses on high alert. No doubt someone would follow the woman and discover Yuki.
Juuri listened as Kaname said he killed Rido, and Kagome's eyes widened in shock. How could it be that this boy had enough power to kill Haruka's brother? The thought was pushed aside though when Juuri walked over to kiss Kaname and herself on the cheek.
"I'll leave Yuki in your care."
They both knew what was to happen then and as Yuki cried out for them both as Juuri led her to another room they both turned away.
"Kaname-sama," Kagome whispered, as she laid a hand on his shoulder. Kaname remained silent as he shrugged her hand off his shoulder. She knew he did not want her help, just as she knew he still saw her as a servant to their house.
"Watch over her Kagome." He said, as he left the room to deal with the remaining pests upstairs.
"…of course." And as she stood alone in that room, Kagome let a tear slide from her eyes. Juuri was gone now, Haruka as well. They had been good friends, and now she would have to fulfill the promise she had made to them.
Rest well you two. I'll watch over your children.
Kagome bowed her head in silent remorse as she broke her bow and dropped it on the ground. And as she too left, to gather Yuki from her mother's ashes she took one last glance at the mansion and then at the girl in her arms. "Goodbye, till we meet again."
Leaving Yuki in the snow she walked away knowing that Kaname would rescue her. She would need to find a way to integrate herself into Yuki's life once more. The chess pieces had been scattered, new ones taking the board.
Yes, the new game was about to start.
And when will it end?
HS: The longest prologue I've ever done _ it's probably very confusing to a lot of people but I'll try my best to explain it in the next chapter. Well hope you enjoyed this and see you all in the next chapter. XD
Viper: If anyone read this and understood it, it would be a miracle.
HS: shut up T_T get back in your corner -shoves imaginary character into mind-