Summary:Someone is leaving Abby little is determined to find out who.
Disclaimer: All Characters belong to .
Author's notes: This story has not been beta read so all mistakes are mine. Thanks to all those who reviewed my first story "A Homecoming"
Part 1 of ?
I arrived at the Navy Yard at 0600. Thankfully my hearse hadn't blown a tire on the way to work. All in all a great way to start my day. I rode the elevator up to the third floor, as I did every morning, to say good morning to the team. This morning, though, I carried a coffee carrier with four steaming cups of coffee,with me. My lunchbox clutched in my right hand. DING. I walked off the elevator and saw Ziva sitting at her desk, folders and papers piled up. Since having returned and beginning and a Probie, she seemed a bit more on edge. But then again Ziva always was. As I passed her desk, she looked up, a smile spread quickly on her face.
"Good Morning, Abby." Ziva said, pushing a few stray hairs back behind her right ear.
"Morning," I replied. Smiling at her. "Here you go," I placed a cup on her desk. She reached out, took the cup, brought it to her nose and inhaled deeply, "Mmmmmmm, Thank you, Abby. My favorite,cinnamon spice. Perfect." Next up Boss Man. Gibbs sat at his desk engrossed in paperwork. His silver-haired head bend over to see the words better. Placing a cup on the edge of his desk I said, " you know, Oh great supreme leader, if you would wear your glasses you wouldn't have a problem seeing the words." Gibbs raised his head and looked at me, now see that squinty look might intimidate all the others but not me. I smiled at him, he smiled back. A great big, can see all his teeth smile.
"Morning,Abs." Was all he said. He grabbed the coffee, took a long drink. I never could figure out how he could drink it super strong and black. Yuck. "Great coffee, thanks." I nodded at him and smiled. I walked around the corner of his desk and placed a kiss on his cheek. He chuckled slightly and went back to work. Out of the corner I saw him reach for his glasses and put them on. Next on my list... Tony. Wait where was tony? I looked around after not seeing him at his desk. Hmmm....strange I thought.
"Ziva, do you know where tony is?" She glanced up. "He was here a minute ago. Maybe the little special agents' room?" Gibbs chuckled, and she smiled at me. " I am sure he will be back." Just then I heard footsteps behind me, I knew it was tony. Just from the way he was walking. Not to mention the generous dose of sandalwood cologne he was wearing. He walked behind me to reach his desk and sat down with a plop. He looked up at me and smiled that Tony DiNozzo smile.
"Mornin' Abby. What can I do for my favorite Forensic Scientist this morning?" I placed the coffee in front of him and said," Just brought everyone some coffee. Hazelnut, two sugars. Just like you like it."
Tony pulled the lid off and inhaled deeply. He glanced at me over the lid of the cup, " Thanks. Just what I needed." I smiled at him as I turned. One left, I thought. Turning, I saw McGee already deep in thought, typing away on the computer. His fingers flying over the keyboard. I smiled. Sometimes I thought the only thing that worked faster than his fingers was his brain. He was leaning in slightly towards the screen. He was sporting his deep in thought look. His plump bottom lip sticking slightly out. His green eyes working to process the information on the screen. I just looked at him for a minute, he still looked just the same as the day I first met him six years ago. But I knew that he had matured, fast. Gibbs cleared his throat, I glanced over my shoulder at him, he smiled at me and went back to work.
" Here ya go, Timmy." I held the cup out toward him, while throwing away the carrier in the trash can that sat next to his desk. He glanced up at me, his green eyes confused until they landed on the cup in my outstretched hand.
"Thanks, Abs." he said as he took the cup from my hand. Our fingertips brushed, a zip of electricity shot straight through my arm. Weird, I thought, trying to get my suddenly rapid beating heart to calm. I hadn't had a reaction to him like that for awhile. I pushed that errand thought to the back of my mind. I smiled at him and he was grinning back.
"Morning, Timmy." I leaned in a little closer to him and whispered," it's hot chocolate, three marshmallows. Just the way you like it." I winked at him and stood back up. His smile grew wider, revealing his teeth. Making him look younger than he really was. I love it when he smiles, he always smiles and it lights up his entire face. The way he smiled always made you feel as if it was just for you.
"McGeek, you drink hot chocolate. Ha. I figured. Drinking coffee will put hair on your chest." Tony laughed. Ziva looked up and rolled her eyes. But a smile creased her face.
"Quite, Tony." I said. I knew I shouldn't have said anything within ear shot of tony. When it came to picking on McGee, he had excellent hearing. McGee rolled his eyes and glanced back at me. He nodded and went back to the screen. Sipping his hot chocolate. I reached out with my left hand and ruffled his hair. He raised his eyebrows, and smiled again. I chuckled. I headed towards the elevator,a huge smile on my face. A great start to the day,definitely.
As the doors opened, I walked out and headed towards my lab. As the door shooshed open, I flipped the bank of lights on. I walked around turning all my babies on. Major Mass Spec was last. Next I strolled over and booted my computer. Next my lunchbox went in the refrigerator. I typed in my code and the inner door shooshed open. I hung my black cloak up and grabbed my lab coat and put it on. That is when I noticed it. A small black box wrapped with a red ribbon. My birthday was in a week, maybe someone was early. I walked over to examine it. Hmmm, no card. I picked it up. Shook it. I figured it was safe so I began to open it. I removed the red ribbon and placed it on my desk. Next I lifted the lid. A small white card lay on top. I picked it up and opened it. I black script it read: Abby, a small gift for you. I saw this and thought of you. But it is not nearly as beautiful as you. It was signed guess who. Oh, I thought. A secret admirer. I liked it. Whoever it was definitely knew I liked a good mystery to solve. I put the card on the desk and picked the box up again. Moving aside the black tissue paper I revealed a large brooch. It was a red rose in full bloom, but resting atop one of the upper petals was a tiny black spider. The stem and leaves where black as well. At the center of the rose was a small diamond. I was shocked. It was absolutely beautiful. I removed it from the box and pinned it the lapel of my lab coat. I was going to wear it. I ran my fingertip over the petals and down the stem. Yes, I thought, I would find out who had given it to me.